Possessing Nothing

Chapter 323

Chapter 323: The Devil (5)


Kim Jonghyun descended from the sky with a cynical laugh.

With his black robes and eerie crimson eyes, even to the Holy Knights who had slain several undeads and encountered several demonic forces in their lifetimes, they felt that Kim Jonghyun truly was the Devil.

“Will the Holy Church also intervene?”’

The holy power that the Paladins, Priests and Holy Knights of the church used, was the antithesis to Demonic Energy. 

However, if the level of power between the two was too wide, it would be null.

Kim Jonghyun immediately took action. Even if the gap in power was in Kim Jonghyun’s favor, it was still annoying for him to deal with.

Kim Jonghyun’s hands moved quickly. The right hand moved to create a formation of the spell model while the left, used the power of Transcendence and coated his Kim Jonghyun’s body in spatial essence.


Black flames erupted around Kim Jonghyun. As the black flames continued to spurt from the magic circle, it started to take the form of a circle around Kim Jonghyun and then exploded, creating a storm of black fire.

A total of sixty from the Holy Knights couldn’t even scream as they were caught up in flames. Teresa visibly paled as her cheeks went pale white from the sudden attack.Kim Jonghyun, who smiled and shook his hands lightly amidst the fiery flames, was clearly a different kind of opponent from the different levels of undead the Holy Knights had faced up until that point.

For Teresa, seeing a person kill several human beings with a sinister smile and acting like nothing was wrong, was against any trace of common sense she had.

Lee Sungmin ran forward. He jumped over the heads of the Holy Knights and struck his spear at Kim Jonghyun. Kim Jonghyun smiled happily and raised both of his hands towards the speartip’s trajectory.

As soon as he roused his internal energy, Lee Sungmin’s appearance was wrapped around a purple current of lightning.

Moving at incredible speed, Lee Sungmin thrust the spear at the opening in Kim Jonghyun’s side.

Just before the spear hit it’s intended target on Kim Jonghyun’s body, Kim Jonghyun twisted his waist with narrow timing. The speartip grazed by and tore the dark robe Kim Jonghyun was wearing. Amidst this split-second clash, Lee Sungmin and Kim Jonghyun’s eyes met.

“Bring him down.”

Kim Jonghyun muttered.


The enormous pressure weighed down Lee Sungmin’s shoulders. At the moment, he almost collapsed because his knees were already weak, but Lee Sungmin managed to withstand the pressure with sheer determination and willpower. But Kim Jonghyun only needed to stop Lee Sungmin’s movement for that split-second as he pointed his hands immediately towards Lee Sungmin.


Lee Sungmin heard a sharp ringing noise in his ears as more black flames erupted from Kim Jonghyun’s hands.

Kim Jonghyun murmured to himself as he finished the chant for his spell.


A loud explosion rang out from the flames that had erupted. It was incomparable to the explosion that had just engulfed the Holy Knights. Kim Jonghyun took a step back as he calculated the amount of time he would have left in his strengthening of powers.

Physical ability, the firepower of his spells, and speed of chanting. He was gradually getting used to these amplified powers as his body was adjusting to this Demonic form.

After finishing the calculations in his head, Kim Jonghyun ascertained that by the time the spell would be over, the situation in Germane would be figured out and handled properly.

“The Guild Master of the Wizard Guild is out of the picture, but now I just need to take care of the forces of the Holy Church and the Saint…”

Kim Jonghyun still had yet to decide what to do with Lee Sungmin amidst these decisions in his head. He still wanted to have Lee Sungmin as a colleague and his regret would not easily go away.


The Paladins of the Holy Church attacked. A dazzling white light was flowing from their bodies as they received the various buffs of holy power from their gods.

The dazzling light felt prickly to Kim Jonghyun. If it was displayed in front of low-quality undead, the light would have turned the body to ash. Kim Jonghyun smiled as he circulated his mana into his fingertips.

Small black and circular dots of compressed mana were filled in the air around Kim Jonghyun.

Magic Missile was a very simplistic spell that required almost zero skill to cast. However, the firepower of such a basic spell could be modified based on how much mana was compressed into the spell.

Boom boom!

Hundreds of magic missiles were fired. The armor and shields of the Paladins did not protect them from the magical onslaught of Kim Jonghyun.

The flesh of the Paladins and Holy Knights were penetrated like paper in front of these black beams of light.

“Wake up!”

It was only after the archbishop screamed that Teresa arose from her shock and came to her senses and grabbed her staff with her trembling hands.


A bright light erupted from Teresa. The Paladins, who were fatally injured but did not die, staggered and raised themselves up once more as their bodies were healed rapidly.

Kim Jonghyun nodded as he watched the numerous wounds heal in a mere instant.

Teresa’s holy power was surely something to be recognized.

However, it was not threatening. If his magic missiles could not kill them on impact, shouldn’t he find a different spell that would do just that? Kim Jonghyun gathered his mana into his hands and brought them closer to his chest as he started to cast another spell.

Lee Sungmin who had maintained a strong layer of internal energy to shield himself from the black flames that were exploding, stood back up and emerged from the fiery hell.

In Lee Sungmin’s sight, all he could see were the several charred corpses of the Holy Knights and Paladins in front of him as he emerged from the flames.

Kim Jonghyun stood up in the air as he looked down on the remainder of the ones alive, and was hopelessly butchering them with magic missiles and the like.

The powerful Holy Knights that had fended off the Death Knights vomited blood and collapsed despite the several buffs that were trying to heal them. Teresa’s eyes were flooded with tears at the helpless situation as her healing could not keep up with the speed of Kim Jonghyun’s attacks.

“Just what happened while I was stuck?”’

It had been no more than a few minutes as Lee Sungmin finally emerged from the flames he had been trapped in. In the meantime, most of the Holy Knights were completely wiped out. Less than ten people had survived, including Theos, the captain of the Holy Knights that had been sent to Germane.

It was the same for the priests in the rear as they were fatally hit by the attacks of Kim Jonghyun. The Archbishop of the Church and Teresa were still standing, but most of the priests were barely able to kneel properly and even the ones that were able to, were reciting prayers in incredibly hoarse voices.

‘What about the other gathered troops?’

There were a lot of bodies. Thousands of innocent lives had been taken in mere minutes. With the numbers they had at the beginning, it was possible to fight off the undead, but it was impossible to fight a Devil by relying on those same numbers.

Lee Sungmin recalled some of the stories and tales of heroes that went down in fables. It was generally like that as a hero was able to take down a Demon King, not an army.

Someone grabbed Lee Sungmin’s ankle. Looking down at the owner of the rough breathing, a man just before he died was looking up at Lee Sungmin with bloodshot eyes.


The words did not continue to the end, but Lee Sungmin knew what the man was trying to say.

Theos, whose innards were burst open, rolled around the ground. There is no time to hold onto the open wound in his stomach and apply pressure. When the Holy Power shined on him, the wound quickly regenerated like it was never there in the first place.josei

Even if Theos wanted to die now, he couldn’t. Stumbling up, Theos rushed back toward Kim Jonghyun.

The number of remaining Holy Knights had decreased as they numbered less than ten, but they were able to stay alive precisely because their numbers had decreased. Teresa and the other priests could focus their prayers and buffs on fewer numbers, making their buffs more effective.

Kim Jonghyun was undeniably the First Catastrophe of the Apocalypse.

But what Geniella had said when she had told Lee Sungmin that, was that he was bringing forward the Apocalypse. Even if his methods were horrid, Kim Jonghyun still did try to use this method to prevent the Apocalypse from happening in his own way.

When Lee Sungmin had first heard from Kim Jonghyun what he had planned to do, Lee Sungmin truly thought Kim Jonghyun was going to start the Apocalypse if he was not stopped.

Although the methods were different, and maybe the end goals as well… Kim Jonghyun was still a horrible catastrophe in his own right.

Once again, Theos and Lee Sungmin’s eyes met as they realized just how horrible the situation was and gave a look to each other of firm will. The priests who were distraught and exhausted from the constant buffs turned to see Lee Sungmin. Teresa also looked in his direction. Every one of them had the same look in their eyes.

Lee Sungmin knew what those gazes were. Abel had asked if Lee Sungmin was desperate to stop the Apocalypse.

Even if the Holy Church did or did not know of the Apocalypse, it was clear they were desperate to stop Kim Jonghyun.


What the man who had been holding Lee Sungmin’s ankles had said lingered in his head.The thing that pulled at Lee Sungmin was the nickname ‘Ghost Spear’. He was labeled as a rogue and had never been welcomed in public settings ever since his framing. Even before the subjugation of Germane, Lee Sungmin received those stares of worry and contempt.

Of course Lee Sungmin didn’t feel good about that treatment. But even Lee Sungmin was the same as those people in one fact : he wanted to stop the Apocalypse as well.Because of that, Lee Sungmin was willing to take the risks and join their hands.

[It’s getting really dangerous.]

Heoju warned.

[The seal in your consciousness is near the limit. The fight against Volander put a lot of pressure on it and you were also pressured by Kim Jonghyun earlier. This is already stretching it…]]

Lee Sungmin recalled his master’s will that he had left behind.

Lee Sungmin made his own choices. Even if he risked the chance of becoming a monster with no rationality or thoughts, he had already decided to inherit the power of his master, Sima Ryunju. Sima Ryunju wanted to at least leave the possibility of reaching a higher level for his only disciple, Lee Sungmin. Although that possibility came with its own risks, it was Lee Sungmin’s decision in the end.

Just as Sima Ryunju had believed in himself, Lee Sungmin believed that he would not turn into a mindless monster.

Lee Sungmin felt the internal energy inside of his dantian churn rapidly and accelerated its circulation.

His internal energy wrapped around his body as the signature tendrils of black and purple lightning that signified the Dark Storm Arts, manifested around Lee Sungmin’s body. Lee Sungmin felt the Draconic mana from the Dragon Heart pumping through his internal circuit along with the powers he had gained from Heoju. Lee Sungmin even decided to use the auxiliary buffs he had learned from Scarlett on the Mountain of Mush. The fatigue that weighed his entire body completely disappeared. Despite that, the headache that kept eating at his mental walls did not fade or ease up.

Even with all of the power in his body being churned to the extremes, Lee Sungmin still felt that it was not enough.


From some point in time, Lee Sungmin had been forcing himself to hold his powers back. Even if he had been fighting with his life on the line against Kang Seok, the Spear King, he had still made sure that he did not overexert himself to the point where he would truly endanger his sanity again.

The last time Lee Sungmin had truly fought with everything without any risk, was the time he faced An Zun for the first time with the Crazy Heavenly Demon. Ever since the events in the City of Endless Nights, Lee Sungmin had forcibly restrained his powers to a certain extent as he did not want to exceed a certain threshold.

But now was not the time to hold himself back out of fear of losing himself. This was no longer something he could risk not using everything in his power to stop.

Lee Sungmin had to kill Kim Jonghyun here and now.

Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

Lee Sungmin felt his black heart beating violently inside of his chest.


Kim Jonghyun was standing in mid-air, but suddenly… his body was flying. He didn’t even see it coming.

His robe that had been enchanted with all sorts of defensive spells and precautionary spells had been utterly useless as all of them had gone off but turned to powder as soon as the contact came. Kim Jonghyun was flung and crushed into the streets. Hurriedly trying to come to his senses, Kim Jonghyun panickedly looked around.

Purple lightning was falling from the sky.“Stop.”Kim Jonghyun spread out both hands as he tried to use his Demon Tongue ability to stop whatever was coming.

But he couldn’t.A dark shadow of a person was already behind him and Kim Jonghyun felt danger as he used a blink spell to escape quickly; cancelling the Demon Tongue halfway.

It was the only course of action Kim Jonghyun could take at that moment. His hand was forced because he had no time to react. Even still, he at least had been able to create a barrier in time with half of the ability since he had managed to say ‘stop’.


But he was wrong.

The barrier was torn like paper. The violet lightning shredded through the barrier as if it were nothing in the first place. The power was nothing like anything Kim Jonghyun had ever come face to face with. It was a level of power that was far beyond anything even he could imagine.

Lee Sungmin’s image appeared amidst the lightning strikes like an ethereal spirit. Pulling his spear out, he lunged at Kim Jonghyun.

Kim Jonghyun was a little late as he used blink to escape once more. Half of his body was completely missing from the attack from Lee Sungmin, but his immortality as a Devil would not let him die even if half of his body was missing.

Lee Sungmin silently turned his head and looked at the sky. Kim Jonghyun felt chills run down his spine when he looked up to see Lee Sungmin.

‘I can’t believe it…. You’ve become even stronger……?’

Lee Sungmin did not have the powers of a Devil or some kind of immortal transcendent that grew through each battle. Even so, how was he still hiding this much power? Kim Jonghyun was baffled.

While Kim Jonghyun felt confused, Lee Sungmin did not stay still as he gripped the spear tightly.

Although all he did was a simple thrusting motion, it looked anything but that to Kim Jonghyun.From the simple thrusting motion he made with his spear, Lee Sungmin destroyed the barrier spell that Kim Jonghyun quickly made and ripped Kim Jonghyun’s left arm in succession.

His right hand, wrapped in demonic energy and mana, turned quickly towards Lee Sungmin. Lee Sungmin reached out to Kim Jonghyun with his palm facing outwards as his spear was in his other hand and struck out..


It was Kim Jonghyun who was shoved back once again from the exchange. Kim Jonghyun quickly realized and saw that now both of his arms were gone and hurriedly started to try and use the Demon Tongue ability once more.“St-…stop!”Lee Sungmin did not stop, despite Kim Jonghyun repeatedly shouting with his Demon Tongue.

‘This is…’

Deep down, an unknown fear and thought popped inside Kim Jonghyun’s head.

The thought that he might just die here.

* * *

Abel staggered to his feet. He took something out of his robe’s sleeves, ignoring his brother, Envirus, who was shaken from the news he had just learned of.

What Abel took out from his robe sleeves, was a small vial containing a red liquid that the Blue Tower Master had given Abel. It was a serum that had been made from Lee Sungmin’s blood to replenish the mana one had if they ever ran out. (T/N : More like Abel robbed him LOL)

“Frau, this much is enough. You don’t need to get any more involved than this.”

Abel popped the cork from the vial as he spoke to Frau.

“Thanks to you, I succeeded in getting this far. But I didn’t expect things to end up like this. You’ve already fulfilled more than I asked for. It’s okay to leave.”

“…… Abel.”

“Just leave this city quickly. Don’t get caught up dabbling around here any longer for no reason. At this rate, nobody’s life will be guaranteed anymore.”

“What are you trying to do?”

Instead of answering, Abel chugged the vial of Lee Sungmin’s draconic blood down his throat. Abel’s mana circuit that was running on fumes, was immediately filled to the brim. Abel had not expected he would have to use this here, but there was almost zero chance that he would be able to live for much longer.

But even with his mana being replenished, this would not be enough for Abel to stop Kim Jonghyun.


Abel slowly looked back at Envirus. Envirus was practically blind, and was paralyzed from the waist down. Envirus was barely suppressing his aging and was clearly in a pitiful state. Abel turned towards Rubia slowly and reached his hands out suddenly.

“I don’t know what you think.”


A burst of light from Abel’s fingers hit Rubia. It was so fast that Rubia could not respond.

Rubia’s eyes, wrapped in the light, loosened blankly as her body collapsed asleep. Envirus’ shoulders trembled.

“I- right now, you are right…… I think I have to pay for my sins….I-I….”

“Don’t make excuses.”

Abel did not know who Rubia was, but it was better that she was asleep.

There was no malicious intent behind it, but she would likely hinder Abel’s plans and he could not take any more variables than there already were. Abel turned to Frau as he spoke.

“Don’t be bothered or feel responsible for anything that happened here. Take this girl and get out of the city.”

“I know what you’re trying to do right now.”

Frau knew what Abel was trying to do. She looked at Abel with a bitter look. Abel was about to do something extremely drastic right now.

“Are you really going to do this?”

“It’s something I’ve always wanted to do ever since I was young.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“What are you two talking about?”(T/N : This is Envirus interjecting on this line where the back and forth was Abel and Frau, just thought I’d clarify.)

Abel smiled and approached Envirus. Envirus’ shoulders trembled as he felt something was off about Abel right now.

The price of Envirus’ sins was not light.

Envirus bit his lower lip nervously. He knew he once had the same ambition as Abel and tried to save Eria from the Apocalypse.

Although Envirus had once held that ambition, he started to become selfish and only wanted to preserve his own life.

“Did I do something wrong for wanting to protect myself?”

“It’s not wrong to have that urge to preserve your own life.”

Abel muttered.

“However, it is wrong to sprinkle ash on finished rice in this way. Even if you didn’t intend it.”(T/N : Ash is used as fertilizer for crops, so why put it on perfectly good rice? :3)

“So… You’re going to kill me?””

“Just because this is happening and I’m being a jerk, doesn’t mean I’m going to kill you.”

But that was only a little bit of the truth. Abel frowned as he reached his hand out at his brother’s throat. Envirus started to choke up as his eyes widened.

Extending one’s own mortality and lifespan was something many Wizards sought out. To take it a step further, the amount of mana one accumulated would certainly play a part to a certain extent in extending their own lifespan.

But that method was still very limited. Extending one’s own life was extremely difficult with conventional methods.

However, if one ventured towards methods that were taboo…. the story is different. Taking someone else’s life span and using it as one’s own was part of a very taboo set of Dark magic.

Although there was a Dark Wizard Tower, no Dark Wizard would ever be allowed to use it unless they wanted to get persecuted. Although Abel had met countless Dark Wizards that had strayed from the path and used such magic, it was the first time he was using it for his personal use.

But he didn’t think that the person he would ever use this magic on, would be his blood brother : Cain.

Not only that, but as a Wizard who was faithful to the fundamentals, he never thought he would use this taboo magic.


Abel’s hand tightened around Envirus’ neck as Envirus tried to open his mouth and gurgled painfully.

The price of his sins.

Even now, Envirus did not want to lose his life.

When he was starting to grow older in the past, Envirus tried not to have lingering feelings about life. But not now. Because he completely escaped from his fate of a humiliating and horrid death, along with the Apocalypse, he was able to come to the Spirit Realm and live his last days in peace. Envirus’ eyes flashed with confusion as he tried to spit out a few words.

“I’m going to… die…… The Apocalypse….. The end… of Eria…….”

“I don’t know about any of that yet.”

Abel replied with an expressionless face.

“Because thanks to you and your stupid actions, I couldn’t stop what I could have stopped with conventional means.”

A horrible and humiliating death.

Envirus understood right at that moment as his life force was sucked dry and his life was ending, that he might have not escaped such a death like that after all.

He had lost everything. No matter what he did, nobody now was on his side. Not even his own brother. Envirus’ selfish actions that were out of fear, only worked against him.

Like that, he was despised by his younger brother and strangled to death. The fact that he was once the best Wizards in all of Eria, did nothing for him to save him from this death.

That was the fate of Cain, the brother of Abel.

Abel let go of both of his hands. Envirus slumped into the wheelchair as his broken neck rolled back. He had taken his brother’s last remaining life span.

‘It’s not that much.’

Abel hated what he had just done, but it had to be this way. He had to commit a taboo for Wizards on his own brother just to only get a few years worth of lifespan left.

Although it was short… it would be enough to get the job done.

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