Possessive love by powerful billionaire CEO

Chapter 214 - No One Is Allowed To Take Her Away !

Chapter 214 - No One Is Allowed To Take Her Away !

Helios looked at the scene with a shocked expression when he saw that Aria was and sound while the two big drunk men were knocked down .

" Dada ! " said Aden and went near his sister with a big smile on his face then hugged her .

As if he could sense that she was in danger a while ago and now he was worried about her .

" Oh , Aden ! Sweetie ! I am fine ! Your sister is strong . " said Aria and touched his cheeks .

" Little tigress ?! " asked Helios with a shocked expression when he saw her .

" Shall we get going now president ?! " said Aria with a smile .

When Helios looked at her he disturbing thought came to mind .

' Damn ! I don't know why the hell I feel like.....I am so useless now ?! ' thought Helios with a troubled expression .

' Well , the good thing is that our kiss just now was accidental otherwise...I bet she wouldn't hesitate to electroshock me just like she did with those two , even though she knows I am her boss....I feel somehow lucky that she was asleep when I kissed her . ' thought Helios with a half relieved expression .

Aria could likely comprehend what was going on in his mind and she laughed .

' He must be quite shocked ! Hahaha ! He better remember this warning . I won't be polite if he tries something on me . ' thought Aria with a satisfied smirk .

" Dada ! " said Aden with a smile .

" Are you alright ?! " asked Helios with a smile when he went near her .

" Of course ! I can protect myself . " said Aria with a smile .

" I realized that !...It's just that you...you seem to protect yourself well . Other girls can't do this with the same courage that you have . You know what I mean right ?! " said Helios with a curious expression . 

" I know ! You find it weird that I girl can protect herself instead of asking help....Let's just say that I haven't had an easy life and had to learn self-protection from young . " said Aria with a smile then walked with Aden forward .

Helios remained a bit surprised when he heard her and started to think about what difficulties she had to face .

While walking , Aria's phone rang and she took it out to see who it was . There was a strange number and Aria didn't know to whom it belonged .

" Hello ?! Who are you ?! " said Aria with a polite tone .

" Aria ! Just after three months you forgot my number ?! " said the person on the phone .

" No ! No ! How would I dare to forget your number professor ?! Ha....Ha....ha.....aa... " said Aria with a tone as if she was busted doing something wrong .

' Crap ! How could I not recognize his voice ?! ' thought Aria with half a smile .

" I am here at your house because I thought that it would be more convenient . Taking in consideration your current situation , I thought it would be best if we met at your house . I knocked on the door but no one came . Hearing your tone of voice , you must be out . Didn't we agree to meet with each other yesterday ?! " said professor Benjamin with a pressuring tone .

" I am very sorry for making you wait ! I will be right there professor ! " said Aria with an obedient tone and professor Benjamin closed the call . 

Aria looked at her phone with a serious expression and turned her face towards Helios .

" We have to go to my home ! Now ! " said Aria with a worried tone .

" Why ?! Because of your professor ?! " said Helios who thought that she was exaggerating .

" Yes ! You have no idea how mean he can be ! Can you please take us home now ?! " said Aria .josei

" Okay ! " said Helios with a forced smile .

' That damn professor ! ' thought Helios with an annoyed expression . 

The three of them went to the car and hurried to go to her home . Within ten minutes they arrived in front of Aria's house . Aria opened the door of the car and got Aden out then looked at Helios .

" Thank you president ! I will get going now ! " said Aria with a polite smile .

" Wait ! I will come with you . " said Helios with a serious expression .

" There's no need . " said Aria with a smile .

" I think it's necessary for me to come . " said Helios with a serious expression .

" No ! There's no need ! " said Aria .

" I will come and that's final . " said Helios with a smirk then got out of the car and walked forward Aria's house .

' What the.....?!....Why is he coming ?! Uffffff !!!! ' thought Aria with a troubled expression .

Aria , Helios and Aden went inside . Aria hurried to climb the stairs . Helios looked at her and couldn't understand why was professor Benjamin so important .

When they arrived in front of the door , Aria saw professor Benjamin looking at his pocket watch .

" Bravo ! If thirty seconds more had passed , I would have been very angry . " said professor Benjamin with a pressuring smile .

" P....professor ! " said Aria who was trying to catch her breath .

" Where were you ?! " asked professor Benjamin .

" I was with my brother and my boss at the mall . We came back in a hurry when you called . " said Aria with a serious expression .

' It seems like he has the same effect her mother has on her . ' thought Helios .

Professor Benjamin remained surprised when he saw Helios . He didn't expect that Helios would actually come in person . 

' Hmmmm..... ' thought professor Benjamin with a serious expression while looking at him . 

" Let's go in ! I have important things to discuss with you . " said professor Benjamin . 

" Yes ! " said Aria and opened the door . 

Professor Benjamin , Aria , Aden and Helios entered the house . Aria looked at Helios asking him to leave but he ignored her and went inside .

Professor Benjamin sat on the couch and Aden also sat next to him while Aria went to the kitchen to get something to drink . 

" Hello ! " said professor Benjamin with a smile .

" Dada ! " said Aden and smiled .

" What a cute kid ! " said professor Benjamin .

Helios looked at him with a serious expression .

" Is there anything wrong ?! " asked professor Benjamin .

" No ! I just hope that you choose the words you are going to say well , professor . " said Helios . 

Professor Benjamin showed a smirk then looked at him .

" You are powerful but I still am above you , sir Helios . " said professor Benjamin and Helios showed a grin .

" Correction ! You are more superior than me only when I am inside the castle . Outside of it......I am untouchable . " said Helios with a grin that made professor Benjamin a bit nervous .

' He is right !....There's nothing that we can do when it comes to him . His technology and all the other resources that he has presented make us impossible to target him . ' thought

" Still , madam Karen still threatens you by using one of my comrades . " said professor Benjamin .

" That bitch knows that I can't be attacked on the outside and uses my identity to make her useless moves against me . Just because she is a daughter from a powerful family that doesn't mean that she can defeat me . " said Helios .

" She is nearly , on pair with you when it comes to power . I cannot determine the winner between the two of you . " said professor Benjamin with a smile .

" The winner is clearly me ! " said Helios .

" If I didn't have faith that you would win , I would have never sided with you in the first place . " said professor Benjamin with a smile .

" But..... " said professor Benjamin .

" But ?! " asked Helios .

" I am curious to know , Aria's role in all of this.......She is a simple naive girl who cares about nothing but taking care of her family . I admit that she studies well that doesn't mean that she can perform what she has studied well in practice . Why would an ordinary girl like her catch your eye , I wonder........?! " said professor benjamin with a serious expression .

" ...Hehehe ! Why would you choose an ordinary and naive girl like her as your student with you high standards ?! " said Helios with a grin .

Professor Benjamin smirked and nodded his head .

" I think you already have the answer to your question . " said Helios .

" Yes.....I guess I do ! Still , I cannot allow her to stop school . She must return with me . " said professor Benjamin with a serious expression .

Helios went near him and looked at him with a threatening look in his eyes .

" You will not take her anywhere ! She has signed a contract to be part of my team and you know what that means . She is mine ! If you try anything , I will put you on the list of my enemies . " said Helios with a serious , threatening expression .

' T...T....This look ?!....He is not joking ! He looks like he will tear me apart if I take Aria back with me . He said that there was nothing between them......from what I know from Aria , she would behave a bit weird and be shy around him if there was something between them . That isn't the case........Why would he glare at me like this ?!......Is it....a one-sided obsession ?! ' thought professor Benjamin with a scared expression .

" You said that there was nothing between you two . " said professor Benjamin .

" There isn't but that doesn't mean that you have the right to interfere . Even if she , herself wants to leave , she is under my possession now and cannot go anywhere . If someone else convinces her to leave , I will make that person's life miserable . You are a good friend , so I am only reminding you now but you better take my words seriously . No one is allowed to take her away ! " said Helios with a serious and terrifying expression that scared the poor professor .

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