Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Xiao Yu had been munching on half a pack of instant noodles and had some water in the morning. It was basically like not eating at all, just barely filling her stomach.  

She noticed that Mengyin was missing at around 11 in the morning. How could she eat under such circumstances?

From 11 in the morning until six in the evening, she had been tirelessly searching for Mengyin. During this time, she had no mood even for a sip of water, her mind filled with thoughts of how Mengyin might be suffering.

After a whole day of searching, her body was famished, and she felt dizzy.

Finally, she found Mengyin, but to her surprise…

Mengyin hadn’t noticed Xiao Yu at all. In her left hand, she held a piece of fried chicken, and in her right hand, a bottle of “Fat Otaku Happy Soda.” Crumbs from the fried chicken were still clinging to her lips, and she seemed completely unconcerned.

A whole bucket of fried chicken, equivalent to enough for two people, had been devoured by Mengyin alone.

Mengyin let out a loud satisfied belch. It had been incredibly satisfying.

Xiao Yu, watching Mengyin indulging herself, couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions. She had spent the entire day searching for Mengyin without eating or drinking, and now she realized how hungry and thirsty she was.

Her mouth was parched, and her stomach was growling.

She couldn’t hold back any longer.

It was just too unfair.

Xiao Yu wasn’t much older than Mengyin, just half a year or so older. She couldn’t hold back her emotions and started crying uncontrollably.

First, tears rolled down her cheeks, and then she burst into sobs.

“Wu… Wu…”

With her emotions fluctuating greatly, Xiao Yu couldn’t control her own abilities and inadvertently revealed her presence.

Mengyin was initially surprised by the sudden crying, and she turned to look out the window, exclaiming, “Little Fish?”

Xiao Yu cried even harder, feeling touched that Mengyin remembered her.

Xiao Yu’s crying first alerted Thunderbolt King. Thunderbolt King quickly secured Xiao Hong in his jaws to prevent it from escaping, then rushed over to find the source of the crying. He pressed Xiao Hong under his paw and began barking loudly.

Poor Xiao Hong was trapped under Thunderbolt King paw, with a helpless and sorrowful expression.

“I won’t run away, can you please not treat me like this?” Xiao Hong seemed to say with its eyes.

Mengyin timidly introduced, “This is my friend.”

Thunderbolt King paid no attention, not caring who she was referring to.

Shu Yun and the others were the closest to the source of the crying, so they arrived first. Shu Yun, hearing the crying, was alarmed and rushed over with her heart pounding. She wondered how they could have missed someone in their vigilance since there were guards at the door.

Approaching someone silently like this was suspicious, and if there were any malicious intentions, the consequences could be dire. Mengyin claimed that Xiao Yu was her friend, so Shu Yun didn’t restrain her, but she kept a close eye on the situation.

Chen Luo also heard Xiao Yu’s cry of distress while he was having his meal. Finding it strange, he came to see what was happening. Xiao Yu, now afraid, nervously hid behind Mengyin, her mouth smeared with oil from the fried chicken.

Chen Luo asked, “How did you get in here?”

If someone had infiltrated while they were off-guard, Chen Luo would make sure the guards outside had to do ten rounds of strenuous exercises each, fasting for three days as punishment.

Mengyin quickly replied, “She’s my friend, and she can turn invisible. She came in while invisible.”

Chen Luo’s eyes lit up. “Invisible? That’s quite a rare ability, even more impressive than summoning abilities at this stage.”

Mengyin’s friend? Buy one, get one free?

No wonder Mengyin seemed hesitant when they were giving her fried chicken. She probably wanted to mention that she had a companion but hadn’t made up her mind about whether to reveal that information.

Chen Luo dismissed the guards and kindly explained, “I found Mengyin alone by the roadside. It’s dangerous for a young girl to be out there alone. So, I brought her back out of kindness.”

He continued, “Look at her now; she’s doing just fine, isn’t she? We have many young ladies here, and having a companion is a good thing. We have water, electricity, and plenty to eat.”

Xiao Yu nodded as if suddenly understanding, looking at Chen Luo with a relieved expression. Chen Luo, holding the cat, appeared amiable, not looking stern or unfriendly, which put her at ease.

Xiao Yu’s heart gradually settled as she watched Chen Luo.

Chen Luo welcomed Xiao Yu into the room.

Mengyin guessed that Xiao Yu probably hadn’t eaten yet, so she pleaded, “Big brother, do you still have some fried chicken? Give Xiao Yu a portion, and I promise to behave well from now on.”

Chén Luò gave Mengyīn a sidelong glance and thought, “Take my things to do a favor? Couldn’t I have offered myself?”

He continued with a serious tone, ” Mengyin, since you’ve just arrived today, I’ll let you have something special. Tomorrow, you’ll be treated like a regular member. If you can successfully grow some crops, I’ll promote you to the rank of Elder.”

Desire is the driving force of human progress. Giving Mengyin rich meals every day might make her lose her motivation. She could become a ‘salaried fish.’

In the afternoon, Mengyin had some interactions with the other people and learned about the hierarchical system in this place.

Chen Luo smiled and said to Xiao Yu, “Since you’ve just arrived today, if you’d like to eat, I can also provide you with a meal. If you perform well in the future, you can continue to receive rewards.”

Xiao Yu was momentarily taken aback, thinking, “Do I also have that privilege?”

As she watched Mengyin devour the fried chicken, tears welled up in Xiao Yu’s eyes. She wondered, “There’s so much chicken here? Didn’t I just see a dog playing with a chicken as a toy?”

Xiao Yu wasn’t familiar with Chen Luo, and she wanted to refuse his offer, but she couldn’t find the words to do so. The temptation was irresistible.

Chen Luo pretended to use the walkie-talkie to request Ma Yu to prepare a meal for Xiao Yu as well. He asked about Xiao Yu’s level, and like Mengyin, she was also at the second level.

Both of them were at level two, not because of poor aptitude, but due to a lack of sufficient crystals. Xiao Yu had only recently mastered her invisibility ability.

Chen Luo was a bit surprised by her endurance. She could maintain her invisibility for six minutes at the peak of level two.

He wondered why her consumption was so low. For example, his Void Walk ability in his previous life consumed all his energy when he first learned it. Through countless refinements, he managed to reduce the energy consumption significantly. However, other abilities didn’t experience the same level of change.

Did Xiao Yu have a natural talent for invisibility?

Invisibility had various useful applications. It could be used for exploration and reconnaissance, such as scouting Zhao Hai’s base. With an extended period of invisibility, they could easily assess the number of people, their distribution, and the location of supplies. Additionally, it could be used to locate the whereabouts of mutated beings. If a mutated being of low level had been defeated, they could retrieve its crystals. In many situations, it was even more effective than Chen Luo’s Void Walk ability.

Chen Luo realized that Xiao Yu was a promising candidate who needed to be nurtured. Many dark-element abilities couldn’t master invisibility even at level ten. It had great potential.

After returning, Chen Luo brought a large bowl of fried chicken and placed it in front of Xiao Yu, who couldn’t help but salivate. Chen Luo chuckled and left.

He decided that actions spoke louder than words, and it was better to let Xiao Yu and Mengyin experience the benefits of their new environment. This place was genuinely excellent.

Once Chen Luo left, Xiao Yu glared at Mengyin and said, “Get lost and stop bothering me while I’m enjoying my fried chicken.”

Mengyin chuckled and left, while Xiao Yu looked around and then started devouring the fried chicken, even more enthusiastically than Mengyin. She swallowed so quickly that she choked a bit.

When Chen Luo returned, he found Xiao Yu holding her stomach, her lips and the corners of her mouth smeared with oil. Chen Luo shook his head, thinking it was truly a “buy one, get one free” situation.

He didn’t say much and gave both of them some third-level crystals, encouraging them to advance to the third level as soon as possible.josei

Mengyin and Xiao Yu looked at each other, feeling like they were in a dream. Chen Luo was so good to them, not only providing them with food but also giving them crystals.

Xiao Yu suddenly became furious, “You know, Mengyin, I was worried sick about you, and here you are enjoying all of this! Why didn’t you tell me about this fantastic place?”

Mengyin weakly replied, “I just wanted to confirm it for myself. I was picked up here, you know?”

Xiao Yu jokingly retorted, “Well, how about I turn into a little bunny, and you can pet me?”

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