Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

The battle came to an end.

The entire battle didn’t last more than ten seconds. If it weren’t for the zombie dog’s resistance to electric power, it probably wouldn’t have held on for that long.

The gap between the second and third levels was relatively significant, but it hadn’t reached the point of overwhelming.

The problem was that one understood tactics while the other did not.

Chen Guang and the others stood there in disbelief.

Is it over just like that?

This dog can also harness the power of lightning?

It seems to be overwhelming the zombie dog.

Oh my, this dog even knows how to maneuver.

Their comrade who was killed by the zombie dog was among the top five in terms of strength among them. It was his arrogance and being alone that led to his demise at the hands of the zombie dog.

Originally, Chen Guang wanted to ask if Rice was for sale, to bring it back as a companion. But now, he had thrown Rice to the Octopus Country.

What good is beauty? Can you eat it? It’s better to buy this incredibly powerful dog.

But upon second thought, he decided against it. Only someone with a troubled mind would sell such a miraculous dog.

Chen Luo stepped forward and extracted the crystal from the zombie dog. Chen Guang exclaimed in shock, “What is this?”

It seemed that they still didn’t know the secret of the crystal.

Chen Luo briefly explained the secret of the crystal.

Chen Guang and the others were extremely excited. They had discovered a method to enhance their own power.

At this moment, they couldn’t wait to find some zombies to experiment with.

Chen Guang expressed his gratitude sincerely, saying, “Chen Luo, thank you so much. The value of this information is truly invaluable.”

Chen Luo smiled lightly and said, “Alright, our cooperation is over. It’s time to deliver the promised supplies to us.”

Chen Guang nodded, “Okay, we’ll go get them right away.”

Chen Luo took the lead and went downstairs.

Chen Guang and the others whispered among themselves.

“Chen Guang, this person is really powerful. He didn’t hide any information about the crystal and didn’t ask for anything in return. His generosity is extraordinary.”

“Should we form an alliance with them? I feel like our strength, although decent, can’t compare to theirs.”

“Yeah, those girls are really attractive. Maybe they can help solve our single status. Wouldn’t that be great?”

Chen Guang was not actually the leader of this group. Why should he be the leader?  It would be  hard to convince all the members.

Chen Guang was simply the representative chosen to communicate with them.

In a group, especially in the early stages, it was not easy for a leader to emerge.

Chen Guang nodded, “I’ll find an opportunity to ask later.”

When Chen Luo returned outside the community, the others had already finished moving the supplies.

About one-third of the space in the heavy truck’s compartment was filled.

But was that enough?

It must be filled up before going back.

Chen Luo signaled for Yang Xuan to drive the car into the community and park it on a road near the outer building.

“Four people in a group, search house by house.”

Chen Luo sat on the bus, and Chen Guang and the others arrived.

They also brought some supplies.

It was the reward given by Chen Luo.

But it was not the agreed-upon reward; it was much more than what was agreed upon.

There were probably thousands of pounds of rice, ten buckets of water, and surprisingly, some sausages, around ten pounds.

Chen Guang boarded the bus with a smile on his face and said, “Although you didn’t ask for payment for the information about the crystal, we can’t not give you anything. This information is really valuable. Consider the extra supplies as a token of gratitude. Don’t think it’s too little.”

Chen Luo nodded and smiled, “You’re welcome. We are all survivors, and we should help each other.”

Chen Guang’s smile faded slightly as he spoke, saying, “Chen Luo, this world has suddenly become so dangerous. Even with the number of people we have here, we need to carefully consider going outside.”

“There’s strength in numbers. Shouldn’t we consider joining forces?”

“I’m not bragging, but each of us here has killed at least ten or more zombies. We’re not afraid to fight and take risks. We don’t need cowards.”josei

Join forces? No, what I want is to swallow them up.

On my territory, I’m the one in charge. There can only be one voice.

I have stronger abilities than you, more resources than you, broader knowledge than you, and more strategies for survival. If we’re going to join forces, you will have to listen to me.

Although this may seem domineering, don’t ask for reasons, I am just that domineering.

Chen Luo contemplated in his mind. Chen Guang’s intention was simply for everyone to help each other, like living together as roommates.

They wouldn’t obey his commands like Shu Yun and the others did.

That won’t work. I’d rather not have that.

To make them listen, the best way at the moment is to demonstrate absolute power, to overwhelm them and make them realize the difference between us.

Chen Luo didn’t directly say, “You have to listen to me.” Instead, he began to explain, or rather, present the facts.

Chen Luo analyzed, “You underestimated the zombie dog just now. It didn’t engage in direct combat with you because there were more of you. But if a real fight broke out, you would still lose one or two people.”

Chen Guang nodded in agreement.

“Have you considered the possibility that other zombies might evolve to possess various magical powers, just like this zombie dog  that gained the power of lightning?”

“Zombies can also evolve. Isn’t that easy to understand?”

“Will it still be easy to kill zombies at that time?”

“You can hide in the community. If you gather enough supplies, it will be more than sufficient for you to eat and drink for half a year.”

“But what about other survivors who might not be able to find you if the supplies in the community are exhausted? When they’re starving and desperate, won’t they search one by one to find you?”

“Don’t think it’s just one or two survivors. Their numbers will likely be more than yours. How will you resist then? Will you give up your supplies or engage in a bloody battle?”

Chen Guang’s current situation may be good, but in the past, he ended up in a destitute state and had to associate with Chen Luo, right?

Hmm, in the past, Chen Luo was also weak and destitute.

Chen Guang’s teammates either died or had their supplies stolen. Are the supplies you gather yours?

Only if you can defend them.

Chen Guang was startled and broke out in a cold sweat from Chen Luo’s words.

Is this world really so terrifying?

Will the zombies continue to evolve?

What Chen Luo said is true. If you collect all the supplies for yourself, others can only resort to robbing you.

Chen Guang tried to maintain his composure and said, “In that case, shouldn’t we unite even more?”

Chen Luo chuckled and shook his head, saying, “But why should I choose to unite with all of you? This is just the situation you are about to face, but I’m different. Whoever dares to come, I will kill them.”

“I’m not trying to belittle you, but all of you combined are no match for me alone.”

“The strong do not join forces with the weak; it is only the weak who rely on the strong.”

“We can form an alliance, but you will have to listen to me.”


Sorry, I caught the flu and was not able to update this past few days.

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