Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

In the middle of the night, Chen Luo heard some movement, as a lone zombie approached.

Chen Luo didn’t pay any attention, as each villa had over ten people, and if they couldn’t handle one or two zombies, then they deserved to die.

In case of injuries, there was another Light Attribute ability, Wang Ling, who could provide healing. If someone was severely injured, they would naturally come to seek help.josei

In the morning, Shu Yun handed Chen Luo the unused Rat King crystal, she had also reached Level 3.

Chen Luo congratulated her on her achievement.

Shu Yun blushed slightly, as Chen Luo had specifically approached her last night. When she returned to her room, her sisters teased her relentlessly about it.

Is Chen Luo treating you specially and giving you preferential treatment, enjoying some special privileges?

Shu Yun reported, “Last night, a zombie came who could use ice arrows. If it hadn’t missed shots, someone might have been injured.”

The thought made Shu Yun shudder, as the consequences could have been devastating if someone had been hit in a vital spot.

Chen Luo asked, “How did you resolve it?”

Shu Yun honestly replied, “We focused our attacks and quickly eliminated it.”

Chen Luo shook his head. Everyone focusing their attacks on a single zombie? That’s a waste of magical power.

At 8 o’clock in the morning, Chen Luo would usually arrange the tasks for the day, and everyone had developed the habit of gathering together. There were no delays or tardiness; they were all very conscientious.

Looking at the group of over fifty people, Chen Luo couldn’t help but sigh. He had initially expected it to be just him, Su Dazhu, and a few others like Mi Ling and Mi Li. But unexpectedly, he encountered girls like Shu Yun, and it would be a waste not to include them.

These beautiful girls attracted a lot of attention, and it was difficult to prevent some people from having ulterior motives towards them. So why not gather a group of people to protect the girls? Anyone thinking of causing trouble would have to think twice.

Having more people was also advantageous as they could help in collecting crystals.

Chen Luo said, “Last night, you encountered a spellcasting zombie, and these types of zombies are becoming more common. I want to ask everyone, what should we do when we encounter this kind of zombie?”

Someone replied, “That’s easy, we have a lot of people, so we can easily take it down.”

Chen Luo sneered, “Do you think your spells can be cast infinitely? Or do you think you can cast spells faster than the zombies?”

“When a large group of people gather together, the zombie’s spells can easily hit someone even if they close their eyes. It’s also not easy to evade when there are many people.”

“Are we dealing with just one zombie? Let me tell you the truth, starting from today, unless the weather is severe or there are special circumstances, each person must kill at least five of these spellcasting zombies every day.”

Five per person every day?

Some people couldn’t help but think, isn’t that difficult?

For those who can’t cast spells, killing ten of them a day wouldn’t be a problem. The problem is dealing with these spellcasting zombies. It’s dangerous, and one could easily end up severely injured or even dead.

A girl couldn’t help but ask, “Why push ourselves so hard? Isn’t killing one or two per day enough?”

Chen Luo chuckled, “Why push ourselves so hard? When you absorb the crystals from these zombies, your strength will grow faster.”

“Remember the zombie that blew up a bus? Those who have witnessed it understand. If one day, all the zombies evolve to that level, do you think you can survive without fighting desperately now?”

Although Chen Luo managed to kill that level five fire-type zombie in an instant, it left a deep impact on many of the girls. Their own spells had little effect on it, while its attacks were explosive.

If it weren’t for Chen Luo, they feared that only a few of them would have survived.

The group of people, including Chen Guang, who hadn’t seen the level five zombie, couldn’t help but inquire about it and discuss it among themselves.

Upon learning about the situation, they were all shocked and gasped in horror. It was terrifying.

They were even more amazed by Chen Luo’s strength. He killed such a zombie in one go.

Chen Luo clapped his hands, and everyone quieted down.

“If you’re not willing to fight, what’s the difference between you and those old folks?” he said.

“We’re all under my leadership, and of course, I won’t let anyone throw their lives away. Now, I will share with you the insights and patterns I’ve discovered about zombies.”

Everyone immediately paid full attention. This was the experience of a powerful individual, knowledge that could save lives.

“I won’t talk about the lowest-level zombies. Let’s focus on the ones that can use spells. They’re just like us, with various abilities, including physical, fire, and ice-based powers.”

“Even I can’t tell whether a zombie can use spells just by looking at its appearance. Zhang Liang suffered a great loss because of this. Therefore, from now on, we’ll assume that all encountered zombies are at least level one.”

“These level one zombies, if there are a lot more of us than them, they will run away instead of mindlessly attacking. They have an instinct to avoid our attacks, which makes them difficult to deal with. They might even call for reinforcements to fight against us.”

“It’s not realistic to rely on numerical advantage to deal with them. Chasing after them forcefully will only put ourselves in danger.”

“And if we encounter a group of dozens of zombies, we should never engage in a direct confrontation. It’s inevitable that there will be casualties, and it’s not worth it.”

Apart from defending our gathering place or being forced to fight for resources, who would choose to directly confront a group of zombies? Even if you win, you still lose.

“The best formation to deal with them is a team of four people, two warriors and two mages. Don’t worry, even though they have evolved and their speed has increased slightly, they are still not as fast as us. If you encounter a large number of them, you can run.”

The optimal lineup would certainly include a support role, but there are very few abilities among the support-type supernaturals.

The crowd slowly digested the information.

After waiting for a while, Chen Luo said, “Now I’ll teach you a little trick to dodge spells.”

Chen Luo randomly pointed at Mi Ling and Shu Yun.

“You two use spells to attack me, and I’ll try to dodge them.”

Spell projectiles travel very quickly, and if the distance is short, they arrive in the blink of an eye. It’s difficult to rely solely on physical evasion.

But when faced with the attacks from Mi Ling and Shu Yun, Chen Luo was able to effortlessly dodge them as if taking a leisurely stroll. It wasn’t about relying on speed; he simply made small adjustments to his body position and evaded both of their attacks.

Everyone was amazed, especially Mi Ling. She believed that her spells were precise, yet not a single one landed on Chen Luo.

Chen Luo chuckled and said, “Is it really that difficult? Once I teach everyone this technique and you practice it more, you’ll all be capable of doing it.”

Everyone became even more focused, holding their breath, afraid to miss out on this valuable technique.

Chen Luo continued, “Instead of trying to dodge when you see the spell, which is nearly impossible, I can anticipate the trajectory of the spells by observing the gestures of Mi Ling and Shu Yun. By adjusting my position in advance, I can evade their attacks.”

Mi Ling suddenly realized, “This is anticipation.”

Chen Luo smiled and said, “Exactly. It’s difficult to dodge spells directly, so pay attention to the direction the zombie’s hand aims at. Once it initiates the spell, you can anticipate its trajectory and evade in advance.”

“If everyone becomes familiar with this technique, dealing with first-level zombies will be much easier.”

Mi Ling seemed to be contemplating and suggested, “Let’s try it again?”

Chen Luo chuckled inwardly, sure, why not?

Mi Ling casually threw several small fireballs, each with minimal power, but Chen Luo effortlessly dodged all of them.


In the subsequent fireball, Chen Luo was unexpectedly hit.

Mi Ling laughed and said, “I anticipated your anticipation.”

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