Power and Wealth

Chapter 260 – Qu Yunxuan vs. Xie Huilan

Chapter 260 – Qu Yunxuan vs. Xie Huilan

Evening. 7 pm.

County People’s Hospital. Single ward.

Dong Xuebing was emotional and thought to himself. He had been hospitalized three times within half a year. What did I do to deserve this?

Deputy Team Leader Feng had come to visit him. “Chief Dong, how are your injuries?”

“I’m fine.” Dong Xuebing smiled. “I was knocked out by the airbag and should be fine tomorrow.”

Deputy Team Leader Feng sighed. “Luckily, you are around to defuse the bomb and capture the fugitive. I heard that the higher-ups might award Second-tier merit to you for this incident. You still have not received the first and third-tier merit award, and should be receiving all three awards together. This is the first in China!”

Dong Xuebing nodded. “I just happened to be around when these incidents happened.”

After chatting for a while, Deputy Team Leader Feng left.

After Deputy Team Leader Feng, leaders from the County Government, Public Security Bureau, and Dong Xuebing’s friends and relatives visited him.

In one afternoon, news of Dong Xuebing’s glorious deed spread throughout the County. If anyone were not impressed with Dong Xuebing for saving the trapped passengers from the landslide, they had nothing to say for this incident. Anyone brave can go and rescue the trapped passengers, but not anyone can defuse a timebomb. This had changed everyone’s perception of Dong Xuebing’s abilities. Dong Xuebing is too omnipotent and can solve any problems!

At around 8 pm, all the visitors left.

Dong Xuebing secretly lit a cigarette in the quiet ward and started smoking.

When Dong Xuebing recalled the afternoon events, he still has some fears. If he made a wrong move, he would be killed. He is lucky to save Sister Xie and made up with her. At the same time, he had gained a higher reputation and gained political points. He might have risked his life, but the reward is great too.

Oh, why didn’t Sister Xie visit me yet?

Dong Xuebing stubbed the cigarette and called Xie Huilan.

Ring... ring... ring... the line was cut after three rings.

Dong Xuebing was frustrated. After he becomes Deputy Section Chief, no one had hung up on him. Hmph! Xie Huilan had still said she would get married to me next year if we survive. But now, you hang up on me. Dong Xuebing was mad, but he consoled himself. The timebomb incident is a serious matter, and Xie Huilan should be settling the aftermath now.

The sky is already dark.

Dong Xuebing had nothing to do and called Qu Yunxuan’s phone.

The lone got through, and Dong Xuebing could hear Aunt Xuan’s heels, and cars passing by in her background.

Dong Xuebing asked. “You just finished work? Why are you working until so late?”


“Don’t work so hard and go home earlier. It is not safe for you to travel alone at night.”


Dong Xuebing felt something was off. “Aunt Xuan, what’s wrong with you?”

Qu Yunxuan replied with an angry tone. “Nothing. Bye!”

“Hey... what’s wrong? Tell me...” Dong Xuebing panicked.

Qu Yunxuan kept quiet for a few seconds and said. “Someone told me that you have a girlfriend in Yan Tai County. Is it true?”

Dong Xuebing was stunned. “F**k! Who is so evil to try to come in between us?! Who told you this?” Dong Xuebing’s face had turned pale. “Is it someone called Wei Nan? Damn! This bastard is relentless! Aunt Xuan, how did you know him?” Since Dong Xuebing fallout with Xie Huilan, he knew Aunt Xuan would know about this.

“Just tell me if this is true.”

“Aunt Xuan, I...”

“I am asking you if what he said is true?”

Dong Xuebing knew he had to face Qu Yunxuan about this no matter what. “Errr.... Yes.”

The other party went quiet for a few seconds, and Qu Yunxuan hangs up.

Dong Xuebing immediately called Qu Yunxuan again, but no one answered. He tried a few more times, and Qu Yunxuan switched off her phone. Endless troubles... Dong Xuebing cursed and knew he had pissed Aunt Xuan off. He is furious with Wei Nan for doing all these behind his back!

But Dong Xuebing also knew that this is his karma.

What should he do now? Go and explain to Aunt Xuan in Beijing? But what’s there to explain?!

Dong Xuebing is like a cat on a hot tin roof and is going crazy. He suddenly sits up on the bed. No! Even if Qu Yunxuan does not forgive me, I must also explain to her, or I will regret it for the rest of my life.

But at this moment, the door opened.

Qu Yunxuan was standing in front of the door!

Dong Xuebing was shocked. “Aunt Xuan, why are you here? Ah? You were downstairs when I called you?”

The gentle Qu Yunxuan is different today. She had a black face and closed the door behind her.

Dong Xuebing quickly said. “Listen to me first, and you can start scolding me after I finished. I had kept asking you to be my girlfriend when we were in Beijing, but you disagree. Of course, I am not pinning the blame on you, and I met Sister Xie after that. Her family is forcing her to get married, and she refused and said I am her boyfriend. After that...” Dong Xuebing was worried that Aunt Xuan would leave before he can finish his explanation, and speak very fast.

Qu Yunxuan stood there without saying a word.

Dong Xuebing sighed. “This is everything I have to say. I know I am sorry for both of you. I... Sigh... It’s all my fault.

Qu Yunxuan bit her lips and turned away to wipe her tears.

“Ah...” Dong Xuebing jumped off the bed and held Qu Yunxuan’s hand. “Stop crying... it’s all my fault. You can hit me all you want.”

Qu Yunxuan gritted her teeth and raised her hand to slap Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing closed his eyes and wait for the slap to come. But after waiting for a while, he did not feel any pain.

Qu Yunxuan’s hand froze in midair and didn’t slap him. A few tears rolled down her cheeks.

Yesterday, Qu Yunxuan could not sleep because of what Wei Nan said over the phone. Wei Nan had bought something from Yun De Auction Company and got to know Qu Yunxuan one month ago. They were not close, and Qu Yunxuan had not taken his words seriously. But she knew Wei Nan would not say those things for no reason, and she decided to visit Dong Xuebing in Yan Tai County tonight. She wants to hear from Dong Xuebing straight. She finally knows the truth and felt her world collapsing around her.

Dong Xuebing felt his heart aching. “I’m sorry to let you down. I feel terrible to see you like this.”

“You also know how to feel terrible? Do you know my feelings now?”

“I know... I...”

Dong Xuebing does not know what to say and thought for jumping out of the window to settle this once and for all. In his heart, he was thinking of what to do next. He can’t bear to leave Sister Xie and Aunt Xuan. Damn! I am such a bastard! Dong Xuebing really hates himself! He knows his feelings or Xie Huilan and Qu Yunxuan are real, and couldn’t make a decision.

If Aunt Xuan is willing to forgive him after giving him a few slaps, Dong Xuebing will feel better.

But Qu Yunxuan’s character is too gentle, and will never hurt Dong Xuebing. She did not even scold him, and this made Dong Xuebing feel more terrible. josei

Suddenly, the ward’s door opened!

Dong Xuebing looked towards the door and was stunned. Sister Xie is here!

Xie Huilan, who had just entered the ward, saw Dong Xuebing was speaking to a beautiful woman. She narrowed her eyes and recognized this woman as that ‘Aunt Xuan’ from the photographs. Xie Huilan smiled and closed the door behind her. “Am I interrupting you two?”

Dong Xuebing looked at her. “Sister Xie.”

When Qu Yunxuan heard this name, her face changed.

Xie Huilan smiled and extended her hand. “Xie Huilan. Xiao Bing’s girlfriend.”

Qu Yunxuan’s facial expression immediately changed and shook her hands. “Qu Yunxuan. Xiao Bing’s girlfriend.”

“Haha... what a coincidence.” Xie Huilan laughed. “You are also his girlfriend? How come I don’t know?”

Qu Yunxuan replied emotionlessly. “I have also not heard about you too.”

Temperature is rising in the ward!

Xie Huilan did not look at Qu Yunxuan and turned to Dong Xuebing. “Xiao Bing, can you explain what is going on?”

Dong Xuebing felt cold sweat trickling down his back. He knew Sister Xie is doing this on purpose as he had told her about Aunt Xuan.

Qu Yunxuan looked at Dong Xuebing. “Xiao Bing, why is this woman claiming to be your girlfriend? Tell me what is going on?”

Dong Xuebing stuttered and wanted to die. He loves both women, and he could feel the world spinning. Both women are standing in front of him, and he does know what to do.

Xie Huilan looked at Dong Xuebing with a faint smile. “Didn’t we agree to get married next year?”

Dong Xuebing continue stuttering. “I...”

Qu Yunxuan knitted her brows and said. “Xiao Bing, we agreed to have a child this year.” Who says Qu Yunxuan does not know how to lie? She can lie without batting an eyelid!

Xie Huilan replied with a smile. “You two had progressed quite fast and even planned to have a child.”

Qu Yunxuan replied calmly. “You two are progressing quite fast too, and had even planned for marriage.”

Dong Xuebing was shaking with fear and interrupted. “Sister Xie, Aunt Xuan, please stop arguing.”

“I have no intention of arguing with her.” Xie Huilan sat down gracefully and crossed her legs. She looked at Qu Yunxuan and smiled. “But can you explain about the situation now? Xiao Bing, my parents had met you and had a good impression of you. I had also met your mother, and left a good impression with her. Hehe... What we lack is only a marriage certificate. Where did this woman come from?” Xie Huilan was also lying. Secretary Xie and Madam Han’s impression of Dong Xuebing is only average.

Dong Xuebing replied. “I...”

Qu Yunxuan did not hold back. “Xiao Bing, Sister Luan had agreed to let you two be together? I have not heard anything from her. I only know that my parents had treated you as their son-in-law. Are you regretting now?”

Xie Huilan laughed. “Xiao Bing, my grandfather sees you as his grandson-in-law. Shouldn’t you say something now?”

Both women continued relentlessly and were driving Dong Xuebing nuts.

Qu Yunxuan suddenly pulled Dong Xuebing’s hand and pulled him to the bed. “I know you had been charmed by this woman, and I don’t blame you. As long as you cut ties with her, I will not bring up this matter again and will treat you like before.”

Xie Huilan’s eyes twitched and said. “Xiao Bing, you are still young. Don’t be seduced by this woman. I will not blame you and only want you to love me wholeheartedly. I had said this morning that I would forgive everything you did, and we will carry on dating like before, ok?”

Qu Yunxuan: “Xiao Bing...”

Xie Huilan: “Xiao Bing...”

Dong Xuebing had a bitter taste in his mouth. “I... I don’t know...”

Xie Huilan’s face turned black. “You must choose either one of us!”

Qu Yunxuan was also looking terrible. “It is either her or me! You must give me an answer today!”

Although both women said that they would not blame him in the future, Dong Xuebing knew he would not be forgiven easily. Even if he picks either one of them, the trouble will not end. Dong Xuebing loves both of them, and he will offend them if he says he wants both of them.

What should he do?

Dong Xuebing could not make up his mind!

Dong Xuebing knew Aunt Xuan is softhearted and feigned to be unwell. He started panting as he pressed against his chest. “Ha... ha... ha...” He hopes he can buy some time.

Xie Huilan did not fall for Dong Xuebing’s trick. “How long do you think you can drag this out? One day? Two days? Is it meaningful? Let’s make things clear today, and I believe Ms. Qu wants to know your answer too.”

Qu Yunxuan looked at Dong Xuebing into his eyes. “Do you love her or me?”

Dong Xuebing stopped his feigning sick and kept quiet.

Xie Huilan said. “Xiao Bing, if you want to be with Ms. Qu, I will not say a word and leave.”

Qu Yunxuan frowned as she could tell Xie Huilan is threatening Dong Xuebing. “Xiao Bing, if you say you like her more, I will return to Beijing immediately and will not disturb you two again!”

Xie Huilan smiles at Qu Yunxuan. “Ms. Qu, your words are quite harsh.”

Qu Yunxuan looked at her. “I cannot be compared to you.”

“Xiao Bing.” Xie Huilan said. “Shouldn’t you say something?”

Qu Yunxuan bit her lips. “Just tell us who do you like more.”

Dong Xuebing was getting anxious and knew he had to decide now. He can’t drag this any longer. In the end, he can only marry one of them and still had to choose either one of them. He had hurt Xie Huilan and Qu Yunxuan now, and should not hurt them any more!

Xie Huilan narrowed her eyes. “Have you finish considering?”

Qu Yunxuan looked at Dong Xuebing. “Who do you like?”

Dong Xuebing was going crazy. He cannot pick either one of them, or pick both of them. He couldn’t find an answer and hated himself. He is going nuts and shouts. “I don’t like both of you! Is this alright?!”

Xie Huilan sneered. “Is this your answer?”

Qu Yunxuan is looking terrible. “Xiao Bing, you better don’t regret this!”

Dong Xuebing said. “I understand that both of you are angry and hated me. I know I am not worthy of being with either of you, and I will not hold you all back. We will go our separate ways in the future, and you all should not waste time on me. I am not worth it.” Dong Xuebing took a few deep breaths and continued. “That’s it!”

Xie Huilan exhaled. “Xiao Bing, have you considered carefully?”

“I am not saying this out of anger. I had thought through this carefully!” Dong Xuebing said. “Please leave. I am not worthy enough to be with you all! This is the truth!”

Since Dong Xuebing cannot be with both of them, then he will not pick either of them! This is Dong Xuebing’s decision!

Xie Huilan nodded and walked towards the door.

Qu Yunxuan also did the same.

After saying all these, Dong Xuebing suddenly felt giddy. The whole room is spinning, and he had difficulties breathing. Xie Huilan and Qu Yunxuan’s backs start to become blurry, and Dong Xuebing collapsed!

“Xiao Bing!”

“Xiao Bing, what’s wrong with you?”

Dong Xuebing could hear Qu Yunxuan and Xie Huilan panicking.

“Get the doctors! Hurry!”

“Help! Someone help!”

The next moment, Dong Xuebing loses consciousness.

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