Power of Creation

Book 3

Book 3: Chapter 29

“Alright, so what are we going to do today, Millie?”

“I’ve thought about this very carefully master,” Millie blushed, her hand touching the red and black collar around her neck with a ruby jewel embedded in the center.

After I realized the collars were going to more than just the pets of the family, I decided to up my game a bit and make slightly nicer collars for everyone who isn’t Tiana.

“And? What is it you’d like to do today?”

“I’d… like to go flying, with master.”

“Flying? Like, you want fly around the city holding hands like some kind of Superman Lois Lane thing?

“Actually, I was wondering if… if you could fly… side by side with me… while I’m a dragon.”

“Ah… well, I guess I can do that much.”

The pair of you head out to the front yard of the mansion where the eunuch gardener is busy at work planting flowers and doing things I could have easily accomplished with a wave of my hand. Well, my laziness creates jobs, so it’s okay.

However, even he lets out a cry and falls on his butt with his mouth open as Millie explodes into her dragon form.

“H-have you gotten a little larger?” I ask honestly.

Millie’s dragon form seems quite a bit larger than she was when I picked her up all those months ago. The dragon seems to wear a pleased look on its face as it shows me its massive wings.

“Yes, master, I’m growing up nicely.”

“It’s too bad all the growth is in her dragon form and I’m seeing nothing where it counts.” I make a gesture around the chest.

“Huh! I didn’t hear that, didn’t master just say something really mean!” even as a pseudo-invincible demi-god, the sight of a massive red dragon rearing up on you is a lot to handle.

“N-n-not at all! Millie is perfect the way she is!” I respond defensively.

Millie backs away and gives me another pleased look.

“Well, well, well… let’s see, I’ve never done it before, so let’s see how it works out.” I mutter to myself while Millie cocks her head.

I cast the spell, and instantly my body explodes into another massive form. Rather than red, my scales seem to be as black as night. I'm easily twice the size of Millie. I don’t know if that’s because I'm older than her or what. I just made the spell turn me into a dragon, I really didn’t have any preconceptions.

“Oh, wow!” Millie stamps her feet excitedly, “Masters a dragon, masters a dragon! I knew master was truly great!”

“Ha! Well, how do I look!”

“Master is a strong and powerful dragon. Way cooler than Mushu!”

“Wait… who the fuck is Mushu?”

“Ah! That was a lifetime ago, before Millie died! Master doesn’t need to hear about Mushu!”


“A-actually, now that Millie’s sees how powerful and mighty Master is, Millie is becoming very turned on!”

“You’re side stepping!”

“Never mind that!” Millie took off with her wings taking to the air. “Th-this lowly dragon wants master to show her how strong he is!”

“Here? Now! Like this? What do you think this is, Pern?”josei

Millie nodded excitedly, showing more willfulness than I’d seen on her since the first day I took her.

“Master, it is customary in dragon courtship for the female to run and escape. A male dragon must show his strength by catching and mounting her against her will!”

“Isn’t that like the time we first met?”

“That’s why master is master! But this is different, it’s different! I want master to mate with me so I’ll fight back extra hard. Come catch me!”

“Isn’t that counter intuitive?” I demand.

Millie ignores my question and explodes into flight. There are distant shouts as people see a dragon flying up over the town. However, she is moving seriously fast. She has every intention of going through with it. Well, it is her day.

“Force her and show her my power, huh?” I muse over the situation.

Well, time to go! I burst into flight and begin the hunt.

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