Power of Creation

Book 3

Book 3: Chapter 32

“Before you die for touching my Millie, what is this master stuff?” Mason demands.

“Master is master!” Millie takes a step forward while shooting Mason an angry look. “Mason should butt out of it!”

“Millie is mine,” I explain. “So, I guess she was more comfortable seeing it as a master-servant relationship.”

“I’m masters! See!” Millie pointed to the ruby collar around her neck, causing several of the dragons to gasp and even her father to tense up.

“A dragon would dare collar another dragon!” Mason shouts.

“Hey, she asked for the collar!” I defend. “Besides, who says I’m a dragon?”

There was even more chatter amongst the dragons.

“Wait, are you saying you’re not a dragon?” This is the first time Xhou looks genuinely alarmed.

“No. That transformation was just something for fun. I’m human… I think.” My voice loses steam as the looks from the dragons become increasingly more hostile.

“If he’s not a dragon, then they can’t have legitimately bredlocked! Millie, come back here! Your loving Mason promises he won’t punish you too much!”

“No! I hate you! I’m bredlocked now! He was a dragon so it’s official!” Millie declares.

So, apparently her desire to mate had a second hidden meaning. Only sex between dragons could be considered bredlocked. That meant that her declaration that we must get married originally back in the day was an embellishment, and also driven by her distaste for Mason. When I first met her, she must have been eager to get into a relationship so that she wouldn’t have to go back home. On the other side, Mason is looking very depressed at those words.

“Wh-why does Millie hate me so? You used to think I was the coolest, remember?”

“You started turning weird!”

“I made those changes for you!” Mason insists. “I wanted to be together with you. That’s why I started becoming a true man!”

Mason flexes his muscles as if to prove the point. They are certainly impressive. The pretty boy Mason is an above average attractive man. I'm not into that kind of thing, but if I had to rate looks, he is probably more attractive than Florian. In fact, if it wasn’t for his muscles, with the long golden hair he might even be confused for a girl.

“You’ve always been like this!” Millie shouts with a teary expression. “You’d sneak into my bed at night and you’d start touching me in strange places and doing this and that! I didn’t like it! That’s why I ran away!”

“Mason is a loli-pervert?”

“Guh!” Mason reacts like he was struck in the gut. “That is… skin ship! I wanted skin ship. If Millie wasn’t so cute, I wouldn’t sneak in your bed every night! What’s wrong with that?”

“Incest is wrong!” Millie shouts back.

“Wait… whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?” I cry, “What the fuck you mean incest?”

It was the silver-haired dragon who looks exasperated and tired who responds. “It’s the unfortunate truth. Mason and Millie are siblings.”

“Listen here, fake dragon. Millie is my beautiful and loving sister. Only I will have her!” Mason declares.

Xhou hits Mason over the head with enough force that his face plants into the ground. A second later Mason pulls his head out of the dirt and shoots me a glare like nothing happened.

“None of that matters now. I’ve already declared a fight to the death with this young man. No matter how much dragon you possess, you still claim ownership over my precious daughter. Our colony cannot afford to lose her. She’s my last normal child. I’d never be able to find someone to marry Mason, so Millie is my last chance to strengthen ties with another colony. With no proper heir, it’s the only way we will survive as a colony. Please prepare yourself.”

“Father, no!” Millie cries before turning back to me. “Please, master, I beg you, if you love me even a little, don’t hurt father. I couldn’t bear to see him hurt. I know it’s an unreasonable request, but please don’t fight him.”

I take a few steps forward, patting Millie’s head as I pass. “Don’t worry. I’ve already said it. Your mine, and today is your date. I will definitely fulfill your request, no matter how impossible it is.”

“S-so cool!” the words came from Mason, who immediately covered his mouth and then gave me a hateful stare.

“Alright, old man. Millie is mine. If you think you have the strength to take her, then test me.”

“I like the look in your eye young man.” Xhou responds. “It’s a shame you weren’t born to our noble colony, decedents of the greatest dragon who ever lived. I might have even given you her hand myself. For that, I’ll end this quickly!”

Xhou immediately dashes forward at full speed which easily breaks the sound barrier. He arrives in front of me at a speed even the other dragons can’t see. They didn’t call him the dragon king for no reason. His fist flies at my face with enough speed that flames spark in the air. Of course, only I am fast enough to see the fist. My hands instinctively go up to catch it.

However, after a brief glance at Millie, looking on with worried eyes, I give a sigh and lower my hands. The fist strikes me in the chin with full strength. Soon, I find myself flying into the side of the crater with a resounding boom.

“Huh?” the voice is Millies.

The dragons are nodding as if this was a given conclusion. Only Millie thought otherwise. It didn’t occur to her for a second, even knowing the absolute strength of her father, that he’d even move me a hair’s breadth. She had such absolute faith in my ability that her brain couldn’t process what just happened.josei

“It’s done.” Mason says cockily. “Now, come over here Millie so I can snuggle you properly!”

“Wait…” Xhou stops Mason from surging forward with a wariness that comes with age. “He… didn’t even attempt to block…”

The mini-crater on the side of the massive crater starts to crack and crumble, and a moment later I pop out. There is no blood or damage on my body, although I'm covered in a little bit more dirt than I was prior. I simply smile and shrug.

“Wh-wh-what is this?” Mason takes a step back in surprise.

“Millie told me not to fight.” I respond simply. “So, I won’t fight. I wonder how long you can keep up, old man.”

I raise a hand, gesturing my fingers to bait Xhou. Xhou watches me carefully with narrow eyes.

“I don’t know what game you’re playing.” The old man sighs. “I am truly sorry, my daughter, but it seems I will have to break your former lover. Goodbye, strange one.”

Xhou comes at me again, faster than before, his fist burning with magic. I don’t lift a finger as the fist connects, creating a massive shockwave that engulfs the crater. It’s going to be a long day.

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