Power of Creation

Book 3

Book 3: Chapter 37

“So… anyway, that’s how Millie’s sister ended up moving in with us.” I explain.

“Mm!” Mason says in agreement as she rubs herself against Millie.

We're all back at the mansion eating dinner together. Millie’s date ended rather abruptly, but she seems happy enough. Well, right after the date, things got a little uncomfortable for a bit…

“Master… if you really loved me you’d get rid of my sis-”

“Hey, Millie, if you really loved me, you’d have a threesome with me and your sister!”

“Guh!” Millie looks like she’s been struck in the stomach. “Using my clever argument against me.”

“I wouldn’t call it clever. I gave you one because it was our day. Every bitch gets one.”

“I’m sorry master, I thought you’d kill father and I was desperate!”

“What kind of person do you think I am?”

“I was reading the comments section and-”

“Don’t you know not to read those!” I explain and then sigh, completely understanding why Millie would carry such worries about my personality. “Besides, where did you come up with such a cliched bullshit line anyway?”

“Well, Megara told me-”

“Never mind, the white-hot flash of rage that just shot through me tells me you shouldn’t complete that sentence.”

“A-are you mad?” Millie asks, her head lowered.

“At Megara? That fucking girl doesn’t know the difference between bad attention and good attention as long as she gets attention. The best course of action is, just ignore her… for now.”

“I-I meant at me…” Millie says quietly.

“Well, there is one way to make amends.” I glance over at the person sitting next to her, who is currently rubbing her chin on Millie’s thigh.

“Hm? Me?” Mason straightens with a confused look.

“is incest the only way to satisfy my master?” Millie asks tearfully.

“Is he suggesting we should have sex? Here? Now?” Mason perks up immediately, drool starting to come out of her mouth.

“It’s incest when it’s just the two of you. But if you both fuck me, then it’s just a threesome with sisters. Not taboo at all.” I explain.

“Don’t say those things to my sister, she’s very trusting and easily manipulated.” Millie growls, but curiosity overtook her senses and so she asks suspiciously. “Does it really work that way?”

“The internet doesn’t lie.”

“I don’t really get it,” Mason speaks up. “But are you saying if I sleep with you, I can do this and that with my sister and no one would think of me weird?”

“There is nothing strange about two sisters enjoying the same man, so sayeth the Pornhub.”

“V-very well.” Millie mutters, “I suppose if it’s masters desire, then I can’t fight it.”

I smile as I remember that incredible night with sister dragons. However, it’s now morning and I am enjoying breakfast.

“Psst…” Someone is crouched next to Mason, taping on her shoulder. “Psst…”

“What?” Mason looks over to see Bell standing there, staring at the pair of them, Millie wrapped in Mason’s embrace.

“S-so… it seems like you are someone whom also likes women. Perhaps, you’d like to talk with a like-minded strong female type or maybe if you feel like it, we can enjoy each other’s company.” Bell says with lustful eyes.

Mason’s expression goes completely cold as she stares at Bell like dirt. “Go die!”

“Guh! Why do you say that? You’re rubbing that woman in a sexual manner right now!”

Mason rolls her eyes like the answer is obvious. “This is my sister. I love my sister. It’s not about male or female, it’s about someone who shares a part of me! A pervert like you wouldn’t understand!”

“I understand, I do! Millie is a very attractive woman. Sometimes, I imagine her, gah, my eyes! Why did you just poke my eyes?”

“Unsee my sister with your filthy eyes you creepy lolicon.”

“Lolicon! You’re touching her privates right now as we talk!”

“This is sister love. Why are you too stupid to get this! Sister love transcends age. It transcends sex. You on the other hand look at my sister with nasty lecherous eyes. Be gone!”

“You bitch! What about that beast? Shouldn’t he get the same treatment?”

“M-my lord!?” Mason looks away with a blush on her cheeks. “He’s an exception.”


“My sister smells beautiful, and feels soft. No one but her closest sister should be allowed to touch her-”

“Mmm… she does smell good and she really is soft!” Ariel says in agreement.

“Eh?” Mason looks to the other side of Millie to find another woman sitting against her other arm.

She was just as close to Millie as Mason was, rubbing her face against Millie with an extreme familiarity.

“This reminds me of when I helped hero pop her cherry, she squirmed and cried but in the end she really liked it.”

“Wh-who are you!?” Mason asks in a fluster.

“I’m your sister Ariel!” Ariel gives a beaming smile.

“Si-sister? What is this?” Mason looks taken aback.

“All the girls here are my sisters. We’re all heros, and we’re all each other’s. We’re family! Millie has been my sister the longest!”

“Wh-what? Well, Millie has been my sister the longest too!” Mason responds defensively.

“Really!” Ariel looks extremely excited, reaching across Millie, who seems to have sunken into her own little world of despair in a desperate attempt to escape reality, grabbing onto Mason’s hands.

“Then we must share! You must have some wonderful stories about Millie. I really want to hear them!”

Mason puffs up her chest. “Why… of course, I know her best.”

“Mm!” Ariel nods. “Isn’t it crazy that she’s really sensitive right under her elbow?”


“And she doesn’t like you to stick your tongue in her pussy, she prefers it if you flick it in a circle around the clit.”


“But you know all that, right! Right, Millie?” Ariel turns to the dead-eyed Millie who doesn’t respond. “Oh, she gets like this. Keeps trying to escape reality. You got to touch her right here-”

“Ergegegger!” Millie suddenly twitches when Ariel reaches down and touches her some place between the legs, “What? Oh, Pun! What am I looking at? Ariel and my sister are holding hands! Did I die and go to the bad place? Why has Pun forsaken me?”

“That way, she remains aware of everything you’re doing and can enjoy every second!” Ariel finishes excitedly, ignoring Millie’s existential crisis.

“By Pun, all along I thought I truly knew my sister, but in the end, I am but the disciple.”

“Th-this can’t be happening!” Millie starts crying as she stares between the two star-eyed girls.

Mason leans forward too, her boob slugging Millie in the chin. “Ariel… no…. big sister Ariel! Please, teach me about every nook and cranny of my sister!”

“What? You treat your big sister Bell so poorly and then let Ariel do whatever? This is bullshit!” Bell cries out. “You know what? Fuck all you bitches, I’m going to go to my room and rub one out. You all can go suck a dick!”

Bell storms off into the other room, but Ariel and Mason barely acknowledge her in their own excitement.

“Let’s get started now!” Ariel says. “Come, Millie, we need you as the reference, so I can show your sister all the things that make you go crazy.”

“What? What! Unhand this mighty dragon! No! Stop!”

The two girls grab Millie by an arm and start dragging her back into Ariel’s bedroom. Desperately, Millie struggles against the two women. Eventually, she turns back, shooting me a look of despair.josei

“Please, master!” Millie gives a desperate cry to me. “If you ever loved me, save me from this!”

Everyone turns to me a second as I sit their drinking from my cup in silence.

Finally, I speak several cold words in a light tone. “Millie… what did I tell you earlier?”


“Say the words…”

Millie looks down sadly. “… bitches only get one.”


All the life went out of Millie as the pair turned away and drag her back into their room, the door shutting behind them.

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