Power of Creation

Chapter 39

Chapter 39


“Yes, yes, maids!” I give the five girls nods.

Of the five girls, it is Ariel who is the least perturbed by my previous transgressions. Grimhilde mutters that it is suiting behavior for the demon lord’s husband. Elysa looks on teary-eyed, asking if I plan to wreck her the same way. Aura looks embarrassed, and Millie is thoughtful.

That is when it strikes me to turn the four girls into my maid staff. If I'm going to have a large harem with a big mansion, I need a bunch of maids, and having them all look alike just seems to make things easier. After glossing over my previous behavior, I push the four vacant-eyed girl’s forward and with a swing of magic, they are wearing the traditional black and white maid dress I'm familiar with. Okay, maybe the dress part barely covers their butts, and the neckline is very low, but it’s a close enough approximation.

“This… will do, Hero-san, but we’ve doubled the number of people and we still don’t have someone who can cook, nor a place to call home.” Aura puts a downer on the whole event.

“Can any of you four cook? Clean?” When the four violated bandits shake their heads, my look must have been scary because they start shaking and I'm pretty sure one of them peed themselves. “Well, at least give me your names!”

Their names turned out to be Denise who has purple hair, Daisy in green hair, May in yellow hair, and Sylvia with blue hair. Well, it might take some time to remember their names, so I'll probably still identify them by their hair. 

Although the girls are identical, the slightest differences could be seen if I look closely enough. Daisy does have just the slightest bit poutier lips and a long ponytail, and May has a sort of mouse-like appearance with her hair in two tails. Meanwhile, Denise kind of seems like an eager puppy with long straight hair, and Sylvia has a librarian vibe with her hair in a bun.

“Ah, he is waking up!” Ariel says excitedly, pointing at the cat... erm... person. 

“Eh? What’s happening?” he asks in a light voice through fluttering eyelashes.

He is quite a bit hotter than the maids, at least, before the maids had been fixed up to my liking. These leaves me a bit confused and slightly agitated. He has a smaller appearance and two cat ears on his head. 

“You, child, do you know how to cook?” I cut through the chitchat, trying to see if I could get some use out of this guy as a cook or something.

“What?” his eyes focus on Ariel above, and then he suddenly turns beat red and throws his hands around as she struggles to his feet. “That is-, who are all of you!”

I watch as he cutely looks flustered as the five girls examine him. Should I just kill him right now? I don't need any pretty boys, especially if my girls are going to bat eyes at him. Well, it’s not like he’s appears aware of his looks, so I suppose things are fine for now. I give him a reassuring smile, but he seems a bit distrustful of me.

“Cooking, can you cook? I pay good!”

“Ah, cook? No! My sister does all the cooking… she is... the slave auction! It's happening right now!”

He turns away and tries to run, but I step in front and grab his wrist before he can take off on me.

“Before that,” I look down on him, “You took my money purse and then gave it to a bunch of bandits. I rescued you from being.... well, let's say killed, so you owe me!”

“R-right… that is… but I have to care for my sister first! She’s ill and she'll definitely be sold to a brothel if I don't do something!”

So, he has a sister, huh? My eyes begin to brighten. This might not be a failure after all. If I can buy her, then I can naturally enjoy all of the cat girl sex I've been wanting. 

“Wait!” I grab at his clothing as he runs away. "You don't even have money!" 

The catboy finally realizes the problem, and a dejected expression appears on his way-too-cute face. "That's... damn it... that... please... save my sister. I-if you do, I'll give you anything!" 

Anything... he says. Well, he's a guy, so the thing I want he can't provide. Unless... no... let's keep futanari out of this. josei

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