President, go away!

Chapter 397

Chapter 397

He didn't blame the doctor, because he knew that if the doctor didn't go in and grab her and tie her to the bed, he was afraid that Shen Qingqing would commit suicide again and even hit her head harder.

I don't know how long later, Huo tingxiao looked up again and looked at Shen Qingqing in the video. She was awake, but she was like a broken doll lying in bed, sleeping quietly. A pair of dark eyes stared at a place empty, motionless and without emotion. josei

When he looked up again, Shen Qingqing raised a strange smile, his lips trembled, Weng moved and said, "ah Yan..."

Huo tingxiao frowned slightly. At this time, she was still thinking about ah Yan. Who is ah Yan?

The next moment, Shen Qingqing changed her name again, "ah Xiao... I hurt..."

In just two words, ah Xiao called Huo tingxiao. Xiao lost his sense of propriety. One of them couldn't stand steadily and fell directly on the sofa, but his eyes were staring at the video.

"Do you know who the word in her mouth is?" after a long time, he opened his mouth with a hoarse voice.

Ah Yan!

The name pierced into Huo tingxiao's heart like a thorn, and his heart eroded his bones!

Shen Qingqing once told him that she would never tell him who ah Yan was!

He also said that ah Yan is a thousand times better and ten thousand times better than him. She is the most loved person in her life!

The doctor shook his head and said, "I don't know who the Yan in her mouth is, but officer Ye Yilan knows!" he paused. He handed a notebook left by Ye Yilan to Huo tingxiao. "This is what officer Ye Yilan asked me to give you. She said that Shen Qingqing stayed in prison. Maybe there will be the answer you want!"

Huo tingxiao took the notebook handed over by the doctor, got up, turned around and left, almost like running away. He left the prison directly until he left Tongcheng prison and sat in his car. He began to breathe heavily.

Joey was frightened when he saw him like this. He didn't know what was in the notebook. He wanted him not to read it. Even if he did, so what?

Shen Qingqing is dead. This is already a fact. Why let him increase his sadness and guilt?

"President, are you okay?"

Huo tingxiao waved his hand, but Joey found that he was shaking badly. He had never seen Huo tingxiao for so many years.

In his cognition, it is basically difficult to cause changes in Huo tingxiao!

It seems that Shen Qingqing is still a great blow to him!

Huo tingxiao held the notebook in his hand. It was Shen Qingqing's thing in prison. At this moment, he was really afraid, so the whole person was shaking.

The scene of Shen Qingqing hitting his head appeared in front of him, which made him feel painful. Finally, the smile solidified on her lips stabbed him in the heart like a knife!

You can't pull it out, you can only make it deeper and deeper!

"Joey, does Xu Youran have a share in Qingqing's suffering in prison?" Huo tingxiao said suddenly indifferently.

Joey nodded. "Yes, what Xiao Shao and I found out is this. She bought several prisoners and bullied Miss Shen specially. The old man didn't embarrass Miss Shen except to die!"

"Well, tell me to buy Shen, no matter what method!"

"But Shen is Miss Shen..."

"Qing Qing is gone, but Shen can't fall on Shen Yiwei's three hands. As for Xu Youran, isn't she willing to pretend? You find someone to tie her to the night. Whether she can live or not has nothing to do with me!"

Joey was a little surprised, "president, why don't you send Xu Youran directly to prison?"

But Huo tingxiao raised a faint smile, which made people shudder, "isn't that too cheap for her?"

After hearing this, Joey understood that Huo tingxiao would not let Xu Youran go at all, and naturally he would not let himself go!


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