President, go away!

Chapter 779

Chapter 779

Remembering what happened that day, Lin Sunian's depressed mood almost collapsed. If it weren't for her daughter, she really wanted to die with the man.

It was he who destroyed her best fantasy of love and marriage.

If he agreed at the beginning that he would only marry but not love, he should not let her get pregnant, let alone say those words with her.

Shen Qingqing frowned, "the female star you said is Ye Kexin?"

"Yes." Lin Su nodded.

"She went to you and said she was pregnant?" Shen Qingqing asked again.

Lin Sunian also nodded.

Shen Qingqing frowned deeper. The woman was really not simple.

As Lin Sunian said, Zong ye and she are a commercial marriage. Since it is a marriage, there are too many interests involved. He can't do such a stupid thing to make ye Kexin pregnant. After all, Lin Sunian is pregnant, and he doesn't need other illegitimate children.

On the contrary, it will cause trouble for yourself.

After all, those in the past were not pregnant. Why was Ye Kexin pregnant alone?

This matter is too doubtful.

"What do you think of your husband?" Shen Qingqing asked softly.

"I don't know what I think of Zong ye now. My mind is in a mess. I want to divorce him and take my daughter abroad, but I'm not reconciled. I'm not reconciled. It's clear that I'm his wife. Why should I leave in the end? I'm not reconciled to let him marry the actor. Besides, the child is still so young. I don't want the child to lose his father now, Growing up in a single parent family. Qing Qing, am I useless? "Lin Su Nian's voice has choked.

She was really unwilling, unwilling to give in, and even more unwilling to lose to an actor.

But her worry is undeniably normal. If a woman is a mother, she thinks of children,

Shen Qingqing looked at Lin Sunian's tired face. Her dark waist long hair was pulled up with a rubber band at will. She couldn't see any style of Miss Lin's family.

"Su Nian, this is a matter between your husband and wife. I can't solve it if I want to intervene." Shen Qingqing looked indifferent and paused. "You have to tie the bell to solve the bell. Only if you solve it yourself can you get the end you want."

She is telling the truth. Feelings are like drinking water and knowing the cold and warm.

"Qing Qing, I understand what you said, but now I just feel a little confused. Can you let me stay with you for a few days? I promise, I won't give you any trouble." Lin Sunian said this with his eyes on his sleeping daughter lying in bed.

Because of Zongye's cheating, she hasn't been in a good month, and her waist has been very painful, but these are far from the harm that the woman has brought to her.

"Has the child been named?" Shen Qingqing suddenly asked. Her eyes fell on the child with soft eyes.

"Well, it's called youyou." Lin Su read.

Lin shengxia looked at the child's young face and smiled, "very good, the name is very good, qingqingzijin, my heart, very good name."

After a pause, she said again, "Su Nian, in fact, I understand what you think now. The reason why you don't choose to divorce is that you don't want to be cheap. Ye Kexin, right? But have you ever thought about letting that woman's child be born? Although he is an illegitimate child, he will also have the right to inherit and divide the things belonging to youYou. This is what you are unwilling to do, right?"

These words were easy to say, but Lin Su Nian's fingers suddenly tightened up, and hatred gradually appeared in her eyes.

Shen Qingqing's short words broke all her fears. josei

She doesn't care about everything in her family, but she wants to give up what belongs to her daughter.

She is unwilling.

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