President, go away!

Chapter 785

Chapter 785

When Shi Yue heard this, he didn't refute, but his eyes were slightly heavy. He looked up at Huo tingxiao, "what are you going to do about Shen Qingqing? If you don't stop it, she will become Mrs. William." josei

Huo tingxiao was silent for a long time before he replied, "as long as she is happy, it doesn't matter."

"Shi Yue, don't learn from tingxiao. This girl has to attend Shen Qingqing's wedding, and I don't know what to think." Zong Ye glanced at Huo tingxiao and continued, "it's estimated that he will give Shen Qingqing the crown and wedding dress he collected?"

As soon as the voice fell, Huo tingxiao's look suddenly became bitter.

"My grass, Huo tingxiao, what are you thinking? Even if you give Shen Qingqing away, you have to rush to deliver the wedding dress?" Zongye was a little puzzled and jumped up to scold Huo tingxiao.

But Huo tingxiao didn't say a word. Instead, Shi Yue opened his mouth first, "really decided?"

"I owe her too much. Ou Qing is right. As far as she is concerned, if I don't disturb her, I can give her the best blessing. I also don't want Qingqing to think of those unhappy things in the past. It's too painful, so I'd rather she never remember." Huo tingxiao smiled.

"Can you bear this pain alone?" Shi Yue asked.

Huo tingxiao paused slightly. Feng's eyes were deep and silent for a long time. He said, "Qing Qing has a saying that's good. Even if it hurts again in my life, what can't bear it."

For a time, there was silence in the president's office.


After returning from the moat, Wang Yizhi drove her back to the Wang family. In a few days, they will get married. Su Xingchen, who is about to become her wife, naturally wants to visit his parents.

Su Xingchen has no room to refuse. She can only promise Wang Yizhi, but she doesn't face coldly. After all, Wang Yizhi is wrong, not Wang's father and mother. They are all elders. She doesn't need to throw her face to them.

At first glance, Wang's father is a very smart businessman. He looks like stepping on his shoulders in the business field. If Wang Yizhi hadn't insisted on forcing him to die, they wouldn't agree to this marriage at all.

After all, the Su family has fallen. At this time, it is always the Wang family that suffers from the marriage of the two families.

The Queen's mother is a woman and likes playing mahjong with a group of rich wives. Naturally, she has heard about Su Xingchen and the president of universal entertainment, so Wang Yizhi insists on marrying Su Xingchen. She still has some complaints and disagrees.

Wang Yi was not at home, so four people sat at a table to eat. She was still a little embarrassed. Her attitude was also very cold.

After dinner, Wang Yizhi was called by the king's father to the study, while Su Xingchen in the living room was called by the king's mother to lecture.

Su Xingchen sat in front of the queen mother and felt like a prisoner being interrogated.

"Star, in fact, your uncle Wang and I don't agree with this marriage very much. It means that he is the only son of our family. We hope that he can marry a virtuous wife. But our family means that he is dead hearted, so he has to marry you. We parents can't go against his will." the queen mother said coldly.

Su Xingchen listened quietly and didn't say anything.

The Queen Mother's words are very ugly. The meaning of these words is also obvious. It's just that the Su family is down and doesn't deserve her Wang family. Su Xingchen has seen a lot of this in the past year.

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