President, go away!

Chapter 806

Chapter 806

"Stars!" Wang Yizhi called in a deep voice. He was about to chase, but was stopped by the queen mother.

"Wang Yizhi, such a dirty woman, I tell you, unless I die, you can't let Su Xingchen enter the door of my king's house." the queen mother pulled her son's arm hard, and her fine makeup face kept twitching, which had already lost its usual solemnity.

"Mom!" Wang Yizhi roared, but his feet were heavy and couldn't take any more steps. "Mom, I really love stars. Why can't you understand me? I don't want to lose her."

His tall body fell slowly and knelt in front of the queen mother. josei

When Wang Yizhi knelt, everyone was stunned. Even when he stood aside to watch the excitement, a look of consternation flashed in his eyes.

"You unfilial thing, you kneel down for a woman. I raised you for nothing." the queen mother raised her arm again, but she was her own son after all. She only hit her shoulder with her fist.

Wang Yizhi hugged his mother's legs and stubbornly refused to say a word.

The Queen's mother was tired, and finally dropped a sentence, "listen to me, Wang Yizhi. If you dare to recover her today, you won't be my son in the future. Choose one between your mother and the woman. If you choose her, I'll think I haven't given birth to you in my life."

The queen mother pushed him away, turned and walked out.

The more I saw the excitement, the corners of my lips only raised a slight ironic smile, turned and left. When passing by Wang Yizhi, I stopped my steps, just like a king. My eyes narrowed slightly, and my eyes swept him coldly.

After a long pause, he said coldly, "Wang Yizhi, some things you didn't do, you shouldn't take it for yourself, you can't afford it."

After that, he walked straight away.


On the cold streets, traffic surged.

Su Xingchen had only a thin inner skirt on her. She walked out of the gorgeous lobby of the hotel like a ghost and wandered blankly in the street. Her black hair reached her waist and her face was unusually pale.

She doesn't understand. She's going to marry someone else. Why, why bother her more and more?

His words, like a sharp blade, cut her heart one by one.

He said she was unworthy of a wedding dress.

Yeah, she really doesn't deserve it. She doesn't deserve it.

Suddenly a harsh car whistle sounded on his side.

Su Xingchen paused and looked blankly at her side. In her eyes was a black Rolls Royce.

When the window was wide open, the more ink his eyes were deep, and he threw out a cold sentence, "get on the bus."

Su Xingchen ironically bent the corner of his lips, completely ignored his existence, and continued to walk along the street, leaving only Shi Yue a delicate and cold figure.

Seeing her attitude, she became more and more angry, "Su Xingchen, get in the car and don't let me do it."

But Su Xingchen still ignored him and went straight ahead. When he was more and more angry, he directly slammed the door and got off, took Su Xingchen's wrist and walked to the car.

"Shiyue, don't touch me -" Su Xingchen struggled hard. She didn't want to be grabbed by Shiyue, but she couldn't get rid of it.

Looking up, her big clear eyes were very empty. She looked at him, "Shiyue, what do you want from me?"

Shi Yue smiled coldly, paused for a long time and said, "Su Xingchen, should I ask you this?"

Su Xingchen smiled, but the laughter was pale. "I begged you, but you didn't promise me. It was Wang Yizhi who saved my father. I already want to forget you and live a good life. Why, why did you come to provoke me?"

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