President, I love being a father!

Chapter 755

Chapter 755

Chapter 755: Chapter 754: imprisonment


Chapter 754: imprisonment.

Li tingjiang frowned and sighed. he began to recall the past.

It turned out that twenty-five years ago, li tingshen and li tingjiang’s father were both high-ranking officials. it could be said that the former president trusted them very much.

The former president was a member of the zhou family. however, due to problems with his outlook on the world, he was not suitable for his family. moreover, the presidential system in country z was all based on elections.

However, the zhou family hoped that the previous president could make some small hints so that everyone else could vote for that high-ranking official of the zhou family.

President zhou did not agree, but he liked li tingshen and li tingjiang more. he liked li tingshen’s decisiveness and wisdom, so he wanted to promote him.

The zhou family unintentionally understood his thoughts and secretly planned to make li tingshen and li tingjiang disappear from the world together.

Previously, li tingshen’s parents, that is, shi caining’s biological grandparents, were on a cruise when they were shipwrecked and both of them were killed.

So on the anniversary of their death, li tingshen, li tingjiang, li tingming (the president’s biological younger brother) and the president’s parents went to the cemetery together. unexpectedly, they met with a man-made car accident!

That car accident caused the president’s parents and li tingming to die from serious injuries.

Since that time, li tingshen’s personality had started to change. he was unusually violent. because the president’s parents were also li tingshen’s aunts and uncles, they treated him as if he was their own child.

All these years, he had long treated them as his biological parents. however, he had lost his loved ones for the second time. he would definitely suffer a psychological impact.

It was also from that time that li tingshen began to be more and more strict with the people around him, especially his woman. at that time, mo xiao had already been with him. however, his change had caused a crisis in the relationship between the two of them.

Li tingjiang found a psychologist for him, but he was rejected by li tingshen. he resigned from office to enter business, vowing to control the entire country’s economy in his hands. when the zhou family’s plot was exposed, they naturally could not defeat li tingjiang.

After the election, li tingjiang became the president, and li tingshen became a businessman.

Li tingshen became a very calm businessman in front of the public. however, after he returned home, he would often fight because of a single sentence from mo xiao. or, he was too domineering. mo xiao did not betray him at all, but he often suspected mo xiao.

Mo xiao was a model, and he had to interact with many people every day. because of this, li tingshen imprisoned her at home, who was two months pregnant.

After struggling for a few months, mo xiao could no longer stand li tingshen like this. he pretended to be pregnant with the president’s child, and li tingshen broke up with her in a fit of anger. only then was mo xiao released.

At least li tingjiang was not together with mo xiao. li tingjiang had suffered too much, and he did not deliberately ask about it. he no longer paid any attention to mo xiao.

The position of president became more and more stable, but li tingshen’s temper could not return to the past. even though the zhou family’s threatened people had their wings broken and their strength stripped, he was still on guard.

Shi caining could not help but frown. “uncle, my father… before the car accident, did he have any special behavior?” josei

Li tingjiang frowned and tried his best to recall.

“yes, there was. at that time, my brother was also your third uncle’s driver. at that time, your father told us to take a remote road. he said that the road your third uncle chose was very dangerous. he received a phone call and said so. however, there weren’t many people on that road, and there were also your third uncle’s subordinates. therefore, your third uncle didn’t listen to him and insisted on taking that road. in the end… there was a car accident. that car accident was man-made. although the driver died, we found some motive and evidence of the zhou family’s killing.”

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