President's Contract Wife

Chapter 98

Chapter 98

"I haven't tried to watch the sunrise here. I used to be busy working. When I came home tired at night, I was sleeping. How could I have time to watch the sunrise? Now, I'm finally free. I'm finally free to watch the sunrise and the sunset... " Muzixi's voice was trembling. I couldn't understand why I had to say all of a sudden.

She leaned her head gently against rinovan's shoulder. Lin nuofan's heart suddenly missed a few beats. He didn't know how to do it.

"This is the happiest time for me. Thank you, brother Lin."

Lin nuofan's voice was low: "Zixi, I don't want you to say thank you again. As long as you are happy and happy, I will feel it worth doing anything. Your smile is more important than anything in the world."

Lin nuofan summoned up his courage and gently put his arms around the shoulder of muzixi. So the two never spoke again.

Muzixi felt that he was going to sleep, and suddenly felt some dazzling light. In my ear, I heard Lin nuofan's cry: "Zixi, Zixi, look at the sunrise!" josei

Muzixi suddenly opened her eyes, stood up from the grass, cheered and cheered. She saw the sunrise!

This is the view she has wanted to see for many years.

Lin nuofan looked at muzixi as a child, jumping and jumping, inexplicably, there is a kind of happiness. He likes to see the mirth of muzixi. He was infected by muzixi's actions, and couldn't help but stand up, and tried to stretch. This night, he sat on the ground with muzixi, afraid that muzixi would wake up. He hadn't moved in the middle of the night.

Looking at the sunrise over the sea from the top of the mountain, it's a beautiful scenery. The bloody red gradually turns into gold, gradually lights up the ocean, and finally shines on the whole city. The city's lights are out when it's dark.

Muzixi closed her eyes, opened her arms, and breathed in the fresh morning air. There was a smell of grass. If you can, muzixi really hopes to have a small wooden house here. Every morning, she would like to sit in front of the wooden house and watch the sunrise and sunset.

It's a bit like a fool, but it's enough. This sunrise can make muzixi remember from time to time in the second half of his life.

Muzixi turns to look at Lin nuofan who is stupid behind him, and spits out his tongue: "brother Lin, thank you for accompanying me this night! I'm really happy. I just lost my temper. "

"I would like to see you happy, as long as I can be happy, I think it's worth doing anything," said Lin

Lin nuofan is such a warm and considerate man. Muzixi is really eager to be held in his hand forever.

"Is there anything on my face?" Rinovan touched his face.

"No, brother Lin, it's dawn. Go home." Muzixi accidentally said the word "home", home? Lin nuofan suddenly has the courage to work hard. Yes, if, in the near future, Lin nuofan accepts himself, then that's our home!

Lin nuofan turns around and gets on the car with muzixi. He starts the car and smiles on his face. He is very happy. He points to the front and says, "let's go home!"

Muzixi didn't know why he said it was his home. The smile on Lin nuofan's face made muzixi satisfied. He always relied on Lin nuofan's care. This time, he finally made Lin nuofan happy, just because of one word, he was satisfied. If He is not a mistress of the chenghaotian, is he? Is that home already home of the himself and Lin nuofan?

Muzixi nodded and was infected by Lin nuofan's smile.

When they got home, they went back to their rooms to have a rest and didn't wake up until afternoon.

Muzixi changed into a sportswear, went downstairs, but found Lin nuofan had got up. Muzixi was a little embarrassed: "brother Lin, why don't you call me when you get up so early?"

"It doesn't matter. I just got up, too." Lin nuofan asked Aunt Wang to bring her lunch.

Lin nuofan watched muzixi eat. He hardly moved his chopsticks. Xu was very happy last night. He is not hungry until now. He is very happy to see muzixi eat. Lin nuofan's psychology is also very happy. He kept asking muzixi to eat more. In his eyes, muzixi was still too thin. If there was a typhoon suddenly, she might be swept away.

Muzixi then noticed that Lin nuofan didn't move her chopsticks. She put down her bowl and said, "brother Lin, you don't eat, neither do I. I want to eat with you."

Lin nuofan smiled and looked at muzixi: "why? Are you still polite to me? This is our home. You're welcome. I'm not hungry. I'll eat when I'm hungry. "

Muzixi is like a child, pouting and refusing to eat any more. Lin nuofan can only pick up chopsticks and accompany muzixi to eat.

At this time, the phone in the living room suddenly rings. Aunt Wang answers the phone, turns around and walks to Lin nuofan's side. She hands over the cordless phone to Lin nuofan. Lin nuofan watches muzixi eat and picks up the phone.

I don't know who is at the other end of the phone. After a few words, Lin nuofan's smile gradually disappeared. He suddenly stood up, walked to the living room, pulled the floor glass of the living room, and walked to the back garden.Muzixi looks at Lin nuofan's sudden expression strangely and asks carefully: "Aunt Wang, whose phone is it? How can I make brother Lin nervous? "

"I don't know. It's for young master Lin. I can't hear the voice, but I feel very anxious."

Muzixi put down the dishes and went to the living room. She saw Lin nuofan's eyebrows locked. The person at the other end of the phone didn't know what he was talking about. It seemed that she was excited.

Muzixi feels that she has some unspeakable feelings in her heart. She twists her fingers gently, and a kind of foreboding passes through her heart.

When Lin nuofan hung up the phone and walked into the living room, but saw muzixi standing in the living room, he smiled and said, "Why are you still standing here? Keep eating. "

"Brother Lin, is there anything else in the company? I see your expression. What's the matter? " Muzixi asked quickly.

"No, you think more. In this way, you have a rest at home. I'm going to have a meeting. Manager Li from the sales department just called me. Now we are going to meet for a meeting. You're at home, OK?" Lin nuofan still seems to be coaxing muzixi.

Muzixi pulls Lin nuofan, who is ready to walk to the door. His eyes are full of determination: "brother Lin, no matter what happens to the company, I am willing to go forward and back with you! So, what do you have to tell me, OK? I don't want you to hide anything from me. "

Lin nuofan sighed softly: "Zixi, our market in Europe has been hit hard. Our opponent is Cheng Haotian. Now, the market over there is almost lost. Our company is losing day by day! "

Muzixi's head was bombed, and it lost the European market. What does it mean for Linshi group? Muzixi is quite clear.

Muzixi knows chenghaotian so well. In fact, when she pushes chenghaotian away, chenghaotian's eyes are disappointed. Muzixi knows that chenghaotian is a very arrogant man with revenge.

"Last time, I have made chenghaotian suffer a lot in the Southeast Asian market. This time, in my expectation, I didn't expect his speed to be so fast. It caught me off guard. "

Muzixi got on the car with Lin nuofan in his sportswear. Lin nuofan slowly said what he had done.

Muzixi's eyebrows are also locked. She just started to be a Secretary for Lin nuofan. She doesn't know a lot of things, but if Lin nuofan, who has always been very stable, is so nervous, it means that this matter must be very not optimistic.

Muzixi turned to ask: "brother Lin, can you tell me if you lose the European market, what will happen?"

"Lin Group will have a big impact!" Rinovan said it word by word.

Would it be so serious?

Muzixi couldn't help but ask, "then, what's the worst result?"

"Back to the beginning of the company, everything slowly started again. Just go back to the origin. Zixi, it doesn't matter. I'll find a way. " Instead, Lin nuofan patted muzixi's hand to comfort her.

Muzixi nodded: "well, I know, brother Lin, you will solve this problem very well."

Two people no longer speak, the mind heavy into the company's elevator.

All the people have arrived in the conference room, even Lin Tiexiong, Lin nofan's father. Muzixi is wearing a sportswear, and there are not so many scruples. All the people in the conference room are trying to deal with the loss of the European market in various ways.

Lin nuofan is quietly thinking about how to do things, but Yu Guang sees Lin Tiexiong slowly sliding from his chair to the ground.

The meeting room was surrounded by people. Lin nuofan hurriedly helped Lin Tiexiong to lie on the ground and asked in a low voice, "do you have a heart attack?"

Lin Tiexiong nods hard. Lin nuofan touches Lin Tiexiong's clothes. He touches the quick rescue heart pill and immediately pours out two of them for Lin Tiexiong to hold. Muzixi called the emergency center in a hurry.

When the ambulance arrived, Lin nuofan gave a few words and sent Lin Tiexiong to the hospital.

This time, Lin Tiexiong couldn't stand the collapse of his career, which he had worked hard for decades.

How can Lin nuofan not understand Lin Tiexiong's mind? He can only turn attack into defense and reduce his losses. But the once famous Lin Group is gone. How can Lin Tiexiong not rush to attack.

Lin nuofan sat beside Lin Tiexiong and saw that the old man with pale hair closed his eyes and used a lot of instruments. The man who once made himself despised suddenly became an old man, making Lin nuofan slightly moved.

Muzixi gently walked to Lin nuofan's side, put his hand on Lin nuofan's shoulder, and asked in a low voice, "how is uncle?"

Lin nuofan made a silent movement, and muzixi walked out of the ward.

Lin nuofan saw the manager of the sales department at the door. He came to him and asked him for a cigarette. Lin nuofan, who never smoked, lit the cigarette and stood by the window of the corridor.Muzixi saw Lin nuofan smoking for the first time, and also saw Lin nuofan frowning for the first time.

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