Prime Originator

Chapter 549 - Elizabeths Arrival

Chapter 549 - Elizabeths Arrival

Chapter 549 - Elizabeth's Arrival

Princess Thessalia was helplessly pulled away from her congee pot by Faelyn after coming so close to it. She watched the congee pot getting further away before she said, "But I am hungr—"

"No buts!" Faelyn said stubbornly.

Her third eldest sister was covered in dirt from top to bottom. It was not just her closes that were dirtied. Even her hands, her face, and her messy blonde hair were covered in dirt.

What was the point of eating like this?

She would just get dirt in the congee bowl and possibly get an upset stomach later.

Although such a thing was normal for people, Faelyn still wanted her sister to avoid situations if possible. After all, it is not exactly pleasant.

Shortly after, Faelyn brought her third eldest sister to the newly constructed bathhouse and helped Thessalia wash up. josei

Once they were done, Faelyn continued to help Thessalia dry her hair in front of a mirror.

The both of them could be seen wrapped in white towels. Even so, it did not hide Thessalia's battle-hardened body and well-toned muscles without any excessive mass and weight.

The only difference was her old scars have all disappeared, giving her fair skin a refreshing look like a newborn baby after the bath.

Faelyn was surprised before said, "Sister, you have such nice skin! You need to take care of your image more. Although you don't really care about these trivial things, but you are, after all, a lady and a princess nonetheless. If you dress up a bit and apply a touch of make-up, men would fawn all over you!"

"Do you also think really think so? Am I really too plain and tomboyish?" Thessalia asked after she quietly glanced at herself in the mirror and recalled Leon's words.

"Uhh… I wouldn't say tomboyish. That's a bit of an understatement. How should I put it?" Faelyn began finding her words before she explained, "You're not feminine at all, sister. No, you're more manly than the average man."

Faelyn never really minded how her third eldest sister was in the past. But after she established her relationship with Leon, she also began looking into her own third eldest sister's happiness.

Thessalia fell silent.

She appeared to be contemplating some things for a moment before she requested, "Then… can you also teach me how to be more lady-like and beautiful too?"

"I would love to, sister!" Faelyn smiled with bright eyes, seeing that her third eldest sister seemed to have taken an interest in these things.

Meanwhile, General Marquis Hendrick organized a reception to welcome the Queen's arrival.

Tables and seats were neatly arranged on an open hill before lavish food and drinks were placed on top by the general's personal servants.

As General Marquis Hendrick observed the setup and nodded with satisfaction, a particular change in the wind compelled him to turn and look towards his eastern direction on the right.

Elizabeth softly landed on the hill with a shivering girl in her arms before they separated.

Darlene thought she was going to die during her hubby's mother's high-speed flight. She would much prefer to fly in Leon's arms.

"Your Majesty, you must not have eaten during your trip yet. I have prepared dinner to welcome you." General Marquis Hendrick quickly greeted before his eyes fell on Darlene. "And this is…?"

"Her name is Darlene, and she is one of my daughters-in-law," Elizabeth stated casually before she frowned at the luxurious food.

"You did not need to prepare such extravagance to welcome us. We are in the middle of a crisis that concerns the fate of everyone in the Human Domain. You should learn to be stringent when possible."

"Understood, Your Majesty." General Marquis Hendrick bowed while smiling wryly in his heart.

If he did not know the Queen was arriving, would he prepare such lavishness? He was not an extravagant person either.

But if he did not cut at least an arm to welcome the Queen properly, it would be considered disrespectful.

"You can offer it to your servants. They had certainly earned. I am not hungry. More importantly, where is my son? And what is the current situation?" Elizabeth searched the surrounding with her gaze but failed to locate Leon within the crowd anywhere.

"I understand, Your Majesty." General Marquis Hendrick nodded before turning to his servants, "What are you waiting for? Show your gratitude to the Queen."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" The servants quickly expressed their gratitude before dining into the lavish food on the table with mouth-watering expressions.

They did not expect that they would get an opportunity to enjoy such lavishness only fit for nobles and royalties.

At the same time, General Marquis Hendrick shortly answered Queen Elizabeth's inquiries, "His Highness is cultivating in the sky, Your Majesty. The elves have settled by the trees, and the soldiers are cleaning up the mess in Military City. As for the Wildlands, it is currently not affecting, but you should be able to tell how chaotic it is."

Listening to the distant rumbles coming from the far west that can be heard and felt from time to time, Elizabeth knew that the General Marquis was speaking the truth.

She could hardly fathom how strong someone had to be to generate force that can be felt from so far away.

Nevertheless, Elizabeth did not dwell on the matter.

"Where is my son cultivating in the sky? I don't see him." Elizabeth furrowed her brows while searching the dark skies.

Although the darkness lowered her vision, her vision should have been good enough to see anything below the sky suppression zone.

"You won't be able to find him, Your Majesty." General Marquis Hendrick smiled wryly.

"The prince has flown deep into the sky suppression, and possibility reached beyond the clouds. I could hardly believe it at first, but the prince had really done it—whether it was by his ability alone or with the help of some specialized tool."

"Is that so?" Although Elizabeth was surprised, it was not entirely outside her expectations as she recalled the foreign Transcendents that attacked her husband had also dropped from beyond the suppression zone.

"Never mind then. Let us move onto business then."

Once Elizabeth said this, General Marquis Hendrick nodded with a solemn expression, "Yes, Your Majesty."

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