Princess Medical Doctor

Chapter 847

Chapter 847: Hands-on, Prince Xiao worth tens of thousands of gold

Chapter 847: Hands-on, Prince Xiao worth tens of thousands of gold

Xiao Tianyao's return to the capital was not low-key this time, let alone interested ordinary people, they also know about Prince Xiao's return, while those who were interested can find out his whereabouts as long as they check. After knowing Xiao Tianyao's whereabouts, it was not difficult to make arrangements.

Xiao Tianyao returned to the capital this time was to be the regent. No one can guarantee that Xiao Tianyao will return to power after he becomes regent. Even if there was a one-in-a-million possibility, some people will try their best to prevent Prince Xiao from entering the capital and preventing him from being the regent.

Due to Shi Yihan's order, Tiancang Pavilion and Moon Shadow Building did not dare to accept business related to Xiao Tianyao. They refuse to accept it, but it doesn't mean that others dare not accept it. Not only Moon Shadow Building accepts assassination jobs in the four countries.

On the day before Xiao Tianyao returned to the capital, all major assassin organizations except Moon Shadow Building received orders to assassinate Xiao Tianyao.

"To each person to shoot, if you kill a court official, one hundred taels of gold; If you take Xiao Tianyao's head, one million taels of gold." This was the price offered by a certain employer to a certain killer organization.

Regardless of success or failure, as long as the assassins in the organization were sent out, they will get money. And it was not just one assassin organization that received this business. The assassin organizations large and small in the east have all received the corresponding business. josei

The assassins were working for money. Although it was very difficult to assassinate Xiao Tianyao and the chance of success was almost non-existent, the employer did not say that they must kill Xiao Tianyao, but there were still rewards.

One day in advance, members of the major assassin organizations were dispatched together, ambushing Xiao Tianyao on the only way to the capital along the way, waiting for the opportunity to strike.

There was no contact between the major assassin organizations, and there will be no business contacts, but this time everyone chose to cooperate tacitly.

After Prince Xiao and his party set up camp, the assassins lurking everywhere contacted secretly, and everyone agreed to shoot together.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, which was a good time to kill. When the assassins find out where the camp of Prince Xiao and the officials were, and find out the pattern of the patrolling soldiers, they ready themselves to attack.



In the dark, someone was gesturing, and when the number "three" was hit, the assassins lurking in the dark were divided into two groups, one to attack the main battalion, and the other to attack the tents of civil and military officials.

"Huh…" Dozens of people moved out in unison, like one person, and rushed towards the main tent with their swords in hand.

"There are assassins, there are assassins!" The Jinwuwei Soldier immediately noticed the change, drew his sword, and stepped forward to block the assassins rushing ahead.

"We will hold the Jinwuwei Army, you rush in." The first wave of killers didn't rush forward but tried their best to entangle the Jinwuwei Army.

This was the first time the assassins have cooperated. They also agreed that as long as they kill Prince Xiao, everyone will share the bounty equally, so there was no merit or lack of credit.

They were assassins, not soldiers. They never distribute money according to their merits. Only when they complete tasks can they get rewards?

They were all well-trained assassins. Although this was the first cooperation, there was no tacit understanding between each other, but the division of labor was clear. Each performs its duties, and everyone sticks to their positions.

In the camp, Lin Chujiu, who was bored in her heart, heard the sound outside. She jumped up from the chair suddenly, wiped her face, took out the dagger close to her body, and moved forward carefully.

But within two steps, she was blocked by the shadow guard: "Wangfei, please don't go out, this humble subordinate will protect you."

"What's going on outside?" Lin Chujiu secretly heaved a sigh of relief seeing the shadow guard appearing.

She has seen the strength of the shadow guards, she knows how strong Xiao Tianyao's shadow guards were.

"A group of assassins should be targeting the prince." The reason why the shadow guard didn't appear the first time was to check the situation outside and report the news to Xiao Tianyao.

Although Xiao Tianyao will understand when he hears the movement, as a shadow guard, he has his duty.

"How many people? Can you stop them?" Lin Chujiu was very scared and afraid of creatures called assassins. One must know that on the day of her wedding, assassins broke into the new house. If she hadn't been capable, and the opponent's sword fell on her, she would have died long ago.

"Many, this subordinate took a quick look at them. There are at least thirty or so people. The Jinwuwei Army are trying their best to stop them. The difficulty is too great." Xiao Tianyao brought five thousand elite soldiers to the capital this time. Without an advantage, the assassins never engage people head-on.

"Where is wangye now? When will he come back?" Lin Chujiu knew that the shadow guards cannot stop the assassins. She could only pin his hopes on Xiao Tianyao.

"Wangye and Prime Minister You are together. There are more assassins on their side, so wangye may not be able to come here." Although the bounty for killing civil and military ministers was small, it can stand a large number of civil and military ministers, and they were easy to kill. Therefore, except for the top assassins, most assassins flocked to the ministers of civil and military affairs, trying to kill a few more court officials to make up for the difference in quality with quantity.

"Even the imperial court officials are ordered to be attacked together, the Empress is very capable!" Although there was no evidence now, Lin Chujiu can still guess who was behind the scenes.

Xiao Zian and Imperial Concubine Zhou were trapped in the palace by the Empress, the crown prince was imprisoned, and Prince Wen was also imprisoned. At this time, only the Empress can send a big group of assassins and avoid Xiao Tianyao's eyes and ears.

"With wangye here, those officials will be fine." At this time, nothing will happen, otherwise, the family members of the dead ministers will blame Prince Xiao, thinking that Prince Xiao implicated them.

"Are you the only one here?" With Xiao Tianyaoaround, naturally, no assassins can get close to those ministers, but what about her?

She can't guarantee that she can escape from the hands of the assassin. As everyone knows, an assassin that dares to attack the military camp was not an ordinary person.

"Wangye has no other arrangements." The shadow guard replied truthfully.

"I know." Lin Chujiu was neither surprised nor angry but just clenched the dagger tightly.

Whether the assassination of Xiao Tianyao tonight was thought of or not, things were already like this. Xiao Tianyao sent her someone, she should be content.

After all, she can't always ask Xiao Tianyao to stay by her side to protect her. She has enjoyed the glory brought by Princess Xiao, so she naturally has to bear the corresponding risks.

"Wangfei, don't worry, this subordinate will protect you. If you are worried, these subordinates can escort you to find wangye." Although there may be unknown dangers along the way, as long as they walk to their prince's side, they will be safe.

In this world, no killer can kill their prince!

"No, I believe you." There was a lot of killing outside, rushing out at this time will only become the target of the assassins.

Moreover, she should also believe in Xiao Tianyao once and believe in herself once.

She believed that with Xiao Tianyao around, she will be fine, and she believe that she can protect herself… …

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