Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 99.2

Chapter 99.2: No Amount Could Compensate Her (2)

Ji Fanyin had not forgotten about Cen Xiangyang.

“My child has nothing to do with you.” Ji Xinxin crouched on the sofa warily, protecting her mid region. “I will make sure to give birth to a healthy baby.”

“You’re overthinking things. I was just about to leave and considering it’s been awhile since we last met, I thought I would come over to visit you.” Ji Fanyin gestured at her, “Seems like you are doing worse than I thought. I’m relieved now.”

Ji Xinxin was livid but kept her silence.

“Bai Zhou and Song Shiyu had both gone home.” Ji Fanyin pressed on, “Did they contact you?”

Ji Xinxin clenched her fists but still did not say anything.josei

“Who else is left?” Ji Fanyin scratched her chin and mumbled, as though she was talking to herself, “Oh, right! There’s still Cen Xiangyang! I heard his studio is nearly out of funds due to the extended filming schedule of their new work.”


Ji Fanyin asked from the bottom of her heart, “Ji Xinxin, who is there left to help you?”

If one can only complete tasks with the help of others, does that mean nothing can be done when everyone else is occupied?

“That is none of your business,” Ji Xinxin answered coldly.

Ji Fanyin sized up Ji Xinxin’s defensive posture and immediately understood her plan. She had been banking her last hope on the birth of this child.

“Alright, I’ll take my leave. Take care, I’ll see you next time.” Ji Fanyin reached for the door handle. But before her hand came into contact with it, she turned around pretentiously, as though she had just remembered something, and said, “Oh, right, it may be inconvenient for you to go out in this period of time. Do you need me to bring you anything the next time I drop by?”

It sounded as though she was visiting someone in prison.

“There. Is. No. Need.” Ji Xinxin said perfunctorily.

Ji Fanyin raised her eyebrows and walked out of the room, ready to leave the hospital.

Li Xiaoxing would never keep that child.

Even if he had initially intended to do so, he would never be able to tolerate its existence now.

In the room, Ji Xinxin replayed the words of Ji Fanyin in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more each word seemed to be imbued with Ji Fanyin’s mockery which also served as an ominous foretelling.

Will Ji Fanyin be coming back?

What identity would she be assuming when she meets Li Xiaoxing?

Is she planning to use that little bit of kindness ‘Ji Fanyin’ showed Li Xiaoxing in their childhood days to steal him away from her?

Despite her anxiety and anger, there was nothing she could do. Furthermore, as per the doctor’s advice, she had to keep her emotions in check so as to not affect the fetus.

To put it bluntly, Ji Xinxin’s entire pregnancy was a risky one with a beyond high possibility of miscarriage.

She forced herself to sit back down on the armchair. Only after drinking a full cup of warm water did she finally feel herself slightly calm down. She let out a long deep breath.

However, right at this moment, there was another knock on the door. This time, the person on the other end did not wait for her to answer before pushing the door open and entering the room. The intruder was Li Mingyue. She was pushing a wheelchair.

And in the wheelchair sat Li Xiaoxing.

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