Project Relife: 2x Isekai System

Chapter 104

Chapter 104: Pleistocene Part 2

Another loess-paleosol succession occurs in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Austria, where loess blankets terraces of the major rivers that drained eastward and southward from the principal glaciated areas in the Alps and northern Europe.

As in China, buried soils are common in the loess succession and, along with gastropod shells, provide paleoclimatic data and evidence for climatic change.josei

The climatic cycles varied from cold and dry conditions when loess accumulated to warm and wet conditions with hardwood forests and well-developed soils. In the last 730,000 years, eight climatic cycles have been delineated; these correlate with the eight oxygen-18 cycles that occurred in the marine record during the same time interval. 

During the entire Pleistocene, about 17 glacial episodes alternated with 17 interglacials.

Glacial till, which was directly deposited by glaciers, covers extensive areas of northern Eurasia and northern North America and occurs as well in many mountain regions and other areas that currently are not covered by glacial ice. Soils of warm climate origin buried between tills were recognized long ago and provided the basis for the development of the idea of multiple glaciation during the Pleistocene. However, because direct dating of the deposits generally is not possible and the glacial sequence is not complete as a result of erosion or nondeposition or a combination of the two, the development of long chronological records and correlation to the oxygen-18 record are difficult. Correlations generally are possible for the last two climatic cycles. They also are feasible in areas where the glacial succession contains interbedded volcanic rocks from which radiometric ages can be obtained.

In the mid-continental region of the United States, early work recognized tills that were interpreted to represent four major glaciations and three major buried soils that were viewed as representing interglaciations. 

Subsequent work showed that the glaciated record was more complex and that parts of the older record were miscorrelated. Consequently, the older portion of the record is informally referred to as the pre-Illinoian, and the older glacial and interglacial terms are no longer used except locally. Volcanic ash occurs within the succession in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska and is useful for correlation and dating.

In one core, till occurs below ash that has been dated at about 2.2 million years old, suggesting late Pliocene glaciation. Other tills of the pre-Illinoian sequence probably are correlative with oxygen-18 stages 22, 16, and 12, and possibly others. 

The Illinoian correlates with oxygen-18 stage 6 and possibly stage 8, and the Sangamonian correlates with stage 5. The last glacial interval, the Wisconsinan, is subdivided into three parts, an early stade (substage) of glaciation, a middle interstadial, or time of restricted glaciation, and a late stade of glaciation. These intervals generally correlate with oxygen-18 stages 4, 3, and 2, respectively. Deposits of the early and middle Wisconsinan are poorly known in the mid-continental region of the United States; the area probably was not glaciated. 

Tills of the early Wisconsinan and even some that are correlative with oxygen-18 substages 5d or 5b, however, are common in the Canadian Arctic and on Baffin Island, where the ice sheet developed much earlier. 

It was not until the late Wisconsinan, about 18,000 years ago, that the southern ice sheet margin reached its maximum extent in the United States and eastern and western Canada. 

The ice sheet margin began to retreat and downwaste (i.e., thin out) soon after reaching its maximum position, and the United States was deglaciated by about 10,000 years ago. Hudson Bay, near the centre of the ice sheet, was open to the ocean by 8,000 years ago, and, except for the Barnes and Penny ice caps on Baffin Island, the ice sheet had dissipated from the upland areas of central Canada by 6,000 years ago, well into the Holocene and oxygen-18 stage 1.

A somewhat similar chronology has been developed for the glaciated areas of Eurasia and the British Isles based on a variety of criteria. In addition to tills and buried soils, marine deposits, permafrost features, and fossil pollen and beetles have been used to subdivide the succession on a climatic basis. As elsewhere, the earlier portion of the record is not well established, and correlations among different geographic areas, as well as to the marine oxygen-18 record, are uncertain. 

The first cold period, known as the Pretiglian and based on pollen data from the Netherlands, began about 2.3 million years ago, soon after extensive ice-rafted material first appears in North Atlantic deep-sea cores. The Pretiglian was followed by a succession of warm and cold intervals, which also are based on pollen and on other flora and fauna evidence and which have been given different names in different areas. Although several old gravels with glacial erratics are known, the oldest major glacial episodes with extensive till deposits are the Elsterian in northern Germany and the Anglian in England. These glaciations probably are correlative with oxygen-18 stage 12, and local evidence suggests the possibility of earlier glacial events. Along coastal areas, these tills are overlain by the marine Holstein deposits, which also may represent more than one high sea-level stand. 

The next major glacial sequence is the Saalian of Germany, which is subdivided into the Drenthe and the Warthe; these probably correlate with oxygen-18 stages 8 and 6, respectively. Deposits and soils of the last interglaciation, the Eemian and Ipswichian, are correlative with oxygen-18 stage 5e, and those of the last glaciation, the Weichselian and Devensian, correlate with oxygen-18 stages 5d–a, 4, 3, and 2. As in central North America, tills and other deposits are well known only from the last part of this interval. 

The deglacial history generally is similar, except for a widespread but short interval of renewed glacial activity and cold climatic conditions that is known as the Younger Dryas in Scandinavia and Loch Lomond in the British Isles. This event occurred about 11,000 years ago, some 2,000 years before the dissipation of the ice sheet.

A relatively short but important late Pleistocene and Holocene climatic record is derived from ice cores that have been taken from the ice sheets of Antarctica, Greenland, and Arctic Canada. The ice record in several cores extends back to the last interglaciation (oxygen-18 stage 5) and, in one case, to the next-to-the-last glaciation (stage 6). 

Although dating of the lower portions of the ice cores is difficult, annual layers of snow and ice can be counted in the upper parts and an accurate time scale reconstructed. Because the air temperature at the time when moisture condenses to fall as snow controls the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of the snow, investigators are able to reconstruct temperature variations through isotopic studies of the ice cores.

Data from the Vostok core taken from the East Antarctic Ice Sheet indicate that the climatic record of the Southern Hemisphere is similar to that interpreted from Northern Hemisphere records with respect to times of glaciation and interglaciation.

It also is possible to measure the amount of microparticles (very fine dust) in the ice, and studies of this kind show that there are many more particles in the portions of the core that accumulated during periods of extensive glaciation, apparently reflecting greater atmospheric circulation and dust in the atmosphere at those times.

Trapped air preserved in small bubbles in the ice gives an indication of the composition of the atmosphere at the time the ice (snow) accumulated. 

An important result from this work indicates that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere during the last glacial (stages 2, 3, and 4) was substantially less than during the Holocene (stage 1) and the last interglaciation (stage 5e). 

This observation has significant implications with respect to climate and climatic change during glacial and interglacial transitions.

Environments during the Pleistocene were dynamic and underwent dramatic change in response to cycles of climatic change and the development of large ice sheets. Essentially all regions of the Earth were influenced by these climatic events, but the magnitude and direction of environmental change varied from place to place. The best-known are those that occurred from the time of the last interglaciation, about 125,000 years ago, to the present.

The growth of large ice sheets, ice caps, and long valley glaciers was among the most significant events of the Pleistocene.

During times of extensive glaciation, more than 45 million square kilometres (or about 30 percent) of the Earth's land area were covered by glaciers, and portions of the northern oceans were either frozen over or had extensive ice shelves.

In addition to the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets, most of the glacial ice was located in the Northern Hemisphere, where large ice sheets extended to mid-latitude regions. 

The largest was the Laurentide Ice Sheet in North America, which at times stretched from the Canadian Rocky Mountains on the west to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland on the east and from southern Illinois on the south to the Canadian Arctic on the north.

The other major ice sheet in North America was the Cordilleran Ice Sheet, which formed in the mountainous region from western Alaska to northern Washington. 

Glaciers and ice caps were more widespread in other mountainous areas of the western United States, Mexico, Central America, and Alaska, as well as on the islands of Arctic Canada where an ice sheet has been postulated.

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