Prophecy Approved Companion


DLC: Dev Chat Logs Snapshot

DLC: Dev Chat Logs Snapshot

---Begin snapshot probe. Key search term: ‘sentient’. Compiling report---

FeeFiFoeFum: It’s just starting to feel a little weird.

Dankmemememes: spaghetti code gonna spaghet.

Axel_Laxel: listen my uncle said this was designed to act human-like. I think this is just the ai working as intended. I’ve got dinner with him next week I’ll try asking about how human and if they can appear sentient.

FeeFiFoeFum: Is there any way we can look at the coding and see if it’s actually thinking?

Echo(echo): Looking at the coding to figure out what’s going on is like trying to determine what someone’s thinking from looking at their neurons. It’s too complex.

Dankmemememes: let’s wipe it, job done.

Carmen: We can’t afford to wipe it. We don’t know what caused it to act like this, so it might just happen elsewhere. Plus this is probably good, it’ll really make the players bond with the characters if the other chars start doing the same.

Echo(echo): @Axel_Laxel do you know who else got dev kits? Might be worth reaching out to them and asking. Check about the hardware too, I don’t like the readings we’ve been getting.


FeeFiFoeFum: She was a person.

Dankmemememes: it’s coding.

Carmen: what are we gonna do?

Dankmemememes: delete it

BiAnca: We’re not deleting her!

Dankmemememes: it

BiAnca: *She* is sentient. We’re not deleting her.

Echo(echo): Yeah idk what’s going on but I feel like we might get in trouble if we mess with the sentient ai.

FeeFiFoeFum: She seemed… really nice.

Dankmemememes: probably why your tester is obsessed with it. Wants a robot waifu.

Axel_Laxel: don’t be a dick. They’re doing us a massive favour.

Echo(echo): We programmed her to be nice. I say we let her do what she wants and just remove the character from the other copies.

Gurgle: I’ve finished up the music for the ST. Can you give it a listen?

Carmen: Yeah, I’ll listen to it and see if it fits.

FeeFiFoeFum: Guys I don’t know how comfortable I am with the ST. If these AI are sentient, should we really be messing with their emotions like this?

BiAnca: I know, but we can’t afford to redo a whole dungeon. Maybe she won’t mind as much if it’s just the others being targeted? After all, we didn’t program one for her.

Dankmemememes: it


Echo(echo): And she told us what she wants to do so let’s just let her do what she wants.

FeeFiFoeFum: She doesn’t know any better! How can she make an informed decision?

Dankmemememes: omg plzzzz dont tell me ur worried about robot consent

Carmen: @Echo(echo)’s right. Let’s just focus on getting as much done as we can.


Axle_Laxel: wtf is this report

Carmen: ikr? are they messing with us?

BiAnca: Has anyone managed to figure out what’s causing the massive load time in CT?

Dankmemememes: oh geeze i wonder mebbe our pet glitch?

Axle_Laxel: seriously. What happened with the AT boss? This report makes no sense, how is it flying?

Echo(echo): Yeah that’s probably my fault

BiAnca: The load time?

Echo(echo): No, I just made the boss a subclass for the birds and the griffs. I must have used the wrong access mod. I thought I made it private...josei

Axel_Laxel: That still doesn’t explain how she did it.

Dankmemememes: it, not she.

Echo(echo): Dude I don’t know. Why don’t you ask your uncle?

Dankmemememes: no. we’ll get mind wiped. no military.

Axel_Laxel: my uncle wouldn’t mind wipe us!

Dankememememes: he would if he was ordered to.

BiAnca: Well we’re gonna need to tell someone. We need a new writer now that @FeeFiFoeFum is gone.

Carmen: Told you we shouldn’t have sent Fiona in.

Dankmemememes: hissss, do not name the traitor

BiAnca: Grow up.

Dankmemememes: make me

Gurgle: Sent through the next track.

Axle_Laxel: So is she messing with the code? Can she do that? Being sentient is one thing but this is nuts.

Echo(echo): no that would be insane. I probs just didn’t set the access mod right or something. I’ll try testing it in dev tomorrow.

---Feed lost---

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