Protagonist Knows Everything

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Mole

It was already night when we subdued Braum. It wasn’t that dangerous because the wagon had its own repelling magic. But Kasha insisted on putting up another spell of her own.

After that she skillfully collected wood and started a fire. Sitting in front of the fire she chattered in a joyful voice, which was really cute.

“Ahaha. I caught Braum. Braum”

“Is it that big of a deal?”

“Of course. I thought I wouldn’t be able to catch it my whole life. I mean, it’s a monster that is frequently heard of, but is really difficult to pinpoint.”

I took a few pieces of jerky from my luggage and handed it over. She didn’t stop talking, even while eating food.

“I have to tell my sister about this. Now I’ll be able to make a lot of money.”

“But you already have a lot of money”

“The more money, the better.”

‘Excellent answer.’

Kasha was talking wholeheartedly, but she soon raised her hand and muttered something.

“……No way.”


“The magic, it’s gone. I can’t use water magic anymore.”


‘The timer must’ve run out. Too bad it’s just 30 minutes for a total of 40 points. But it can’t be helped’

Kasha muttered sadly, “It was a really strange feeling. A refreshing and cool feeling that’s the opposite of the fire magic.”

Her carefree expression suddenly changed into a serious one. ‘Are 17 year olds supposed to be like this?’

“But I think I can use it now.”


“I have to train a little. I had never felt water mana until now, but after using it once… I think i can sense it a bit.”

At that moment, I realized something and called up the register. I quickly looked up Kasha’s info.

[Potential: Great sage(Development degree 5%)]

Obviously, when we first met, there was no such development. ‘Can I improve this development?’

At that moment, a strange sense of happiness came to me. ‘As the HR team leader, it was my main task to discover the aptitude of employees, educate them, and develop them into usable talent. If the same thing applies to this personnel record… If I could raise Kasha.’

No, if we could raise not only Kasha but also the people registered in this HR record… I was thinking about my upcoming course of action when I suddenly heard Kasha.

“It’s all thanks to you.”


“Before meeting you, I never thought that I’d be able to wield water magic. But now I can.”


“You really know me better than myself.”

It was thanks to the register. I shrugged without answering.

Kasha looked at me with a mischievous smile, she asked, “Hey. Can I lie to you?”

“Don’t even dream about it.”

“I won’t lie. I didn’t even intend to do that in the first place. I was just curious.”

Kasha started muttering to herself again. “He helped me grasp this new magic. What should I say?”


While I was waiting for her next words she shook her head in denial and kept muttering to herself.

“No… He helped because it would benefit the Hagnut guild and him. But I should still be thankful for giving me this chance.”

“What are you talking about? Go to sleep.”

After that she quickly turned and put the blanket over her head.



“I’m back! I’m back.”

“Wow. Did you succeed?”

“Yeah, we defeated Braum!”

“Ms. Kasha, how did you defeat it without water magic?”

The receptionists flocked around her like fans asking for a sign. The relatively short Kasha was buried between them. Fortunately enough, Sain came in through the receptionists and made space.

“Are you two alright? Are you injured anywhere?”

“Yeah. We’re both fine.”

“I’m really glad. Honestly I thought both of you must’ve done something crazy…”

She looked at the bag Kasha was holding. Of course, that was Braum’s loot.

“I can’t believe it. You really did it.”

Sain was truly happy. She signed an A-class adventurer and completed the A-class quest in two weeks. This speed is unprecedented even if we compare it to any other guild.

While holding our hands Sain said, “Thank you. Both of you. Thank you very much.”

I could see a few tears forming in her eyes.

Kasha seemed unfamiliar with such warm hospitality. She replied, not knowing what to do.

“Oh, I didn’t do much. We succeeded thanks to this Troll here…”

‘I’d prefer if she stopped calling me that.’ I lightly pricked her side so that she wouldn’t say anything anymore.

“Ah yes. It wasn’t much.”

Returning here, we agreed to keep it a secret that it was because of me that she was dealing with the mana of her water.

It would be quite a hassle if everyone learned about that.

“Is Mr. Kasha able to handle water magic?”

“Well…I helped her learn water magic a bit. She’s not very good yet, so she will need to keep practicing.”

“I see.”

“This was a special case, so It couldn’t be helped but, from now on, please submit a quest that matches her aptitude.”, I added in a subtle tone.

“If the rumours spread this time, then we will have enough options to choose quests from.”

Sain’s face was filled with joy. At the same time, Kasha also looked at me with thankful eyes. / ‘She’s still only grasping the feel of water magic, so she’s secretly worried.’

It was then.

[Received 200 HR evaluation points from Kasha.]

[Received 200 HR evaluation points from Sain.]

200 points each? How many points can you go up at once? This is enough to make up for the deducted points by using that ability.

[Level: 1st year employee. Next level: 2nd year employee.]josei

[Current points: 400/1300]

[Newly available information: Recent events(24 hours)]

[Unique ability 1: Permit.]

I looked at the option called ‘Recent Progress’, which just became available. ‘Events between the last 24 hours.’ Nothing special. Almost everything was blank.

In the first place, when I created a file in my previous life, I only entered events that were of use to me. You can’t record useless information like who went to eat at what time.

‘By the way, this seems interesting.’

I looked around. Hans, who stood two or three steps away from the enthusiastic receptionists, met my eyes. He groaned for some reason and then turned away. The smile on my lips grew bigger.

“Ms. Sain. Let’s have a party!”

That was Limer’s suggestion. Sain answered without concealing her joy.

“Sure. Right now……”

Suddenly Hans replied from across the room in a grumpy voice, “Do it after work.”

The staff went to party anyway.

I stayed back with the excuse of being tired. In my previous life I couldn’t lie like this so I had to attend every single party.

When I pleaded to Sain, she said nodding her head, “Of course you must be tired. Go in and relax. Mr. Tay.”

However, Kasha wasn’t that easy.

“Hey. Why are you tired suddenly? You were okay on the way back.”

“I am old.”

“Don’t talk like an uncle. You are only ten years older than me.”

‘Taking the age from my previous life I am older than your grandpa little girl.’ I swallowed those words and didn’t say anything. Huh? Wait.

“How did you know my age?”

“Ah, what? That’s… Just… Somehow… That’s it.”

It seemed like Kasha’s aphasia had returned. I could hear Sain talking on the other side.

Then Kasha asked me while making a weird face, “Can I go? I’ll just go get a look.”


‘Kasha was still 17, It would be bad for her to enter a bar.’ I answered firmly and went out to the bar.

Of course, I wasn’t tired at all, and I looked around with sharp eyes. Someone went to the alley. It was Hans Rhime.

‘I don’t like this guy.’

I silently followed him. He was muttering something like a drunkard.

“Damn it. To come back alive from there.”


“That pup couldn’t even afford one day’s worth of food before… ”

“Who are you talking about?”

His body trembled as he heard my voice. He turned and asked, “You, why are you here?”

“I got out early because I was a little tired. I tried to catch up with you, but you were out here.”


“Is it bad for me to come back alive?”

Hans was embarrassed, but soon replied with his shameless face. “Huh. What do you mean?”

“Don’t act dumb.”


“I know how you feel. You’ve been in the Hagnut Guild for about 3 years, right? A newcomer who has just arrived and climbed up the rankings within a month.”

Of course you’d feel jealous, you’re that kind of person to start with. I already had experience with his kind. The first time I encountered this kind of person was on my first project. It was my team leader.

I quietly called upon the personnel register. And this time, I looked at the new option, ‘Recent Progress.’

[23 hours ago: Meeting with Dirk Perchen. Relaying information about the departure of Kim Ill-do and Kasha.]

I knew something was wrong. No matter how smart Mr. Zen and Dirk were, they shouldn’t have been able to make a plan like that on the go.

‘They had plenty of time to think.’

‘This guy.’

I talked to Sain that morning and went to that fruit shop. Hans was not seen at lunch that day. He must have visited Dirk and told him that I was looking for Zen. So, Dirk was able to draw in Zen and formulate that plan.

I said, “Well. Go in.”

“I’m tired you go on ahead.”

I waved lightly and turned around. If it is Hans’ usual personality he would be shouting right now. However, he only groaned without any such reaction.

‘You must have quite some paid attention to Dirk.’

It’s easy to find out about your relationship with Dirk right now. There must be a place to use this information at least once. However, even so, Hans cannot be left in the Hagnut Guild for too long.

Hans. Hans Rhime and Taylor Mason, the original owner of my body, were apparently friends.

“I am sorry. But he can’t be left alone anymore.”, I muttered to myself.

‘I must do what must be done.’

“He must be fired.”

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