Protagonist Knows Everything

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Expectations

‘It’s tomorrow.’

In my previous life, I had to work all the time to acquire information. The information would still have errors. In a way the records were a blessing. But it did frustrate me a bit.

‘How comfortable it is to be able to invade someone’s privacy while enjoying a comfortable meal.’

We leaked information that we were going on the quest on Thursday, so they only have tomorrow’s time to do something. I was counting on that and called a meeting with Ron.

Then Ron broke the silence, “Now tell me why you called this meeting?”


“You may not know it, but I am a very busy person, I have work to do.”

‘Did he grow impatient this quickly? The timing is good anyway, I’ll start now.’

I wiped my mouth with a napkin and said, “I think you should add one more job to your list.”

“What do you mean?”

“The Wyvern Guild is up to something shady.”

Ron was a little surprised, but the reaction wasn’t as big as I expected.

“All humans get involved in shady businesses one way or the other. It is in their nature. No matter how good or ideal, a person, may appear, darkness will always attract us.”

He spoke in an insignificant tone.

“What they are doing is nothing of my concern.”

“Even if it hurts your business?”


“Keep talking.”

“The deputy guild master of the Wyvern Guild made a strange request to a certain adventurer.”

“Burn the Frit reserves.”


Ron dropped the fork he was holding. As the attendant approached to change the fork, he said to me, “I don’t know what to ask first.”

“I have plenty of time. Ask whatever you want to.”

“Then… Where did you acquire that information?”

“As you may know, there is fierce competition between the guilds in this city. So we planted one of our informants in the Wyvern Guild.”

‘It is my specialty to lie without even blinking. I was doing a corporate job after all.’

Ron did hear about the rumours and became a bit convinced.

“But why would the Wyvern Guild do that?”

“They must have heard that your business is going to entrust us with a long-term contract.”

“That’s not a valid reason. Do they want the contract instead?”

“There are better ways to do this.”

“No, they don’t want that contract. It is their goal to keep the Hagnut Guild from growing.”

Ron looked a bit confused.

“Even if it appeals to you, it’s hard to think that you will overturn the quest we’ve already signed. You are a merchant, and Dirk knows how much a contract means to a merchant.”


“Besides, the day we go out on the quest is the day after tomorrow, so we leaked information. Dirk will take action tomorrow if he wants to turn that place to ashes.”

Ron looked as if he was backed into a corner.

“I’ve heard rumours about the Wyvern Guild and the Hagnut Guild, it seems that the relationship goes way beyond mere competition.”

“I do not know. I’m just a receptionist.”


Ron jerked his head as if he didn’t believe me. I really don’t know. That information is not in the personnel records. Then Ron changed the topic.

“That aside, why should I believe you? As you said, you are just a receptionist.”


“There’s no guarantee that you aren’t trying to frame the Wyvern Guild.”

“Then why don’t you check it out yourself?” I took a sip of water and said, “As I said earlier, they only have tomorrow’s time to take some action.”


“How about going to the field with us tomorrow? It would be the perfect opportunity for you to witness them trying to burn your stock.”

Ron nodded without paying much attention. I said everything I needed to say. I leaned on my chair and waited.

After a while, Ron replied, “I’ll have to clear my whole schedule for tomorrow.”

‘That’s a satisfactory answer.’

I reached out to him., “Take good care of me. Mr. Ron Dowen.”

With that we concluded the meeting


I had to talk to Kasha, so after the meeting, I visited her house. It had a small garden.

‘It’s already midnight.’

‘This is my first time coming here.’

The landlord often visited the guild, so I mustered up the courage to knock.

“Yes. Who?”

The voice was much younger than the one I was expecting. Soon after, that voice I heard Kasha’s voice.

“Elena! Hold it. It must be a pervert.”

“Why do you always think like that?”

“Just listen to your sister.”

With such a conversation, the door opened.

‘The walls are really thin.’

“If you don’t want to die then…Tay?”

“No, I am a pervert.”

“Ahaha. Did you hear me?”

I could see a woman sticking her head out from inside the house over Kasha’s shoulder. It must be her sister whom Kasha constantly mentioned. Kasha opened her door wide.

“Come in…. No wait. You can’t go to my room.”

“I am not coming inside the house or your room. I have something important to say, it’ll just take a minute.”

“Huh? In the middle of the night?”

“Just come to the guild by 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. We have to go on the quest right away, so pack your luggage.”

Kasha tilted her head. I gave a light explanation.

“We have to carry out the operation.”

“Anyway, It’s too late today, so I’ll explain the details tomorrow.”

“It’s not that late.”

“Midnight is late enough, go to sleep.”

I turned around and started walking.

Then Kasha said, “Are you still wearing that hat?”

“What? Oh, yes.”


I wanted to ask why she was grinning, but she had already closed the door and went in. I didn’t take the hat off because storing it somewhere would be annoying.


Next day. As soon as I went to work, I reported to Sain.

“Today I’ll be off work all day.”

“Yeah? Why? Where are you going?”

“I am going to witness Burns Iai burning the frit reserves, along with Ron.”

“Ah. Yes. I See. ……wait what?”

My boss seems to have weakened hearing these days. I calmly and quietly explained everything. Sain’s face became blank and showed no reaction. In the meantime, the door opened and Kasha entered.

“I’m here!”

“I told you to come at 9 o’clock. It’s 8 now.”

“I woke up early.”

‘Are we going on a picnic?’

At that time, Sain came to her senses and said.

“Mr. Tay. You have to be careful.”

“I will…”

“No. I mean, you really have to be careful.”josei

Sain was more than worried about an employee jumping into a dangerous job. Her expression was that of fear. I asked with a little bit doubt in my face.

“I am aware that what I do is not that safe, but is it that dangerous?”

“The Guild master of the Wyvern Guild. He will do anything.”

“The guild master?”

“Yeah. Of course, Dirk was the one doing everything. But in the end, it was the guild master who gave him instructions.”

Sain shuddered slightly and said, “He is a cruel person. The guild leader.”


“Please be careful.”

As the atmosphere got a little heavier, Kasha said as she stepped forward.

“Do not worry. I’ll be with him.”

“Ms. Kasha…”

“Honestly, I don’t want to be involved in this guild battle, but the Hagnut Guild is an exception. I really like this place.”

“Thank you.”

I’m also grateful, but at this timing, I think it was better to ask what kind of relationship she had with the guild leader.

‘Well, I’ll have to check that later.’

The sound of a wagon wheel was heard outside the guild.

“I came a little early.” Ron Dowen opened the door and said that.


The final stage of the plan was underway. Unlike the last time, the person who held the harness of this carriage was a Siris merchant.

Kasha said with a sigh of relief, “Thank God. I thought I was driving again.”

Then Mr. Busy person opened his mouth.

“Ms. Kasha Flame.”

“Ah yes.”

“It’s an honor to meet you.”

Kasha’s mouth was adorned with a weird grin, “Wow, you’re flattering me.”

“No. You’re the person who climbed up to A-class while just using fire magic.”

Kasha laughed and tapped me on my side with her elbow.

“See this? I’m a famous person.”

Ron looked at me and said, “Today’s work will be very easy if someone like her is accompanying us.”

Kasha kept smiling with her smug face. Sometimes I wish that I could just accept things at face value like her. Ron was certainly smiling, but his eyes were as sharp as ever.

“If my guess is correct, if today the Wyvern Guild adventurer tries to burn the frit reserves then won’t you retaliate?”


“Wouldn’t you make the Wyvern Guild pay the corresponding price for the damage they did?”

Ron looked at me and said, “I’m thinking of using you to make the Wyvern Guild pay.”

“That’s unexpected.”

“Honestly, I don’t mind being used, but it won’t be for long a time. As soon as the contract is over, we’ll go our separate ways.”

He put his hands together and replied, “Our merchants are spread across the continent.”


“Maybe bad rumors about the Wyvern Guild will spread across the continent.”

That’s creepy. Well, Dirk won’t just silently watch it. I’m sure he’ll try to appease Ron with money or whatever. However, there is only a difference in the size of the damage, and the fact that it hurts the Wyvern Guild has not changed.

‘Dirk shall suffer.’

My competitor’s misfortune is my happiness. During such a conversation, the carriage slowly stopped. We slowly came out.

“Here we are.”

Even though it was still broad daylight, the valley was filled with thick fog. Ron first instructed the coachman to hide the carriage in a deep cave. And then we hid behind a big rock.

After some time, we saw one of those special wagons approaching. I didn’t recognize the man handling the reins. But as soon as I saw his face, his details got registered in the records.

[Name: Burnt Iai]

[Gender: Male]

[Age: 37]

[Occupation: Adventurer]

[Equipment: Long Sword]

[Title: Class A]

[Potential: Class A (Development degree 97%)]

Seeing the potential, I soon lost interest. ‘The development degree is 97 percent.’

He’s practically at his limit. It’s a fact that he wouldn’t be able to ascend to A plus class.

Considering Kasha, which is currently A-class but only developed 7 percent, there was no need to pay more attention to him.

But one thing is a little interesting.

[Family Relations: Sophia Iai (wife), Mary Iai (first – daughter), Hugh Iai (second – son), Xenia Iai (third – son), Sylfia Iai (fourth – daughter)]

‘So many.’

“I’m here, Tay.”

Suddenly, thanks to Kasha whispering in my ear, my mind returned to the present.


“He got off the wagon.”


“One, two, three… there are five.”


“He’s taking out the oil containers.”


“He’s pouring oil…”

“Kasha was reciting his actions like some machine.”

All of a sudden Ron said anxiously, “It’s proven. I know now.”


“It proves what Mr. Tay said yesterday. It’s enough, so let’s step out.”

Ron wanted to prevent the stock from being burned. Kasha tried to get up without much thought. I hurriedly grabbed her before she did so.

“I don’t know what you mean. Mr. Ron.”


“The reason we visited here today was to witness Wyvern Guild’s motives. I’ve never stated anything about preventing it.”

Ron’s eyes widened.

I smiled and said, “Or… do you want to request it right now? A request to stop Burns Iai?”

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