Protagonist Knows Everything

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: A New Face

Next day.

Sain looked a bit conflicted. It was because I mentioned Hans’ dismissal as soon as I went to work.

Sain replied, “Many people have left the Hagnut Guild till now, but most of them were for personal reasons. This time it’s a bit different.

“For the other ones who left, we even held a farewell party.”

Sain meant to say none of the previous employees were fired, they all went out with smiles. But there’s no way we could do that with Hans.

‘Let’s see what’s actually worrying our boss.’

I called out the personnel register. And this time, I checked the information and concerns that were newly available for reading.

[Worries: Concerned that the other receptionists might get shaken after Hans’ dismissal.]

She’s a bit off point. If Hans was popular with the employees, or if he was a good guy then those worries would’ve made sense. But Hans’ reputation has been quite low for a long time.

I said, “The other receptionists will be fine.”


“Everyone has already heard the post-war situation. Everyone knows about Hans’ involvement.”


“Please believe in the trust that you’ve built so far.”

Sain wanted to say something but rather she nodded with a smile.

“Thank you as always. Mr. Tay.”


“By the way, what are you thinking about?

“It’s just written all over your face. You always start gazing into the air out of nowhere.”

I just laughed, “Actually I had a few questions.”

“Please ask.”

“Will things just end after firing Hans?”

Sain tilted her head a bit. Looking at the expression, it seems that she couldn’t understand what I meant.

“I’m asking if you’re going to forgive someone who leaked our guild’s info to the enemy guild just like that.”

“I can’t forgive him. That’s why I am firing him.”


‘Even in the previous life, most of the bosses tried to deal with firings as quietly as possible.’

But their reasons were different than for Sain. I’ll just change the topic for now.

“Anyway, let’s talk about recruiting first,”

Now, the Hagnut Guild was not empty, our recent achievements resulted in a huge influx of adventurers.

Sain nodded and said, “We’ll need more receptionists. I think I’ll have to put up advertisements.”

“I don’t think that’d be necessary.”


Before I could reply, the guild door swung open. And there was a small woman who vigorously waved her hand.

“I’m here!”

Kasha came in with her chaotic aura as always.

Sain was thinking about our conversation and blurted out, “Kasha as the receptionist?!”

“No no…No way. There’s no way she can do that job.”

“Yes. She’s not suited for that…”

Sain inadvertently agreed. Maybe she thought I was making a joke.

I turned to Kasha and asked, “Elena?”

“Elena? What about her? She went out saying she was seeking a job.”

“Bring her here tomorrow. For an interview.”

Sain understood what I meant.

“No way, Mr. Tay. Ms. Elena?”

“Yeah. The kid looked very smart. She will be eligible for the receptionist job.”

“No!” Kasha who was standing beside me shouted.

“You might be seeking someone to occupy Hans’ place, but Elena is still young.”

“She’s older than you though.”

“What are you talking about? I am her older sister!”

‘I’m talking about mental age.’

Kasha kept waving her hands and continued speaking, “At that age, you have to run, play, make friends and have dreams.”

Words that a grandmother would say.josei

I replied in a solemn tone, “When did you start working as an adventurer?”

“…When I was 13.”

“Hey… that’s when you were even younger than Elena.”

“I won’t lie to Tay, you know that.”

“For me it was different.”

“It might be contradictory that I started working as an adventurer at the age of thirteen while my younger sister was playing.”

“I had a special situation. I had to take responsibility for the livelihood of Elena.”

‘So her parents were listed dead and no one was going to look after them, that’s tough’.

“I am not bragging or anything, but I was capable of doing that job. I was one of the best mages in the Tower of Eternity.”

“No matter how you look at it, that’s something to brag about.”

“They wanted me to do magic research, but I left the tower. Because I thought that being an adventurer was far more profitable. And actually it was.”

She continued after letting out a sigh.

“Thanks to my hard work, I saved up a lot of money. There is no need for my sister to struggle.”

“But your sister said she wanted to work.”


“Wouldn’t it be good if you saw her every day during work rather than those rare instances when you’re at home?”

Kasha muttered to herself. Maybe she was confused.

“Actually, I don’t know if it’s really good to see my family at work. But… you know, being a receptionist here? It’s a bit dangerous.”


“Because there may be another fight with the Wyvern Guild.”

Those words darkened Sain’s complexion.

Kasha had a point. As there was also that affair with the Siris Chamber of Commerce last time, after that the Guild Master of the Wyvern Guild will be even more furious. But that will be the HR-manager’s job to prevent it.

“In that case, I will handle it.”

Kasha looked surprised. Her expression changed and she started laughing, maybe she thought I was joking.

“Huh yes… yes. We have Tay with us.”


“Okay. Let me talk to her then. I can’t stop her anyway, she’ll take a job anywhere. So, it would be better if she worked in a place where I can keep an eye on her.”

“You’re being overprotective.”

“Elena. She’s a kid you know.”

‘Mentally, you’re the kid.’

“I will bring her, you just wait.”

Saying that Kasha went away.

Sain muttered while staring at her back, “The guild is going to become much more noisy.”

I’ll take it that you meant that positively.

After lunch, Kasha arrived with Elena. Even though Elena suddenly received the offer, she calmly came for the interview. That’s unexpected for her age. But I could see that she was a little bit nervous underneath her calm demeanour.

I asked difficult questions, disregarding her age. These were very practical questions, such as how would you deal with adventurers who tried to forcefully take quests above their own classes? Even though it was clear that she didn’t have any experience with jobs like this, she performed really well in the interview.

At the end of her interview, Sain said this, “I don’t know what it would be like if we put you in the actual job, but from the interview it seems that you’d perform really well.”

She reminded me of myself a bit. I wanted to praise her. But decided not to.

Elena blushed and replied, “Thank you for giving me a chance.”

“You’re welcome. You did really well today.”


“Yeah. Can you come to work starting tomorrow?”

I intervened before she answered.

“Oh, one last question before that.”

“Ah yes.”

“To tell the truth, I was going to ask this question before, but why did you agree with our invitation for working with the Hagnut Guild? Seeing how you performed in this interview, you could’ve easily acquired a job in the other big guilds.”

This question was to determine the applicants motivation for applying. It’s a clichéd question, but it is actually quite important.

Elena had responded to all of the previous questions wisely, but what came next was a bit unexpected.

‘Don’t they ask questions like this in this world’s interviews?’

She tilted her head and replied with a smile, “I want to work with my sister.”

Okay. The operation failed. But nonetheless Elena passed.

It seems that my boss didn’t care much for the motivation part. I also decided not to talk anymore because I was the one who recommended her.

Elena observed Sain for some time on her first day. Similar to me when I first joined this place and watched Sain work. However, unlike then, Sain was kindly explaining everything one-by-one to Elena.

“Mr. Elena. This can be classified like this.”


I saw this sight for the first time after coming to this world. A new employee carrying a notepad in order to note everything that the boss said, while wearing a uniform.

Kasha set her chin on my counter and watched her happily.

“Alas. This feels good.”


“Will it feel the same when my daughter gets married?”

“Don’t you have anything better to say?”

I said so and checked the personnel records.

[Name: Elena Flame]

[Gender: Female]

[Age: 15]

[Occupation: Receptionist]

[Equipment: None]

[Family Relations: Kasha Flame (Sister)]

[Level: C-class]

[Potential: A plus (2% development)]

2% development?

Sain explained the work to her for a few minutes and it progressed that much?

I also checked Kasha’s record.

[Potential: Great sage(development degree 10%)]

Wasn’t she at 7 percent just yesterday? Why did it go up all of a sudden?

‘Despite her behaviour, my sister is a genius.’

So that was the case.

Our guild was dealing with the crowd of adventurers which recently surged up after our contract with the Siris chamber.

It did make me smile a bit. But it was then..

“Hmmm what’s that…”

Hans, who was the main act for the day, approached Elena, wriggling like an earthworm in the sun.

‘Looks like he noticed.’

“Looks like a new employee. Haha.”


“Well… Shall I teach her something?”

Sain looked worried for a moment but she quickly calmed down and regained her cold demeanor, and asked.

“We need to talk, Mr. Hans.”


‘No this isn’t how it should be done.’

I grabbed Sain and whispered to her a little.

“I will do this, Boss”

I never dismissed an employee myself in my previous life. But it would be better if I fired Hans rather than our generous boss.

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