Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Chapter 743 - Mr. Ji’s suitors can fill up the Great Wall.

Chapter 743 - Mr. Ji’s suitors can fill up the Great Wall.

Chapter 743: Mr. Ji’s suitors can fill up the Great Wall.

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“You don’t know how much Mr. Ji cares for our Ge Ge.”

He grinned at Qiao Jingyun oh-so-sincerely.

If one did not know that this was their first meeting, they would probably think that these two were long-time friends!

“Mr. Ji treats her so dearly; he assigned a personal chauffeur to Ge Ge and even went as far as to abuse his authority just to keep her by his side!” The further he spoke, the wider and deeper his smile became.

“Oh, right! I almost forgot to say this; to ensure that Ge Ge won’t feel out of place in our circle after they are married, he even hired the best instructors to mentor her!

“Those instructors experts in the fields they’re teaching, and some are about socializing, dancing...”

As he listed off the topics taught, her face turned darker and darker.

Feeling frustrated again, she tightly balled her fists.

In the end, she could only coldly peer at them before turning around. Tak, tak, tak! Her high heels clacked against the floor as she exited the studio.

“What’s wrong, Lily. Why did you speak to that miss like that? We don’t know her.”

Pei Ge only came to her senses after Qiao Jingyun left.

He seems to be fighting with that lady, and she seems to leave in a fit of anger because of him?

“Hur hur!” The stylist noted her dazed look and rolled his eyes at her.

“I say, Ge Ge, are you a fool? That lady clearly has a thing for your boyfriend!”

“Ah? She likes Ziming?” She blinked in confusion as she wondered inside, How did he learn that that woman likes Ji Ziming?

Exasperated, he replied, “Of course! My eyes are so sharp! Didn’t you feel the jealousy oozing out of her eyes as she looked at you?!”

With that, he voiced out his suspicions.

“She likely came here today because of you and not because she wanted a makeover.”

She stared at him in shock.

“Impossible! Even I didn’t know that I’d be here today, so how could she come here to see me?!”

She shook her head to reject his conjecture.

“How is that impossible?! Maybe, she did not know it in advance, but don’t forget that there’s a thing called ‘stalking’.”

The stylist coldly snorted, nudging his lips thereafter.

“Lily, you’re overthinking this! I’ve never even met that woman...” she muttered, frowning.

“Hey, you are now Mr. Ji’s woman, so you can’t continue being defenseless.”

He good-naturedly reminded her when she remained nonchalant about all this. josei

“You don’t know how attractive Mr. Ji is. Don’t put him down just because he seems cold and boring.

“The women who want to become the Ji family’s newest madam is enough to fill the road all the way from Tiananmen to the Great Wall, and the number of people who want to climb in his bed is enough to fill up the whole Great Wall!”

“Pfft!” She burst out laughing at this. “Aren’t you exaggerating?”

“Don’t laugh. This is no exaggeration. What I said is not an exaggeration in the least bit!”

He rolled his eyes exasperatedly at her again.

“Do you know how long the Great Wall is? Pfft! Sorry I can’t take it anymore. It’s so funny!” She started guffawing.

“You lass, enough!”

“Okay, okay. You two, hurry up! It’s almost eleven. Quickly get the makeup done!”


Amid their banter, he finished applying makeup on her.

Seeing her daughter with full makeup, Zhang Manhua was totally stunned. She gawked.

“He he! How is it, Mama Pei? Are you satisfied with our Ge Ge’s look?” the stylist asked proudly, noticing her look of shock.

Recovering herself, she hurriedly closed her mouth. Her face was filled with happiness.

“Sat-Satisfied! Very satisfied!”

As she said this, she turned to look at him to say with exasperation, “Your skills are so good that it can totally turn something rotten into something delectable!”

“Mom, what are you saying? What turn the rotten into something delectable! Are you insinuating that your daughter is ugly?” She pouted, feigning anger.

“Of course not. I just feel that his skill is very remarkable! You became so many times more beautiful after he applied makeup on you!”

She stared at her daughter’s face.

Clearly, he just did a few strokes here and there, but her daughter’s face actually turned beautiful.

Xiao Ji’s parents will like my precious daughter with this, right?

Hubby, do bless today’s event to proceed smoothly...

After thanking him, the pair of mother and daughter got in another taxi toward where they were meeting the Ji family.

“Ge Ge, don’t be too nervous later. You must act more gracefully and freely. People with their background likely don’t like women who are timid and petty.”

She continued nagging and reminding her daughter in the car.

“Okay, I know!” Pei Ge nodded helplessly and commented inwardly, Am I or are you the nervous one here?

Under such a scene did the two reach their destination.

Perhaps due to having gone to Lily’s or not wanting to leave a bad impression for Ji Ziming’s parents, but when they got out of the taxi, Zhang Manhua did not act petty and like someone who had not seen society by looking everywhere.

Instead, she only looked ahead without a shred of curiosity and concentrated on her route in front.

“Auntie, Pei Ge.”

As soon as the two entered the hotel lobby, Ji Ziming appeared before them in a form-fitting suit.

“Aye, Ge Ge! Look, Xiao Ji waited for us!”

She smiled and greeted the man upon seeing him.

“Xiao Ji, are your parents here yet?”

“Not yet, but they should be here soon.”

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