Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Chapter 978 - I know all your secrets.

Chapter 978 - I know all your secrets.

Chapter 978: I know all your secrets.

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“You have let my father down, though, so you are unfit to receive his blessings through these lilies! After all, you are a person with a black heart from head to toe, from inside to outside! How then can you be fit to receive the blessings of the white lilies my father gave you?!”

These sharp words of hers turned Pei Shishi’s face white. The latter bit her lower lip tightly as she stared at the former in shock and fright.

“Shut up! You, shut up, Pei Ge! If you are here to say these, then I don’t welcome you. Please leave now!”

What is this woman here for?! Why did she mention her father out of nowhere?! What is her motive for coming here today?!

Alas, the other ignored her statement and kept taking a step toward her.

Probably due to her shock and fright, she unknowingly retreated.

Pei Ge reached out to grab her with her left hand tightly as she poked her chest with her right.

“Then, how are you fit to receive my father’s blessings?!”

Her red lips parted to spit coldly, “Murderer!”


Pei Shishi was stunned. Her mind kept replaying her word. ‘Murderer!’

Murderer... big uncle...

D-Does she know something?! Pei Ge, what did she find out?! josei

She started panicking at once.

“What nonsense are you spouting?! I don’t know what you are talking about!”

She averted her eyes from the other’s intense ones, which seemed capable of boring a hole through her.

“Pei Shishi, don’t you know what I’m talking about? Hur hur... I think it’s more accurate to say that you know exactly what I’m talking about!”

Pei Ge’s lips curled up as a cold glint flashed past her eyes, which were looking straight at her cousin. The iciness in her eyes seemed capable of freezing a person to death.

“I know everything now. I know all the dirty things you and your father did to my dad!”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Her cousin’s face turned ghastly white as her eyes became filled with panic.

“Aren’t you curious about what I know?”

Seeing the cold smile on her lips, Pei Shishi felt as though she were encased in ice. Frozen.

She shivered and trembled with her fists balling up as she stared back with fright.

“W-What do you know...”

“What do you think?”

Pei Ge smiled and took another step forward, causing their bodies to almost touch.

If anyone were to see them now, they would likely think that these two were very close!

However, the truth was that they were not at all!

“I don’t know!”

The ever-proud Pei Shishi had an unconfident look right now.

This extremely arrogant woman as if she were a peacock princess was now akin to an overripe vegetable as she hunched down and turned her head away from the other seeming avoidance.

Alas, the latter did not intend to let her off.

Pei Ge raised her hand and pinched her cheek to turn her cousin’s head back to her forcefully.

What entered her eyes was her cousin’s guilt-ridden face.

She pursed her lips at the sight.

Slowly, the coldness on her face also dissipated.

“Pei Shishi, you saw your father kill mine,” stated Pei Ge sans a warning.

This was like a bomb to her cousin’s ears.


This time, Pei Shishi could no longer keep her shock and fear hidden.

She stared at her cousin in total shock and fright.

“Y-You...” How did Pei Ge find out?! Why does she know about this?!

Even father didn’t know back then, so how did she know...

Riddled with fear, she did not manage to link this to Qiao Jingyun.

Fear and worry filled every part of her mind!

She was fearful that, with her cousin finding out the truth, this would get exposed and all her riches would disappear.

“Are you surprised that I came to know about this?”

Pei Ge smirked at the fluster and shock on her face.

Deep inside, she actually held a sliver of hope.

She hoped that Qiao Jingyun had lied to her, that she was overthinking this, or that... Fu Mingxuan had gotten it wrong...

That was because, no matter what, the person was her second uncle... her father’s one and only brother!

However, she had seen all her cousin’s reactions from the time she entered her room.

All this told her that what Qiao Jingyun had said was the truth, and she and Fu Mingxuan were not overthinking this.

Her second uncle indeed killed her father back then! Meanwhile, her cousin witnessed everything!

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Pei Shishi tried hard to calm down the erratic pounding of her heart. Alas, no matter how hard she tried, she could not school her expression.

“Even now, you’re still trying to act in front of me! Why don’t you take a look at your expression?” When she tried to worm her way out, her cousin’s mockery sounded in her ears.

Probably provoked by this mockery or by the other’s bellow, her heart settled down.

“I think that you’ve gone crazy; how could my dad possibly kill your father?!”

Although her expression remained ugly, the fear on her face expression was no longer evident.

“You. Didn’t you witness everything?”

“Where’s the evidence?! Where’s the evidence?!”

“Evidence? Of course, I have evidence!”

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