Psycho X Psychic

Chapter 134 - The Public

Chapter 134 - The Public

Where do gangs come from?

Do those thugs just come out of nowhere? Born from the wild? Was there a factory of these people?

Within a working society, where do these people come from?

On the surface, everyday life always feels the same, and nothing eventful is happening. However, that's because each person's sight is limited.

At this very moment, countless dramas, heartbreak, and depression occur all over the whole world. Adults have responsibilities and obligations, rarely, they show their sad emotions to another as it seemed unnecessary and just time-consuming. On the other hand, the youngsters prioritize their emotions over everything.

In a city that has a gang ruling it from the shadow, they have their origin. And until to this day, the places they've come from still continues to produce them.

Mershen High is a private school. It places values rather high to get a good image to the parents. After all, parents pay for it.

Of course, this is not the only school in the whole Heren City. That is obvious. Depending on the size of a city, their high school facilities can reach up to three digits. Though Heren City is considered a small city so their high school facilities are fewer. But still, there are still several of tens of them.

Almost all of the gangsters have the same youth, they were delinquents. In Mershen High, delinquents are so few because of the school's strict nature, that one rarely finds a group of them.

That is not the same as other schools. In one particular high school though, which Uncle Jo and Dennis were alumni at, the delinquency rate is so high that it's practically not a school anymore.

Because of its free education, parents put their children in such a school. For a parent to put their children in that kind of school, one could see that these parents are nowhere near being good.

Bringing with them a rough childhood and mostly, shitty parents, emotional teenagers are put into this kind of school. The outcome is pretty much expected. If they didn't get that lucky encounter that will change their life, they will continue spiralling down, making their life and their personality shitty, following their parents' footsteps.

And what would these shitty parents do if they saw their children turn 'rebellious'? They kick them out of their house without considering that it was their fault in the first place!

So where do these delinquents go now?

Without any choice, they go back to their groups where they were accepted and comfortable. As these children grow up, they are getting used to their life and their way of life isn't exactly good for the community. They are what we call gangsters or just plain thugs.

Of course, life is much more complicated than that. There are a lot of factors here and there but in general, this is the flow of each students life.

But before the part where they 'grow up', these delinquents still stayed at their school. Getting money from others and proving themselves to the group by beating others. A system that is specialized in sharpening the youth's rebellion.

At this point, these kinds of schools have practically given up. Of course, there are a lot of shitty people out there. In the government, politicians mostly shit with their mouths. For the sake of 'a city that gives free education' schools like these were put up out of people's taxes.

Since the school staff get paid whatever they do anyway, why do they care about their students?

Thus, a deadlock happened and this is not rare all over the world. Such schools exist and here, the hierarchy is not as mild as the Mershen high, being on the hierarchy is power itself!

Somewhere in the Heren City, an old high school facility was still being used for 'free education' Its name, as the first high school in Heren City before it was even a City, is as simple as Heren Public High.

However, of course, such a school no longer have the image to represent the city, therefore, it was mostly called 'The Public High'

There are numerous public high schools there but if one only says 'the Public High' they are definitely talking about the Heren Public High.

In Public High, the supposed chaotic school actually have students that are lining up in front of the stage. Proper and silent, even the teachers cannot make these little beasts calm down in the hall. They even have their hands on their backs.

No school staff were present there. The headmaster is not also there. And even if those people are there, the students will not care about them.josei

Again, power is everything in this school that fistfights determine one's position in the hierarchy.

As you guess, they stayed silent and orderly because of another fellow student. That particular student, with an assistant beside, walked up and spoke without the mic or the podium.

This student's appearance in itself pressured the whole hall.

"I called you all here to say that the Handwing Gang, those old geezers are gone."

The school body began murmuring, shocked to hear that their  'seniors' are gone...? What kind of news is that? Is that even reliable? However, since it came from that particular leading student on the stage, they didn't doubt it.

That leading student smiled.

"Of course, it's not me who dealt with them. As you know, even I can't deal with bullets. However, even those pathetic gun-holding losers are gone, so what's the deal? Who dealt with them? The neighbouring Spectre Gang? No, even that gang is now dissolved."

Each whisper was quiet but due to their numbers, it created a cacophony in the hall.


With one word from the stage, the buzzing disappeared.

"What group deal with them? Hehe, I have~ no fucking idea! But since those old fools are gone, no one will finally nag us about how this is their territory and how we cannot go and beat other schools."

The leading student on the stage ranted, making even the assistant sweat.

"Like, seriously, just over one summer, the Handwing Gang changed so much! Now we no longer have the power to raid other schools, now I'm stuck here with you, tsk!"

The student kicked the air in frustration. But soon, sighed.

"But yeah, they're gone, hehe.... I'm getting tired of beating the so-called Four Heavenly Kings here. Haha, even now saying their lame-ass title cracks me up!"

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