Punished by His Love

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

The layout of his living room is full of organs that put people to death. He deals with those who oppose him, and absolutely does not even give you the opportunity to beg for mercy. It has always been without procrastination, but also solved people without making a word.

At this moment, Suzi didn’t know what Arron was really thinking, she could only pretend to be calm.

And he could not hear any emotions, anger, sorrow or sorrow in a light tone: “The contract is that after my mother has passed away, I will be able to provide you with expenses. Now my mother is still alive.”

Suzi: “…”

In a daze, Arron had opened the door and entered. He didn’t mean to let her in at all. Instead, he closed the door with his backhand and shut Suzi outside.

The moment the door closed, the cold bird in Arron’s eyes gradually released.

Several times he tried to strangle a woman by raising his wrist.

However, he held back.

What she thought of was the way she took care of her mother bit by bit, and the few sweet and simple smiles in front of him.

And her good handwriting is sharp and smooth.

And her talent in architectural design.

However, she was so complicated and unbearable.

Outside the door, Suzi was stunned for a long time, then dragged his tired body into the elevator and went downstairs.

She knew that she couldn’t ask the result anymore, she was very tired now, she needed a rest, and the child in her belly also needed a rest, she couldn’t spend it here anymore.

Just a few steps away from the elevator, Suzi suddenly saw Arron rushing out of the elevator. At first she thought he was rushing to deal with her, and she was so scared that Suzi’s breathing was stuck in her throat, but she found that Arron hadn’t looked at all. She went straight to the parking place instead.

The man got in the car and immediately started the engine, drove the car, and increased to the fastest speed, the car flew out like an arrow. The sound of the car rubbing against the ground is very harsh.

“Not good!” Suzi suddenly realized that it must be Aunt Xia’s condition in the hospital that has deteriorated again. Suzi could not lose her soul, and even if there was Huo Jianshan who was stabbed by her in the hospital, she rushed out of the community. On the main road, I stopped a taxi and hugged the name of the hospital, and asked the taxi to drive faster.

A quarter of an hour later, Suzi came to the hospital and came to the ward where Aunt Xia usually lives. Aunt Xia had all the tubes unplugged. Her complexion was turmeric and turmeric, and her lips were vented without air intake.

“Auntie Xia…” Suzi lay outside the ward, crying silently.

On the other end, Shanna’s lips slowly squirmed, and Arron was next to her mother. At this moment, the man who was so cold and decisive on the sofa could not help crying: “Mom, what else do you have to say? ?”

“Suzi…” Shanna said two words laboriously.

“Mom, I’m here.” Suzi rushed to Shanna regardless.

“Suzi Suzi…help me…photograph…Gu…Qin…Qin…er.” Shanna Said intermittently.

The sound is smaller than a mosquito.

“Hmm, don’t worry, mother, I will definitely help you take care of Arron.” Suzi cried and said.

“Qin’er…” Shanna shouted again.


“No…you want to…bury me…buried…in the…Fu family…zu… …Fu, Fu…Family, I don’t like…I, I… alone…will… …Isolated by…I…I’m lonely. Buried me…in…the cemetery…lively.” Just short Shanna spoke for seven or eight minutes.

Arron understood: “Mom, I understand what you mean, don’t worry, I will find many friends for you, many companions to accompany you, so that you are no longer alone, I have taken my aunt, my grandma and grandpa All of his tombs have moved here, and they are all buried around you, so that you will not be alone.”

“Really…my son is so nice, mom…mother is gone.” After speaking, Shanna’s head tilted and passed away.

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