Punished by His Love

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

Chapter 151

“Well, Mr. Fu has been bandaged, and now there is nothing serious, I will come out, please also thank you Mr. Fu, thank him in particular, his life-saving grace for me is not unforgettable, by the way, Mr. Yan, Please help me ask Mr. Fu when you are free in the future, and ask him if he agrees with me to come to the grave for Aunt Xia in the future.”

Christopher: “…”

“Auntie Xia will always be my relative. This is also the reason why I am determined not to make huge sums of money in the contract. I will not betray my family affection.” Suzi said.

“I will definitely help you ask.” Christopher replied: “Miss Shen, the fourth master has just bandaged the wound. Can you take care of him for a while?”

Suzi smiled: “Mr. Fu is answering the phone, and the answer… is the phone call of his fiancee Lanita.”

“He doesn’t love that Lanita!” Christopher said viciously.

Suzi: “…”

“Miss Shen, I have never seen the Fourth Young Master use his own hand to block a knife for whom!” Christopher looked at Suzi and said.

Suzi laughed again: “So what? Would Mr. Fu not want his own flesh and blood?”

He and Aunt Xia have experienced this kind of pain, so he will definitely not let his child go through his life again.

Besides, I am a woman who is pregnant with someone else’s child. Even if Arron doesn’t have a fiancee, will he want me?

No way!

Also, I am very poor and destitute, but I would not want a man who abandons his wife and son!

So, Mr. Yan, goodbye! “

After speaking, Suzi decisively left.

He didn’t turn his head back.

Christopher: “…” As he watched Suzi leave, Christopher felt a pity that he was going to die in his heart.

They are both women who are pregnant with children, but why is there such a big difference between Lanita and Suzi!

It happened that Lanita was pregnant with the fourth young master’s child.

How good would Suzi be?

Christopher sighed and went in to take care of Arron.

And Suzi also dragged a heavy heart back to her rental house.

She wants to pack her bags and leave Cloud City as soon as possible, bid farewell to everyone here as soon as possible, and never return to this place of right and wrong from now on.

She spread the 100,000 yuan that Arron gave her on the bed. She took out 10,000 yuan and wrote Sanford’s name on paper. Sanford spent the days in the hospital for her. She hardly knew Sanford, so

she didn’t want to. What owes Sanford.

Then he took out another ten thousand and wrote Joan’s name on it.

Although she saved Joan’s life, this could not offset the money she owed Joan. Now that she decided to leave this place of right and wrong, she must be completely clean with this place.

Eighty thousand yuan is left in his hand.

Suzi decided to go back to her hometown to take a look at her mother’s tomb and learn about the true cause of her mother’s death, and then wait quietly for a childbirth. Eighty thousand yuan should be enough for her to save money and spend two years.

Two years later, after the child is one year old, she will work hard, earn money, and save money.

One day in the future, she will definitely return Arron’s 100,000.

Suzi packed everything up at night, and only waited for the money to be paid back tomorrow, before leaving Yuncheng.

Early the next morning, as soon as Suzi opened the door, he saw the people standing outside.

Suzi asked calmly, “Mr. Chu, is there anything wrong?”

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