Punished by His Love

Chapter 154

Chapter 154

Chapter 154

Chapter 154

After Sanford and Joan left, Suzi first went to the bank to apply for a card, deposited the money, and then went to the train station to buy a ticket, and was told by the conductor that there was no ticket to return to Suzi’s hometown within three days.

It will be three days later at the earliest.

In fact, a bus can also be used from the hometown of Nanchenghui, but the bus takes more than a day, and the fare is five or six hundred.

Suzi’s body can’t be bumpy, she has to protect the child in her abdomen.

After hesitating, she said to the conductor: “Give me one for three days.”

After purchasing the ticket, she went wandering around again. It has been more than two months since she was released from prison, and she has never wandered around.

Mainly because there is no money, and besides, there is no time.

After shopping around for a whole morning, she didn’t want to buy something for herself. After having a casual meal at noon, Suzi called Christopher: “Assistant Yan, does Mr. Fu agree to me going to his mother’s grave?”

Christopher said categorically on the other end of the phone: “Of course I agree! Miss Shen, your friendship with the old lady, and the care of the old lady in the past two months, Master and I are obvious to all. If you want to go to the grave, go anytime.”

“Okay, thank you Assistant Yan.”

Suzi was about to hang up, but was stopped by Christopher again: “Miss Shen, wait a minute.”

“What’s wrong, Assistant Yan?”

“Miss Shen, what are your plans next? Do you want to…” Christopher originally wanted to ask Suzi if he could help arrange a job or something.

However, before he could say his words, he was flatly rejected by Suzi: “No need!”

Suzi wanted to get rid of Yuncheng and stop having any relationship with anyone.

After speaking, he hung up the phone. In the afternoon, Suzi dressed in melanin clothes came to Aunt Shanna’s grave. On the tombstone, the middle-aged woman’s photo was so kind and affectionate. Shanna looked gentle and intellectual, with no sadness on her face.

But Suzi knew that Shanna’s life was particularly difficult.

“Aunt Xia, you must give me strength. From now on, I will follow your old path. I want to bring up my child by myself. I must become as strong as you and give it to my children in the future. No worries about food and clothing.

Aunt Xia, I’m leaving here in three days, maybe five years in a short time, and I won’t be able to come back in five years. Don’t blame me for not seeing you, okay Aunt Xia? “

The tombstone has always been quiet and solemn.

No one answered what Suzi said.

Suzi took out an exquisite box from her bag, she opened the box, and inside was an emerald green bracelet.

Placing the bracelet in front of Shanna’s tombstone, Suzi said quietly: “Aunt Xia, do you remember this bracelet? You personally put it on for me, and you regard me as your daughter-in-law.

And I lied to you.

But my love for you is real.

I treat you like my mother.

Although I can’t be your daughter-in-law, I will always think of you in my heart. In the future, when my child grows up, I will come to your grave every year.

I will leave this bracelet in your tombstone as if I will be with you forever, okay?

Please allow me to call you mother.

Mother, I hope there is no cold and pain at the end of heaven. “

After speaking in silence, Suzi opened the lid of the tomb and placed the emerald green bracelet next to Shanna’s ashes.

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