Punished by His Love

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

Chapter 167

If it is the latter, then Suzi not only looks like little aunt, her personality is exactly the same as the little aunt.

Hearing Darius’s story about the little aunt of the Shu family, Suzi felt an unspeakable sadness in his heart.

In this world, everyone really has the ups and downs.

Aunt Shanna is a hard man.

Darius’s little aunt is also a hard man.

Suzi’s tone eased a lot: “I’m sorry Young Master Shu, your sister-in-law is very pitiful, but that has nothing to do with me. I am only 20 years old this year, and it cannot be your sister-in-law. You might say, I It’s your sister-in-law’s daughter.

But I tell you, that is impossible!

My mother is an authentic farmer, very earthy.

Moreover, my mother was dead a while ago.

Even if my mother is your little aunt, she is no longer alive.

Even if I’m the granddaughter of your Shu family, I’m sorry Young Master Shu, Suzi will never be able to recognize someone like your grandfather.

So Master Shu, don’t come to me anymore. I will leave Cloud City soon. “

“I know, I know you are leaving, but where can you go? You have no money, nothing, and you have a child in your stomach, where can you go?” Darius blocked Suzi and asked.

“How do you know so much?” Suzi asked suspiciously. “It’s Sanford.” Darius answered truthfully: “Sanford originally planned to bring a sum of money, and then take you away, but before leaving the house, all his credit card co-branded cards were taken back by his parents, and he didn’t have any money on him. In a hurry, Sanford found me and asked me to borrow five million.

He said he wants to take you far and high, he can’t watch you being bullied in Cloud City anymore.

Suzi, Sanford is a good man compared to Joan.

If you are really my little cousin, as a cousin, the first thing I have to consider is the man you follow, who is reliable or unreliable.

Sanford treats you sincerely.

Suzi, if you want to leave, I won’t stop you. Leave me your contact information. If you have any difficulties in the future, please tell me and I will help you.

I will give Sanford a check for ten million and let him take you away. “

Suzi never expected that this would be the result. She didn’t expect Sanford to be so sincere to her. She bit her lip: “I don’t have any contact information, my phone was broken by me. Could you please tell Sanford, I understand his kindness, and I won’t rely on Suzi in the future. Anyone’s. You go.”

Darius: “Suzi…”

“You don’t need to go, I’ll close the door!” Suzi suddenly took a step back, then closed the door of her small bungalow, and closed the curtains, letting Darius shout whatever she wanted outside the door,

she didn’t open the door.

Darius stayed outdoors for a full two hours, and Suzi didn’t move. Later, he left alone.

Hearing there was no movement outside, I opened the curtains to see that there was indeed no one outside. Suzi sat quietly in the rental house for two or three hours. It was not until the evening was getting dark that she reopened the door.

The door opened, and she saw Lanita who was standing at the door and smiling.

“Hey, are you leaving? Before I leave, I must tell you a great secret.” Lanita said.

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