Punished by His Love

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

Chapter 171

She wanted to stand up, but she was exhausted. Lanita saw this clearly. Lanita raised her eyebrows and smiled: “Oh, Suzi, anyway, I am also your righteous sister. You have lived in my house for eight years, and my parents are like your daughters. For your food and clothing, I also treat you like a sister. Now I tell you the truth, do you think I am joking with you?

Today is my wedding day, do I have time to make fun of you? “

Suzi: “…” In fact, she knew that Lanita was not joking with her anymore.

It’s just that she can’t accept this fact.

Lanita took out her mobile phone from her bag, opened the small video inside and handed it to Suzi, “Look at it.”

Suzi’s eyes looked over involuntarily, his eyes suddenly straightened.

The first address in the video is the half-mountain villa she visited in the evening three months ago.

The villa was old and dilapidated, so Suzi recognized it at a glance.

The camera slowly zoomed in until she entered the door, and then came to a bright and dim room. Suzi saw the house she had been to.

It’s just that the house is not as dark as it was last time, and the room in the video is shining with gray and yellow lights.

Under the light, sat a thin bearded man.

After the man’s face was drawn closer, Suzi saw clearly that it was Arron!

It really is him!

Suzi’s tears flowed out immediately, and he still has such a downfall? “Did you see clearly? Didn’t you lie to you? That man is my husband, right? Well, this video was shot half a month before you went to be played by him for a night. At that time, my dad filmed Arron because he wanted to take Arron. The whereabouts were reported to Arron’s elder brother, Fu Shaocong. I didn’t expect to stay and be lucky enough to be seen by you today.” Lanita’s smile was relaxed and proud.

She just wanted to watch Suzi astonished, mad, helpless, and then mad.

Sure enough, Suzi stood up abruptly from his seat and let out a hysterical roar: “Tell me! What is going on, tell me…tell me, tell me, tell me… ..”

Suzi collapsed.

“Sit down! Calm down. If you don’t calm down, the police will take you away. Understand?” Lanita motioned to Suzi.

Suzig endured the collapse in his heart, sat down obediently, and looked at Lanita with tears streaming down her eyes. Her facial expressions were controlled again and again, but she was still trembling and looking at Lanita.

Lanita blew her red Koodan, and said slowly: “Half a year ago, people in Yunnan City knew that Arron was only the illegitimate son of the Fu family. He did not even have the right to inheritance in the Fu family. In general, although Arron failed to inherit the assets of the Fu family, Arron owns a lot of property. The real heir of the Fu family, Fu Shaocong’s eldest brother, Fu Shaocong, designed to imprison Arron in order to pull out this thorn in the eye and thorn in the flesh.

Suzi, in fact, you should know that Fu Shaocong and Arron have never been in harmony. They have been fighting for more than ten years. Arron’s mother was also put in prison by Fu Shaocong and the Fu family.

Originally, Fu Shaocong thought he was foolproof.

As for the upper circle in Nancheng, more than half of them are biased towards Fu Shaocong, and only a third of them stand in the middle. Because everyone knows that Fu Shaocong will definitely win.

But among this group of people, there is one of the smartest people. This person neither holds a neutral attitude, nor does he take any side. This person knew that he was following Fu Shaocong, but secretly, he also helped the imprisoned Arron more or less in private.

Guess, who is this smart man? “

Suzi had already guessed it, and she asked in a desperate tone: “Is this man your father, Jarod?”

“The answer is correct!” Lanita smiled.

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