Punished by His Love

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

Suzi didn’t care: “Arron, that rainy night, do you remember that rainy night? That rainy night, you were in the dark room, you asked me sadly, asked if I was selling it?

I cried, and I said I was not.

You were surprised to ask me if it was the first time.

Do you remember? Arron? “

At this time, Suzi could no longer care about blushing and nothing. She must let Arron know the truth, and she must not let her children lose the opportunity to recognize her father.

She can’t let others occupy the magpie’s nest.

“They, the Lin family… The Lin family was not trying to save you at all. They were trying to kill you. They were afraid to find a woman who sold you to use it for you. That woman could not keep her mouth tight, so Jarod was here. I was found in the prison, and Jarod didn’t expect you to fight back.

When he found that you absolutely counterattack, he let his daughter impersonate me and tell you that it was Lanita that night.

While thanking them for the Lin family, you must marry Lanita as your wife.

Arron, you are a shrewd and decisive person, you must distinguish clearly. “

At this moment, Suzi, who has always been taciturn, is methodical. Although she is very excited and can’t wait, she speaks clearly and says things in an orderly manner.

So Moira and Lanita behind them couldn’t help being frightened.

Moira hopes that after Suzi knows the truth, he will come to the wedding scene and cry and make a lot of noise. In this way, although Lanita and Arron’s wedding will be disturbed by their feet, Suzi’s crying and loud hysteria can also be completely aroused. Arron rushed to extinction.

As long as Arron rushed to kill Suzi, their Lin family would be safe, and Mrs. Fu Lanita’s position would be preserved.

However, Suzi is not hysterical at all.

On the contrary, Suzi was very brave. She was here to fight for Arron. Suzi was excited, but she was still organized.

Now it can only be seen how Arron disposes of Suzi. At this time, Darius, who sent Suzi over, was also stupid and generally stunned outside the car. He thought that Suzi and Arron had been married for two months and had feelings for Arron, or she and Arron had a substantial relationship. That’s why Suzi came here.

But never thought, is the truth like this?

No wonder Suzi is so anxious to come over. However, in this situation, Darius is also very worried that Suzi will be killed in the next second.

He took out his phone and secretly sent a private message: Where are you, come here, I’m afraid Suzi is in danger!

As soon as Darius’s private message was sent out, the two bodyguards next to Mr. Shu took the book celebrity away.

“What are you doing!” Darius struggled.

“Master, please go to his car!” The bodyguard said blankly.

In the trunk of Darius’s car, there were two snakeskin bags from Suzi, which contained some cheap belongings from Suzi. At the request of Mr. Shu, two bodyguards took out Suzi’s belongings from the car and were still there. To the side of the road.

Comparing the two eye-catching snakeskin bags to this grand and luxurious wedding scene, they looked so out of place and ironic.

Some onlookers whispered: “Such a woman, delusionally approaching Mr. Arron, she really doesn’t want her life.”

“As for this kind of woman, there are people who are unclear at first. She neither takes fate nor shamelessly.”

Suzi couldn’t hear what they said.

“Boom her out!” Arron said coldly.

Moira and Lanita were shocked.

Didn’t Arron order people to sack Suzi, but just blast Suzi out?

At this time, the four bodyguards of the Fu family carried Suzi and carried her out like a chicken.

One of the bodyguards said indifferently: “Miss, if you want to make trouble again, your life will be gone!”

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