Punished by His Love

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

The truck whizzed past Suzi, and Suzi was pushed away and quickly rolled down towards the edge of the road.

The edge of the road is the hillside.

There is a huge despair in Suzi’s heart.

She felt that when she rolled down, not only could she not keep the child in her stomach, but she might also be dead. However, she didn’t feel the pain. Upon closer inspection, she realized that she was being hugged by a man.

The man used his body as a cushion for Suzi. Every time he rolled, he caught her with his arm until both of them began to roll down the hill. Suzi frightened: “Ah…” .

And the man quickly reached out and grabbed a sharp stone. The man put his arm around Suzi with the other hand, and the two did not roll down.

Suzi gasped in fright, then looked intently, and then said in surprise: “Sanford, it’s you? You… why are you here?”

Sanford’s head is densely covered with sweat beads, and his words are not so neat: “Suzi, I heard Shu Shao say on my way here, you…do you have Arron’s child in your belly?”

Suzi burst into tears: “He… will not want my child anymore. I told him all the details and he didn’t believe me. He told the bodyguard that if I came back to ruin his wedding, he Just let the bodyguard cut his throat.

He also said that if I come back, he will let me taste the taste of a really low, dirty, and dignified woman.

Arron is a man who can do what he says.

Just turning on the car and hit me, it showed his decisiveness. “

The sweat on Sanford’s face became more turbulent. He said weakly, “Suzi, you have only been released from prison for three months. You don’t know how fierce Arron is. Four months ago, Arron was in charge of the Fu family. His half-brother Fu Shaocong, at that time everyone thought that Arron was Fu Shaocong’s prisoner.

However, Arron turned around overnight.

Not only that, he also degraded all the people who had trampled on him in the entire Fu family…

No one of them has a chance to live. Do you understand? “

Suzi nodded: “I understand, Ze Shao, why did you sweat so much in the winter? What’s wrong with you?”

Suzi looked at Sanford up and down, only to see that the arm where Sanford was grasping the sharp stone was bleeding from the palm of his hand.

“Shao Ze, are you bleeding? You quickly loose the stone. Quickly loosen it!” Suzi cried heartily.

Sanford smiled with a collapsed smile: “You can’t let it go. If you let it go, you roll down, and the child in your stomach really won’t be able to keep it. I know you have no relatives anymore, and the child in your stomach is the only relative. I’m fine. Skin trauma.”

“Ze Shao, thank you, uuu…”

She just watched Sanford’s hands bleed outwards until ten minutes later, Darius rushed over to rescue the two of them.

A black car parked on the side of the road.

That was Sanford’s.

Sanford stopped here to wait for Darius to reply to him. Fortunately, he stopped here. Before the news of Darius arrived, he saw Suzi being thrown on the road by several big-shaped men. He hadn’t waited yet. Suzi got up, and the truck on the opposite side slammed into it.

That was directly taking the life of Suzi.

That was not ordered by Arron, who would it be?

“Arron is angry. He won’t keep Suzi alive. The truck hit Suzi just now. I must take Suzi away now.” Sanford ignored the bloody appearance of his left hand and only opened the door and got into the car. Said to Darius.

Darius nodded: “Go!”

Suzi looked at Sanford’s hand: “Your hand…”

“You can’t die, first use your clothes to tear into a strip of cloth to stop the bleeding, and wait until I get out of Nancheng.” After that, Sanford had already started the engine.

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