Punished by His Love

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Chapter 195

Sanford never forced Suzi.

They always get along as brothers and sisters, and after a long time, they really become brothers and sisters.

Suzi’s daughter named Sanford: “Uncle.”

More than four years passed in a flash.

Life is plain and fulfilling. Suzi will come back every afternoon to take care of Sanford, push him indoors from the outside, and make a bed for him. After doing these things, it happens to be the time to go to the kindergarten to pick up his daughter.

Under normal circumstances, after picking up her daughter, the child will be accompanied by her uncle at home. She can work on the construction site for a while, and then go home at half past six.

However, today, as soon as Suzi pushed Sanford into the room, the phone rang, and she picked it up to connect: “Hello, Teacher Wei?”

The teacher from my daughter’s kindergarten came here.

“Lilly’s mother, come here quickly, your family’s Lilly has beaten someone again!” Teacher Wei’s tone was very unpleasant.

Suzi: “Okay, okay, I’ll come over right away!”

After closing the line, Suzi was about to go out and was stopped by Sanford: “Suzi Suzi…”


Sanford said gently: “Don’t blame the only one, the only one is a very good child.”

Suzi said annoyedly: “But she…fights again. Brother, who do you think her character is? I haven’t fought with anyone since I was a kid, and you are not a strong and aggressive person. Ah, why did she…” Sanford smiled and said, “Suzi, you forgot, she has a cruel and aggressive father.”

Suzi: “…”

Of course she did not forget.

But Suzi also knew that Arron should never admit this child.

Not only did he not admit it, but he might also kill them all.

“Brother, I went to kindergarten.” Suzi said.

“Go, remember not to blame the only one too much.” Sanford ordered.

Suzi hurried out the door.

With thoughts along the way.

This time I don’t know who Lilly fought again. After living in this county for more than four years, Lilly changed kindergarten three times. Each time it was because of fighting with people. The little girl was very aggressive and ferocious.

Ten minutes later, when I arrived at the kindergarten, I saw that Teacher Wei was talking nice things to a couple: “I’m sorry, Mr. Jiang, Shen’s only mother will be here soon, shall we discuss it when we arrive?”

The fat man’s voice is very fierce: “I don’t care who her parents are! The parents come and let her take their children to get out! No! Kneel down and apologize to my son before getting out!”

“Who will kneel for you! The beauty you think. Lilly never kneels for anyone!” said a group of small figures domineeringly behind him.

“You little ba5tard! You don’t want to live anymore!” The fat man pointed at Lilly and yelled, “Seeing that I won’t kill you ba5tard, immediately kneel down and apologize to my son, otherwise he will have to fight today. You must die!”

“This gentleman, you are too much!” Suzi said coldly behind him.

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