Punished by His Love

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Chapter 209

Christopher’s frightened legs softened, and he kept saying: “Madam, you must not talk nonsense, you will not die, and the little princess will not die. Fourth master is here this time…”

“Strictly wide!” Arron said harshly.

Christopher was so scared that he shut up immediately.

Lilly, who was crying, didn’t dare to cry anymore, he only hugged his mother’s neck tighter.

Christopher cautiously asked Arron: “Four Lord, you order.”

“Someone bought Ji Yunting’s real estate company in full. As for Ji Yunting, let him go abroad!” Arron said blankly.

Christopher: “Yes! Fourth Master, I’ll do it on my own, um, which country did Mr. Ji send to?”

“The country farthest from Nancheng!” Arron said.

Christopher: “…”

Suzi: “…”

Simply unreasonable!

Suzi swallowed his anger, and looked at Arron as calmly as possible: “Mr. Ji just helped me say something fair. He neither saved me nor hindered you. You are so cruel to him, and you are too unreasonable. It’s…”

“Christopher!” Arron shouted again.

“Yes, Fourth Master.”

“Send Sanford and his parents before, now, immediately, to send abroad!” Arron’s voice became more and more cold.

Christopher: “…”

Suzi immediately rushed to Arron, and grabbed Arron’s arm involuntarily with both hands: “No! Please don’t be okay! You want my life, the only life, we both give it to you, both of us! Please! You spare Sanford, as long as you spare Sanford, I will die as long as you let me die. You chop me and the only one into meat sauce, and cut our mother and daughter into eight pieces. I have no objection. How do you want to torture? I can do it, okay?” Arron looked at Suzi coldly: “You are born in this respect.”

Suzi puzzled: “What?”

Arron said sarcastically, “No matter where you go, you can affect the hearts of many men. In the past, in Nancheng, you, a woman, affected the hearts of the entire upper-class men in Yuncheng. I have been looking for you for six years. Beaten up. Joan is mature and stable because of you.

But Sanford was even worse, he was paralyzed.

Now in the remote town of Quxian, you can still influence a big boss like Ji Yunting.

Suzi, I really look down on you. “

Suzi didn’t know the irony in Arron’s words.

She only smiled faintly: “You can say anything about me, but I beg you to let Sanford go. As long as you are willing to let Sanford go, I and the only one will be at your disposal.”

“Are you qualified to negotiate terms with me? Even if I get Sanford to the horizon, you still have to let me deal with it.” Arron looked at Suzi with a stern look.

Suzi: “…”

Looking back and seeing that Christopher was still there, Arron immediately shouted: “Now, immediately! Send Sanford to the farthest place abroad!”

Christopher turned and ran away hastily.

Suzi shed tears in despair.

Arron said blankly: “It’s time for us to talk about compensation.”

Suzi sneered: “If you want money, take it both for me and the only one!”

Arron sneered again: “If you threaten me with my daughter again, you will be more guilty!”

Suzi: “What?”

Arron didn’t even look at Suzi, only one swollen eye socket was dark, and he squatted down again to look at Lilly and said, “Come here and call Dad.”

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