Punished by His Love

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

Chapter 229

Although Suzi was shy, she also obeyed Li’s arrangement.

As expected, Sister Li is a family nursing doctor. She has professional techniques and takes care of Suzi very well. People are also very empathetic.

Suzi was rather embarrassed.

Aunt Li smiled gently: “Madam, you have a thin skin, no wonder Mr. likes you so much.”

Suzi: “…”

“Madam.” Sister Li shouted.

“Yeah.” Although Suzi knew that he was not his wife, but Li Sao called her, she did not object to it because she knew that the objection was invalid.

“I think the little princess also wants her younger siblings very much. With Mr.’s financial resources, it is impossible for him to have only one child. If you have children in the future, you have to protect yourself. Madam, don’t move, I will take the suppository. Put it away.”

Suzi didn’t dare to move.

After the suppository was pushed, Li Sao carefully said to Suzi: “Mrs., you must stay in bed for at least one hour.”

Suzi hid his head under the quilt and mumbled: “I see.”

Li’s wife quit very empathetic and didn’t bother her anymore.

Without Arron by his side, Suzi slept alone on his big bed in Arron’s bedroom, and he fell asleep peacefully and soundly.

Later, Suzi was awakened by a knock on the door.

“Madam.” Sister Li shouted outside.

“Yeah.” Suzi, who woke up, felt much better and didn’t hurt at all.

Sao Li’s technique is really gentle, and the effect is good. Suzi sat up and asked, “What’s the matter with Sao Li?”

“Mrs., Mrs. asked the store to bring the clothes. Would you like to come out and try them on?” Li Sao asked gently outside.



She definitely wants it!

She didn’t have to wear a single piece of clothing. She couldn’t go out without clothes. Of course she wanted clothes.

Urgent need!

Did Arron bring it here?

Suzi suddenly felt an indescribable warm current in his heart.

I hurriedly put on Arron’s shirt and walked out after wearing Arron’s big slippers. Two white-collar ladies stood in the living room. When they saw Suzi, they all looked envious.

The girl with messy hair has a sleepy look and a lazy look. The girl is wearing a loose man’s shirt. The man’s shirt is so fat that he can fit another Suzi. However, this effect makes Suzi thin and thin. Without losing s3xiness.

Layers of strawberry imprints were layered on the neck, and most of the beautiful straight long legs were exposed, so that the two white-collar ladies present could immediately think that this was a girl who had been overly doted by Mr. Fu.

Her charming and lonely appearance can almost arouse the jealousy of Jeonnam City women.

However, the two staff members in front of them did not dare to be jealous of Suzi. They were ordered by Arron’s assistant Christopher to bring clothes to his wife.

In Fu Siye’s house, they dare not say a word.

Their biggest task is to take good care of the lady with all their heart and responsibility.

“Madam.” One of the women yelled gracefully: “Where is the cloakroom, we will help you try on the clothes. If the clothes don’t fit properly, they can be replaced. But Siye Fu has already said Yes, he knows your size, especially the waist, and Siye Fu can pinch it with his hand.”

What the female staff member said was actually a kind of envy, and Suzi’s cheeks blushed in Suzi’s ears.

His hand pinched her waist, one pinch was accurate.


Suzi lowered her head subconsciously and did not dare to look at the two female employees. She only said softly, “Uh… okay.” The domestic helper Li Sao had already brought Suzi and the two female

employees to the cloakroom dedicated to Arron. , The two female staff were very professional, and within five minutes they had already helped Suzi change clothes.

The two female staff members said in unison: “Fu Siye has a good vision. The clothes he chooses from underwear or outerwear, everything fits you well, my wife.”

After putting on this dress, Suzi’s whole person indeed became more energetic.

One of the female staff pleasantly praised: “Wow, madam, you are so beautiful.”

Another female staff member also laughed: “Fu Siye’s vision and technique are accurate. The clothes are not too big or small, but they are also suitable for the lady’s temperament.”

“Thank you.” Suzi’s tone was as pale as a chrysanthemum.

“It’s okay, madam, it’s our honor to serve you. Then, let’s go back and return to Madam?” the two women respectfully said to Suzi.


This dress is matched with a pair of flat-heeled shoes. Suzi only felt very comfortable.

It also matches her skin very well.

His vision is indeed good.

And she, a person who came to pay her debts, could still be treated like this?

When she was thinking about it, her mobile phone rang, and when she picked it up to connect, Arron’s voice came from the other end: “Wake up?”

“Well, I woke up.” Suzi replied.

“Is it still uncomfortable?”

Suzi: “…”

“I want to ask you something!”

“Is it possible to help you pick up business and pay you back as soon as possible when my body returns to normal? Or did you give me the clothes to pack me?” Suzi asked faintly.

Man: “…”

The Parker gold coin in his hand that was being signed was snapped by him in a fit of anger.

He also threw the unsigned contract in his hand, still in the corner of the ground, scaring the secretary at a loss: “Mr. Fu, you are…”

“Immediately terminate the contract with this company!”

Secretary: “But the contract…”

“The contract has not been signed, terminate it!”

Secretary: “Yes, Mr. Fu!” Then he picked up the contract and exited carefully, leaving the door of Arron’s office, the little assistant was still in shock.

Mr. Fu, what’s wrong?

A minute ago, Mr. Fu was still talking gently to the person on the phone. A minute later, Mr. Fu was angrily even destroying the contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars?


Who is the other party!

How dare to provoke President Fu so much?

This is the rhythm of not wanting to live!

At the other end, Suzi didn’t realize it. She still said unhurriedly: “However, I still have to thank you for the clothes you gave me.”

Arron hung up the phone’bang’.

“The only place where she is…” Suzi only said two words, and there was a busy tone at that end. After the thread was closed, Suzi didn’t care whether she was feeling well or not. Anyway, now she has clothes to wear, she wants to go out and take a look at the only one right away.

“Madam, you need to rest.” Li Sao shouted behind her.

And Suzi ran out in a hurry, got into the elevator, went downstairs, and just got out of the door, he was blocked by a woman.

“Suzi! I knew you were here!” Lanita said viciously.

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