Punished by His Love

Chapter 235

Chapter 235

Chapter 235

Chapter 235

Using your grandfather to scare me, do you scare me as Suzi? “

“Haha!” Lanita smiled more frantically: “Suzi, my grandfather’s old department is all over the country, and many of them are border guards at the border. Then my grandpa will send you to the border in a rage.

Then output it again.

Do you know what will happen to you?

It’s the kind of place where you don’t care, where there are war dealers, all kinds of desperadoes, and you will be tied to a tree by them, and you will not be clothed.

Every day there will be hundreds of people in line waiting to consume you.

Until you die from exhaustion! “

Suzi shuddered involuntarily.

Lanita was even more proud to see Suzi like this.

However, Suzi just shuddered, and then sneered: “It doesn’t matter, as long as your grandpa can take me away, take me away! Lanita, you are here to just play with me, you know you What does it look like?

Like a child who can’t beat others and can only show off, it’s very pitiful!


Is your fiance, your man, your husband?

I fell asleep first!

See you no more! “

After speaking, Suzi turned around and went in. She was originally going to find Shen the only one, but now that Lanita was blocked outside, Suzi could only go back and hide for a while.

However, as soon as she entered the house, she received a call. It was a landline number. Suzi didn’t know where it came from. After a little hesitation, she connected again: “Hello, hello, who?”

“Mom.” On the other end, there was Shen’s only cautious, extremely low voice.

“The only, the only, are you the only one, where are you? Hurry up and tell your mother where you are?” Suzi burst into tears.

At the other end, Shen’s only voice was very small: “Shhh, mother, keep your voice down. Mom, are you better now? That stinky villain said that you are not feeling well. You must lie on the bed to get better, so in the morning I I dare not call you, mom, can you walk now?”

Suzi wiped a tear: “Mom is fine now and the only one. Tell your mom, where are you?”

Lilly still said quietly: “Sorry mom, I didn’t intend to go to work with the bad guy in the morning. I wanted to protect my mother. I am looking at the bad guy in a big company. He will be very busy. If you don’t have time to go home, run, mom, and I will hold the bad guy. When I go out with the bad guy in the morning, I think about it. I will hold the bad guy and let mom run.”

Suzi: “…” At this moment, she cried silently.


She can’t run!

Even if she died, she would die with her only daughter.

“Only, you are in the company of the stinky villain, right?” Suzi asked.

“Yeah, right mother.” Lilly said bravely.

“The good one, you hold the stinky villain, mom will run now.” Suzi coaxed her daughter.

After closing the line, she ran out in a hurry. The servant behind did not call her again. Suzi ran out of the elevator and ran out of the community. When she was about to intercept the taxi for a while, she was caught by two people. Forced into the black car.

Suzi took a closer look and asked in horror: “What do you want!”

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