Punished by His Love

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

I took her to the company early in the morning, and all the senior executives of the company met her, which established her identity in the company and the Fu Group. All day long, I was busy asking Christopher to go to the Michelin restaurant to order children’s steaks. Busy getting the best designer to match her clothes, in the end, he only responded: “Smelly dad?”

“Yeah.” Arron agreed with Bara’s grievances.

Smelly father is also a father.

It’s better than shouting a badass.

“Your mother fell asleep?” Arron asked Lilly.

Lilly nodded.

“Then you sleep by yourself, you are now a big girl, you must learn to be independent, learn to sleep by yourself!” The education of children as a father is really different from the education of children as a mother.

Just like that, Arron commanded with a sullen face, and Lilly said obediently, “Oh…”

Arron bent over and hugged Suzi and left. Lilly immediately shouted, “Smelly… Dad, where do you hold my mother?”

“You want to sleep, don’t your mother want to sleep?” Arron looked at the reduced version of himself angered.

“You are not allowed to bully my mother!”

“I don’t bully her, how did you come?” Arron retorted.

Lilly: “…”

About to break the casserole and ask what does this mean?

But when I saw my mother’s hands suddenly and unconsciously clinging to the stinky father’s neck, mother muttered: “I don’t think about anything, I don’t care about anything, just live a day like this, and die in your arms, okay? ?”

Suzi is dreaming.

In the dream, she could not escape Arron’s clutches no matter what, it was not his clutches that pushed her into the abyss. Instead, he let her lose herself.

The man didn’t answer her, he only held her tighter, and then walked into his bedroom.

Suzi woke up in the middle of the night.

One of her arms was numb by herself. She wanted to turn over but couldn’t move. She slowly opened her eyes. The first thing that caught her eyes was the firm bronze skin under his armpits, and Suzi suddenly woke up.

Only then did she discover that she was pillowed in his arm, her head held under his armpit, like a good-looking cat. Arron was still asleep. She has one arm under her body, and she has been crushed out of consciousness.

Suzi wanted to turn over, but he didn’t want to alarm Arron.

I was really afraid to offend him.

The most important thing is that she didn’t want to face him without clothes and herself without clothes. Suzi slowly and cautiously, like a silkworm, moved her body little by little, wanting to turn her back to Arron.

However, just as she moved, the man’s arm tightened suddenly, holding her tightly in place.

The man did not speak, nor opened his eyes.

She held her in place with only one arm.

Suzi was very angry. She wanted to push him away, but couldn’t push him no matter what. She had to plead: “I just want to turn around.”

“Don’t move!” the man ordered.

Suzi was very aggrieved: “My arm is numb, can’t I turn around and move around? Even a prisoner has the freedom to turn around!”

All her aggrieved tears fell.

The man turned and put her under him, looked at her coldly, and asked: “Do you think your arm is numb? My arm is more numb than you! I didn’t plan to touch you tonight. , But you can’t help it yourself!”

Suzi: “You…”

“If you move again, I can’t guarantee what I will do in the next second!” the man snapped.

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