Punished by His Love

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

It would be better to have Arron sitting here, and Arron went out to answer the phone, making Suzi feel at a loss.

In the huge private room, everyone’s eyes focused on Suzi.

Kraig is wide and smiling.

Jiang Chenhe looked calm.

Zhong Muzhan looked at Kraig curiously, and wanted Kraig to give him some news. In the past few years, Zhong Muzhan and Arron, who are on the southwest border, have moved a little, and he doesn’t know much about the situation.

But he also knew that Fu’s fiancée was Lanita.

But this girl, what is the way?

In the private room, not only the eyes of a few men fell on Suzi.

The woman next to each man also unscrupulously began to look at Suzi.

Where there are women, there are many conversations.

And because Arron was not there, the atmosphere became a little more relaxed, and two of the women had already started to whisper.

“I heard that she is the woman Arron captured.”

“I heard that she destroyed Arron’s marriage back then.”

“How cruel Arron is! He won’t let anyone offend him easily.”

“You didn’t hear this woman say it herself! She is a wine girl! It must be Arron who wants to torture her in this way. There is a saying, to tame a good woman into a lowly and sloppy woman. , Is the most interesting.

What’s more, this woman tried to confuse the upper circle six years ago, but she has never failed to catch the opportunity. “

The two women muttered, and the other long wave listened as if nothing. The woman in the pink dress suddenly asked a long wave: “Hello, I look familiar with you, are you the movie star Ivy who just won the best newcomer award in the world?”

The woman with long wavy hair nodded indifferently: “Well, I’m Ivy.”

Today, Ivy was entrusted by a fan of a noblewoman to accompany the husband of a fan to attend this small gathering. That fan is an authentic celebrity girl. Her family’s status is prominent in Kyoto. Her husband’s family was originally developed abroad and only returned to Nancheng in the last two years.

Before coming to participate in this game, the fan said to Ivy: “Miss Ivy, I won’t let you go for nothing. This gathering brought together four top-level bigwigs from the east, the west, the north, and the north. If you can get into this circle Come, it is certainly not a difficult task to find investment in your film and television in the future. No matter which one you lean on, the four men will let you enjoy it for a lifetime.

I beg you to be my husband’s temporary female companion time and time again, firstly because I am now in confinement and cannot accompany him.

Both, if a big star like you is supporting my husband, my husband may have a better chance to integrate into that circle.

I also have a small request, that is, can you help me watch my husband, and don’t let the women in the clubhouse hook my husband. “

Ivy inadvertently asked the female movie fan: “Then you are not afraid that I will hook your husband?”

The female movie fan immediately laughed: “You? If you go to such an occasion, where there are Arron, Kraig, and Jiang Chenhe, you will still fall in love with my husband? As far as your status is today, you In fact, it was to raise the value of my husband.”

Some words made Ivy’s vanity full of vanity.

She has won the international award, but she has not really entered the circle of the wealthy and powerful people in the country. This is just an opportunity.

As a actress who has just been promoted to the actress, although she hasn’t completely mixed into the upper circle, she still wants to stand up with her arrogant and glamorous aura.

So, at this moment, there are other women talking to Ivy, and Ivy loves to answer.

Ivy focused her attention on Suzi.

She could see that the real protagonist of today’s gathering is Arron, because Nancheng is the largest city in China, and Arron is the symbol of Yuncheng’s financial power.

When Ivy looked at Suzi, Suzi got up and went to the bathroom.

She really couldn’t adapt to the eyes of a group of people looking at her, and the sweat in her palms became more and more sticky, she wanted to wash it off.

Who knew that as soon as he arrived in the bathroom, he heard a command behind him: “Come with the wine girl! Come and bring me shoes.”

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