Punished by His Love

Chapter 276

Chapter 276

Chapter 276

Chapter 276

Ivy: “…Mr. Fu what did you say?”

She couldn’t believe her ears, and Arron actually let her act as the wine girl. She has never suffered such a shame.

“Be a wine girl!” Arron said calmly.

Ivy immediately replied arrogantly, “Mr. Fu! Didn’t you have a wine girl with you? I’m not a wine girl! I don’t play a wine girl!”

Arron’s tone was still very calm: “Then what are you doing today?”

Ivy: “I came with Mr. Xu…”

“Mr. Xu’s wife, should it be Kraig’s cousin?” Arron asked abruptly, “Excuse me, in what capacity did you come here?”

Ivy: “…”

“A woman who accompanies the wine is a woman who accompanies the wine! Do you still want to set up an archway for a woman who accompanies the wine?” Arron said mercilessly.

Ivy’s tears flowed out, and she cried: “Mr. Fu…” As soon as she spoke, Suzi subconsciously covered her nose.

Suzi couldn’t get used to this smell.

Especially pungent.

When she was in Quxian County, she was busy working on the construction site for a while, and she was unaccustomed to water and soil, which caused her nasal allergies. Especially can’t smell too strong and irritating perfume.

Seeing Suzi holding her nose, Ivy’s anger reached a certain point: “You! You escort girl! You are the escort girl! What kind of nose do you cover, you won’t be able to use a perfume like mine for the rest of your life. !”

Suzi bit her lip, and looked at Ivy in a calm tone: “Miss! I am a wine girl, and you don’t need to remind you. Can you take me a little further? Mr. Fu asked you to accompany the wine, you accompany or It doesn’t matter if you don’t accompany, doesn’t it?

I don’t know you, I have never seen you.

So we should have no grudges, right?

Why are you staring at me so hard? You asked me to lift your shoes in the bathroom just now, and now you scold me in front of so many people. I’m just Arron’s wine girl, not yours.

Please sit away from me! “

Ivy: “…”

She is really going to slap this mean woman!

However, when he saw Arron’s sharp eyes, Ivy stopped her hand immediately.

“You asked her to carry you shoes?” Arron asked flatly.

Ivy: “…”

“Sixty glasses of fine wine!” Arron said lightly.

Ivy suddenly frightened Liushen Wuzhu: “Mr. Fu, I…sixty glasses of wine can burn my liver. I…I rarely drink.”

“Ninety cups.” Arron said blankly.

The people next to me were all dumb.

Only Kraig looked calm. Dalia, a confidante next to Kraig, looked at Suzi with a warm smile, and handed her a bottle of mineral water: “Drink some white water, maybe you are more resistant to smells.”

Suzi nodded slightly: “Thank you.”

Here Xu Zetong was also stunned. He tried to make a round and was about to speak, but was caught by Kraig: “Cousin-in-law, what is the purpose of your coming here today?”

Xu Zetong was afraid to speak.

It wasn’t until this time that Ivy realized that she seemed to offend someone today, but when she thinks about it, she hasn’t done anything?

Didn’t she just ask a woman to help her with the shoes, and then she said something everyone wanted to say in order to warm up the scene?

What happened to her?

Looking at the people around, no one interceded for her. Ivy could only save herself. She immediately softened her voice and pleaded with Arron with a smiling face: “Mr. Fu, Mr. Fu, I’m sorry, Ivy rarely comes to such occasions. , Maybe some things have been done in an unruly manner, and I would like to ask Mr. Fu to give clear instructions.

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