Punished by His Love

Chapter 303

Chapter 303

Chapter 303

She has no one to ask for help, and she has never had the conditions to yell at others, but it has only been a week since she came to Nancheng, either by Lanita’s threats, or by Walton’s ridicule here.

What about calling her Suzi?

“Joan! You slap her twice! Hit her fiercely, take off the soles of your shoes and hit her! Slap this woman’s face to me! I see how she will sell it to Fu in the future. Master! It’s okay if you are like a man! She is beating your fiancee!” Walton shouted at Joan like crazy. Disregarding that this is a public place at all.

Due to Walton’s obstruction, the elevator had gone up again.

Suzi only quietly waited for the elevator to land again.

As for whether Joan would beat her, she didn’t care at all.

However, Joan raised her head and slapped Walton on the other side of the face fiercely: “Walton! You are too presumptuous! Get out of me and go home!”

Suzi was taken aback. Is this woman Walton?

When he raised his head and looked at Walton carefully, it was really true.

It was only six years ago that she saw Walton very rarely. It was only two or three times, she didn’t remember Walton’s looks at all, and it was only at this moment that it was really Walton.

Suzi was not surprised at why Joan and Walton came together. That was not something she should be concerned about, she was indifferent to this.

Only, Walton was beaten by Suzi first, and then beaten by Joan. It was really faceless and annoying. She covered both faces with her hands and cried and said, “Joan, you have become more skilled. You dare to hit me. You think I’m not favored in front of my grandfather Shu family now. My grandfather Shu family has Lanita’s real granddaughter, so he doesn’t care about me anymore, so you Joan will also come Step on me, right?

Joan! You wait for me!

And you Suzi, you are waiting! “

After speaking, Walton ran away crying.

The rest of Joan looked at Suzi and smiled embarrassingly: “I’m sorry Suzi, my fiancee is too much, I will apologize for her like you.”

“It’s okay.” Suzi said indifferently.

The elevator came, and she was about to get on the elevator, but she was caught by Joan again.

“Are you okay?” Suzi asked. She was anxious to go to the Internet cafe to submit her resume.

She didn’t want to talk to Joan here. Don’t look back and let Xiao Xiaozhi take a video or something. She should also say that she wanted to test the picture. Attached to the upper class society.

“Suzi.” Usually, Joan has no chance to meet Suzi. At this moment, he eagerly grabbed Suzi and eagerly expressed:

“Suzi, no matter what you use to mine in the future Place, if I don’t want my life, I will definitely help you, if you tell me now that I will marry you, I will marry you. I will take you far and high, and your child

Lilly, as long as you say let me marry You, we don’t want children in our whole life, we only have this one child, I treat her as a baby, okay Suzi.

Even if you die, I will resist Arron and rescue you from the fire pit.

Tell me, what do you need me to do for you? “

Suzi felt amused: “Since you want to marry me so much, why are you still engaged to Walton?”

Joan smiled bitterly: “When I was engaged to Walton, I didn’t know that you could come back again.

Our Chu group was going to decline. Walton and I were married to save my parents, as sons. I always have to do something for my family. I am now in my 30s. It is time to share the burden for this family.”

Suzi suddenly smiled gently: “Joan, you have finally grown up and become sensible.”

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