Punished by His Love

Chapter 309

Chapter 309

Chapter 309

That’s not right!

Don’t you always say that there is no overnight feud between husband and wife?

He Christopher, an unmarried bachelor knows this reason.

Or, last night, Madam didn’t even want Master to get close?

While Christopher was making wild guesses about gossip, Lilly stared at Christopher with his squishy eyes: “Uncle Yan, who is the madam?”

Christopher: “It’s your mother!”

After speaking, Christopher looked at Arron again: “Four Lord, is the madam still packing up there?”

It is true that women are more troublesome to go out.

As soon as Christopher’s voice fell, he heard the father and daughter speaking in unison.

“She is not rare to go to the old house!”

“My badass dad won’t let my mom follow!”

Christopher: “…”


He was very aware of the current affairs and shut up, then opened the door for the father and daughter to get them in the car, and then he sat in the front and drove.

No words on the way.

Instead of going directly to the old house, the car went to the dress shop that Arron went to a few days ago. The dresses in the shop were made by Arron when he received a call from the old house asking him to go back with the child. Of. The store manager told Arron: “A big red mother and daughter suit came in the store, which is very beautiful.”

However, it is not used anymore.

When Arron looked at the five-year-old Lilly wearing a big red tutu, his eyes lit up.

It’s his own daughter after all.

That noble, cold and slightly mischievous look. Not to her mother in the slightest, it’s worse.

After changing the dresses, Arron also gave the little girl a stack of regular clothes. For fear that she would no longer be bound to wear skirts at the family banquet, Arron bought all the clothes for her.

The father and daughter took the car again and went straight to the old house.

When they arrived outside the gate of the old house, they found that there were no less than twenty or thirty cars parked outside the gate.

What are the old man, father and aunt doing? Is it possible to entertain the dignitaries of Jeonnam City and let them take a look at the newly-recovered granddaughter of the Fu family?

Arron’s guess was correct.

The old man Fu Hengsheng, his father Fu Zhengxiong and his aunt Qin Wenyu were just like this. Not only this one thought, they also have to clarify things in front of so many people.

However, at this time, Arron still didn’t know their thoughts.

Taking Shen Weiwei into the old house step by step, he heard chats in the huge main hall one after another.

“Oh, don’t you know, that little girl is very exciting, she is just like Arron when she was a child, and gave me the old man to Doule, this child will be here soon, and you will see them all in a while.

Me, I will call Arron now. “It was Fu Hengsheng, the old man of the Fu family, who was sitting on the main seat and was introducing the great-granddaughter he had just met to the guests.

The guests sitting below looked at each other.

At this moment, Arron also led Lilly to the living room slowly.

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