Punished by His Love

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

But Arron is different.

She is calm enough.

He is more calm than her.

His eyes didn’t rest on her at all, as if she was air.

In this way, Suzi’s hand twisted the corner of his clothes involuntarily, but at this time, Arron suddenly turned around and said to her, “Should I smoke a cigarette?”

The corners of Suzi’s scared hand shook off, and she nodded quickly: “Okay.”

The man then opened the window, took the cigarette, and lit the cigarette.

His action was completed in one go, a cigarette came into his mouth, and he inhaled in a hurry, Suzi found that he did not breathe out smoke.

When he was surprised, the peripheral light of his eyes realized that it was not that he didn’t spit out smoke, but that the smoke came out of the window from his nose little by little.

As for him, he was so calm and calm.

It was the first time that Suzi saw that a man smokes such a hidden domineering posture of smoking and spitting fog, which is very similar to a mature man.

Suzi was stunned for a few seconds.

Suddenly, she blushed.

A little tobacco smell mixed into Suzi’s nose, and Suzi subconsciously coughed lightly.

The man immediately squeezed out most of the cigarette butts, and then the window opened.

At this time Christopher looked at the rearview mirror frequently, and Arron frowned and asked, “What?”

“Master, there seems to be someone following us?” Christopher was born in a special agency, with a stunt. He was Arron’s assistant, and the driver was actually Arron’s bodyguard. “Lead it to the main road with few pedestrians.” Arron calmly made a decision.

“Yes!” As soon as Christopher’s steering wheel hit an overtaking lane, the car accelerated out of the city with a’ooh’ and went to a remote road.

Arron glanced at Suzi next to her, her eyes were calm as waves.

“Aren’t you afraid?” he asked.

She shook her head: “Not afraid.”

After a pause, she faintly explained: “I am a woman who has been in jail, and the jail is also very cruel, I have seen it all…”

Arron then said to Christopher, who drove in front of him, “ask the source, if necessary, solve it on the spot.”

“I know the Fourth Young Master!” Christopher replied.

Arron had just been in office for more than a month, and there were countless people who wanted to rebel against him. If he kept hiding in the dark without letting him know, he would pass by with one eye closed.

If he dared to follow all the way from the hospital to here in broad daylight, then he would not be soft.

The car stopped on a secluded mountain road.

Christopher got off the car.

From the rearview mirror, Suzi saw at least two cars parked behind him, and six or seven sturdy men got out of the car. They surrounded Christopher from all sides.

However, within ten minutes, all the people fell.

Christopher got in the car: “Master, it’s all solved.”

“Go back.” Arron said two short words. Just after he finished speaking, a person suddenly appeared on his car door. The car window was smoked by Arron half an hour ago. It was not closed. At this moment, that person was half. A bloody face stuck out.

“Ah…” Suzi, who had said that he was not afraid, screamed in shock.

Arron hugged Suzi into his arms.

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