Punished by His Love

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

“It’s been so long since the last family banquet. You should have a decision in your heart? Did you like that girl?” Fu Hengsheng asked his grandson with a sullen face.

Grandchildren are two in their thirties, and if they were ordinary people, they would have to go to elementary school!

Seeing Arron calm as usual, not saying a word, Fu Hengsheng felt an angry heart, but he was also afraid of this grandson. She did not dare to say it, so she said with all her heart: “There are not many that can match our Fu family now. , The little princess of the Xu family, that is, Sanford, who often plays with Ling’er, his sister, 22 years old, and the daughter of the Huo family in Kyoto, but I am most optimistic about the Shu family’s One…”

After Mr. Fu said so much, Arron didn’t even lift his eyelids.

However, seeing that although Arron did not speak, but did not object, the old man continued to say: “The niece of Mrs. Shu Qingfeng, the eldest of the Shu family, is called Walton? Although the Min family is not ranked in Nancheng, it has long been. It’s already gone, but Walton, a girl, was raised in Shu’s family since she was a child. She was raised by Shu’s father. This means that although the child’s surname is Min, she can be regarded as the granddaughter of the Shu family. , The Communist Party of China is only such a girl. Walton is considered to be the flesh of Elder Shu’s heart.

If you marry Walton, with the prestige of Mr. Shu in Nancheng and Kyoto, in the future, the Fu Group…”

“I won’t marry what you said.” Arron suddenly interrupted Grandpa.

Fu Hengsheng: “…”

He muttered the circle, muttered for nothing.

“You!” Fu Heng suddenly slapped the table, lifted the walking stick and poked the ground: “Your wings are stiff! I am in charge of the group company, so I thought I wouldn’t dare to beat you! I chose the girl from the Shu family for you. For whom! For whom! Although the Shu family is not as large as our Fu family, the Shu family is regarded as the oldest nobleman in the entire Nancheng…”

Arron interrupted Fu Hengsheng’s remarks again: “My country, Arron, does not need any external support! Therefore, I will not marry any woman!” “Then who do you want to marry! You are in your 30s, who do you want to marry? Tell me!” Fu Hengsheng was angry and his beard stood up.

Arron’s dark eyes looked at his own grandfather coldly: “Of course it is the mother who married my son!”

His words are a pun.

It not only brought out the injustice of the Fu family to his mother, but also told Fu Hengsheng very frankly. Starting from Arron, the Fu family will no longer be divided into c0ncub!nes and c0ncub!nes.

Fu Hengsheng: “Qin’er, your mother’s business…”

“If you are okay, I’ll go first!” Arron got up and left. He admitted that Fu Hengsheng is his grandfather and he has never cut off contact with the old house, but this does not mean that the Fu family can intervene in the matter of his mother.

After coming out of the Fu’s old house, Arron returned to the company again. His memories of driving halfway in the morning continued to open in the afternoon. The work that had been stalled because of Jarod and the pregnancy of Lanita prevented Arron from going to Jarod to communicate. .

This afternoon, after the meeting, Arron went to the hospital to visit his mother.

When I came to the ward, I saw that Suzi was already taking care of his mother in the ward, and when Arron said, Suzi smiled sweetly: “Arron, you are here.”

Arron: “…”

She was the first to call him by his name, and it was so natural.

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