Punished by His Love

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Chapter 93

Suzi asked in a cold voice: “When and what time?”

Lanita opened her mouth and said, “Four o’clock in the afternoon!”

“Okay, I’ll go, but I have a condition.” Suzi said: “Don’t bother Aunt Xia, or I’ll be rude to you!”

Lanita laughed wildly: “Haha! Suzi, you said as if Shanna is really your mother-in-law, don’t forget, you are fake, I am the real, Aunt Xia is my fiance Mother, how could I hurt her? Aren’t you worrying about it?”

“It’s good if you know that she is your mother-in-law. I’ll be there on time at four o’clock.” Suzi hung up the phone after dropping these words.

When I was about to go into the office to clean up, and then went out to find a food stall for lunch, Suzi’s cell phone rang again. It was Lanita who called again. Suzi was even annoyed. But when I opened it, it was a Unfamiliar number, she asked calmly, “Hello, who?”

“Mrs.” At the other end, it turned out to be a strict and wide voice.

Suzi’s face flushed, and his tone became more cheerful: “Assistant Yan, you know, I’m just a fake, don’t call my wife in the future, just call me Suzi, Assistant Yan, are you looking for me? ?”

Christopher said on the phone: “You go to the front desk on the first floor now.”

Suzi: “Huh? Go there, what are you doing?”

An idea came up in her heart. Could it be that Arron has come downstairs in her company. Want to have lunch with her?

Then she dare not go down.

After all, this is where she works, she dare not be so intriguing.

“Master is very busy today.” Christopher said on the phone.

“Um…” Suzi was disappointed with a smile in his heart.

“He can’t separate himself, so he told me to order the takeaway for you before noon and deliver it to your company’s downstairs. Just now, the takeaway guy has already called me. He is here. Go get it now. Well, it’s also the first time I have ordered takeaway for you. I don’t know if you suit your wife’s appetite?” Christopher said kindly and thoughtfully. In fact, Arron didn’t let him order Suzi takeout.

Master is a majestic, iron-faced and cold-hearted man, but he hasn’t been careful yet, he will even think of a lunch meal in detail, and ask Christopher to make an order for Suzi.

Ordering lunch for Suzi was Christopher’s own intention.

Having been with Master for so many years, many familiar and unfamiliar people, including the entire Fu family, regard him Christopher as an ordinary driver beside Fu Master, and no one takes a high look at Christopher on weekdays.

Although Christopher is Arron’s most important confidant and bodyguard.

Only Suzi, without knowing that he was Arron’s bodyguard, and not knowing how important Christopher’s position is in Arron’s heart, Suzi was able to warm his heart and carefully prepared a hand warmer for him. .

At that moment, Christopher was moved.

Regardless of whether Suzi is the real Arron’s wife or fake, Christopher respects Suzi as the real Arron’s wife.

Christopher knows how much money she lacks in Suzi.

After thinking about it, he could only order lunch for Suzi in the name of Fu Siye.

Sure enough, Suzi heard Arron order her lunch and fast food, she immediately smiled happily: “Assistant Yan, can you help me thank you Mr. Fu, I will definitely do my best to take good care of Aunt Xia, I especially hope that because of me , And can make Aunt Xia live another month, ten days. Even if it is one day. I will try my best.”

Christopher: “Thank you, my wife, on behalf of the Fourth Young Master.”

“That, that, I’ll hang up.” She said in a cheerful voice like a brisk little lark.

Christopher immediately smiled and said, “Good wife, goodbye.”

After closing the line, Suzi ran all the way into the elevator, and then went down to the front desk on the first floor. Sure enough, there was a Suzi takeaway. The takeaway was not too luxurious, but it was rich enough.

There are shrimps, ribs, pure beef balls, stir-fried broccoli, and okra.

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