Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 157

Chapter 157: Don't spoil the fun

"You have a courage that bigger than your body." Xiao Tianyao started to wonder, what she did to a lot of guards out there? How come she was able to slip in? It was impossible for Senja to come from the door because no one would allow her to waiting inside his room. Xiao Tianyao needed to find out about this.

"Thank you," Senja took his sarcasm word as a praised. "Actually I came to talk about our deal last time." She referred to the deal that Xiao Tianyao rejected because she has nothing to offer to him.

"Not interest." Xiao Tianyao said succinctly as he grabbed Senja's hand, forced her down from the table and dragged her outside the room.

"You are not yet listen what I will offer." Senja complained while trying to struggle, to free her hand. "Listen to me first."

"Whatever your offers, I can get it. So I don't need you to give me more trouble." Xiao Tianyao was keep dragging Senja to throw her out from the room.

"No. No. Not from the door." Senja eyes dilated when she saw Xiao Tianyao would chase her away from the door, "Not from the door. I took so much pain to sneak in so nobody knew I am meeting you."

Xiao Tianyao was speechless when he heard her excuse. But, before he could open the door Sana's voice was traveling from behind it.

"See? She is your trouble, not me." Senja pointed her finger to the door, where Sana was behind it.

Taking of advantage that Xiao Tianyao loosened up his grip, Senja wriggled her hands to free herself and back away.

A soft knock was heard at the same time.

"Come in." After Xiao Tianyao gave permission, Yang Yu opened the door and his sight directly landed on the figure behind his Master.

What the hell this girl doing inside Master's room? I didn't see her enter!

It wasn't sure when Yang Yu has came back from Carnation Resort but Senja didn't care about that small detail. Looking at the stunned Yang Yu, Senja put her forefinger in front of her lips to make a 'sst' signal that indicated Yang Yu to shut up.

"What is it?" Xiao Tianyao question broke Yang Yu's disarray mind.

"Master. Outside Young Miss Sana is seeking for audience." Yang Yu answered still in dumbfounded.josei

"She is looking for trouble." Senja said firmly. She knew it, there was something fishy about Sana who was asking for extra time when in fact, she already knew the answer.

"Let her in." Xiao Tianyao gave the permission as he walked inside the room again and sat on the chair. Yang Yu's answer was late a few second because he saw Senja was tailing his Master, but the later didn't chase her away.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Tianyao became more and more didn't understand Senja's behavior and the way she thought. Senja was roaming around the room now, before she stopped in front of the partition and hid herself behind it.


"And why you have to hide?"

Senja poke her head out from the partition and talked in unsatisfied tone, "Don't spoil the fun. She will not go all out if she know I am here."

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