Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 166

Chapter 166: I dare you to make him kneel!

Senja was laughing out loud when he heard Yoda accusation until she hurt her stomach. "Fine, I was just teasing you. But I need to say that your initiative to have reserved a room is really good, however…" Senja halted and looked at Yoda wickedly. "I don't know if that your initiative or your instinct."

"Senja!" Yoda exclaimed with frustration when he heard that while Senja burst laughing again. "Senja stop it!"

Suddenly sinister feeling crept from Senja's back as a cold sneered sounded from the near street.

"As it turned, this is how Young Miss from Black Sword Clan behaves? Eating with lowly guard on the street at night?" Sana sneered when she got off from the carriage with the help of her servant. "What an appropriate manner." She said sarcastically.

She walked slowly to Senja and Yoda table with 4 of her maid tailing behind her. Inevitably, her arrival attracted several people there. They were just commoners, with Sana splendid dress, grandiose carriage and many maids and guards following her, of course the onlookers were felt nervous. Afraid if they unintentionally made something wrong, then this noble lady wouldn't let them off easily.

Naturally, many people were back off several meters away to let her walked forward without obstacles. However, their curiosity made them stay after keep a safe distance.

Senja was getting annoyed with this girl, "Can't she stop flaunting around? I bet she even can't put on her shoes without the help of her servant." Senja hissed irritably to Yoda.

Yoda stood up directly when he saw Sana came and folded his arms in front of his chest to gave his respect, but Sana didn't satisfied with that and snapped at Yoda, "You should kneel down when you see me!"

Yoda raised his head in surprised and look hesitant to do as Sana ordered him, however he couldn't disrespect her and when he ready to bent down on his knee, Senja talked languidly. "I dare you to make him kneel."

Compared to Sana appearance in her light pink dress and jewelry from head to her toe, you could say Senja wasn't in her best now, she was merely wearing black normal clothes and Xiao Tianyao's cloak that he gave her the first day they came at Roccaleaf Tea House in purpose to covered her hair.

Don't know if Senja forgot to return it or she really didn't want to give the cloak back to the owner. But occasionally she would wear it if she went out at night, because the weather was getting cold now.

She still sat on her chair with her right arms supported her head as she looked at Sana defiantly.

"You still don't want to kneel?!" Sana ignored Senja's words and glared at Yoda instead who still stood up awkwardly there.

"Young Miss Sana, are you an Empress? A Princess? Or royal family?" Senja was looked at her nail attentively. Acting like her nails needed more attention from her than Sana. "If you are not one of them, why you asked him to kneel before you? Don't think too highly of yourself, because you aren't that high."

"Senja! You are more and more insolent!" Sana pointed her slender finger to Senja who sat a few meters away from her.josei

The crowd also shocked by Senja's brave answered. The lady in light pink dress didn't need to say that she held high status, but the ordinary girl in grey cloak was so dare to offend her? Who is she? The lady called the girl Senja? Is she… 'Senja'?

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