Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 198

Chapter 198: Sana confirmation

"Your Master inside?" Senja greeted him far from being polite.

This time Yang Yu cupped his hand and gave respect to her, "Yes, Young Miss Senja." He answered her with politeness. Senja puzzled over his action, but didn't think about it further.

Actually Yang Yu sudden changing was because two of his subordinates reported to him that their Master was going home with Senja on his back in this early morning. It shocked him. He knew that his Master was investigating the matter at the Brothel that Senja had reported to him.

However, never he would have thought that his Master will bring Senja along with him… to 'that' place… wasn't that too much?

Recently, he had seen Senja around his Master quite often, even his Master act strangely toward her and let this girl to be so close to him and now she bluntly visited him. Yang Yu didn't know what their relationship, but somehow he realized it wasn't a wise move to had dispute with Senja.

"But, you can't enter the room right now Young Miss."

"Why? They have a meeting inside?" Senja thought their meeting this afternoon about the letter hasn't ended yet. But, Yang Yu shook his head.

"Just now Young Miss Sana entered the room." Yang Yu timidly said.

Senja eyebrows raised questioningly, "What that girl doing inside?"

"This subordinate didn't know." Yang Yu hastily added. "But, Master seemed unhappy when he saw Young Miss Sana." Somehow he have an urged to let Senja knew about this.

Senja stroke her chin as she was thinking. "How long she has been there?"

"Just now Young Miss Sana came."

"And what are you doing spacing out here?"

"Oh," Yang Yu glanced at the 3 books on his hand, "It isn't very important."

"So, what is that book?" Senja's sight trailed to the books on his hand.

"This is a monthly report from Master's business"

Senja blinked her eyes with lips slightly open, "He run a business?"

"Yes, most of the royal family has their own business."

"Oh," Senja never thought about this, "I thought with the status as a Prince it will guarantee their wealthness."

"That wasn't wrong either, with the status as a Prince it's enough to live in luxury for the rest of your life." Yang Yu nodded. "But, with more money by run down their business, it would increase their influence and financial back up, not to mention that many things need money." Yang Yu didn't explain further about 'many things' that he mentioned, however Senja knew what it was.

No wonder The Crown Prince Xiao Wang Wei tried to enrich himself by getting involved with L Clan dirty business. "Give the books to me and I will give it to Your Master." Senja stretched out her hands, demanding for the book which Yang Yu had been holding.

"It's fine Young Miss Senja, I will wait until they are finish."

"But, I don't want to wait." Senja snatched the book from Yang Yu and entered the room. Yang Yu startled with what Senja did. Her hands' movement was very fast he almost couldn't react in time, but didn't stop her when she entered the room.

Inside the room, Sana was standing in Front of Xiao Tianyao who sat on the couch.

Senja entered the room at the right time when Sana inquired Xiao Tianyao, so she halted a few meter away and tiptoed behind Sana to listen her question.

Xiao Tianyao who saw Senja raised his eyebrows questioningly and in response Senja raised the book in her hand.

"Prince Xiao Tianyao, did you… did you give your cloak to Young Miss Senja?" Sana stuttered because of anxiousness. "Did you… Did you accompany her yesterday?"

Senja chuckled without sound by looking Xiao Tianyao's grim expression. Sana surely had thrown her pride away. Who would ask something like that so blatantly? However, for both woman surprised, Xiao Tianyao actually answered it calmly with a single words. "Yes."

Sana gasped in surprise, no matter what she simply didn't believe what Senja told her this morning and looked for confirmation from Xiao Tianyao.

As for Senja, she would never have thought that he would admit it.josei

"If you finish with your question, you can go." Xiao Tianyao's aloofness made Sana clenched her fist and gritted her teeth jealously.

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