Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 204

Chapter 204: The last person i want to see

"Xiao Tianyao!" She called his name again, "This is very important!" Senja repeated her words again and again. But the door didn't budge, no, Xiao Tianyao was the one who didn't budge to open the door.

With frustration Senja kicked the door harshly as the pain creeping on her right leg, she cursed and stopped her action at once. "Bastard."

"Young Miss Senja, are you alright?" Yang Yu who was looking at the side since the moment his Master had chased Senja out finally decided to approach her. "Why Master chased you out?"

By the mentioned of 'chased out' furry in Senja heart surged again. It sound like Yang Yu was taunting her, even though it wasn't what Yang Yu mean.

Nonetheless, Senja was very angry to understand him. "Get away!" She dismissed Yang Yu and stomped off to her room.

Yang Yu who got scolded out of the blue scratched his head in confusion when Xiao Tianyao voice traveled from inside the room with the same agitated tone like Senja before.

"Yang Yu, call Utara to meet me now!"

Hastily Yang Yu replied to his Master order with full of respect, afraid that he would get an impact from his bad mood.

"What happened with both of them?" Yang Yu muttered as he walked away.


Senja was very angry at Xiao Tianyao, she didn't understand what she had done wrong. They were fine until that stupid 'teasing game'. Before, she had done many flirtatious acted on him without result. Just a little peck wouldn't affect him, right? After all he had done the same to her before.

She storm to her room and slammed the door shut. Leaving the 2 guards in front of her door stunned. They looked at each other without words. When Senja was going out an hour ago, she looked very cheerful. What in the world had happened to her that make her very furious?

Senja ignored their confusion as she threw her body on the bed.

Xiao Tianyao was really annoying. He didn't expect to play with fire and not to get burn, did he? Senja let out another frustrated growled.josei

However, suddenly she felt something. It was the same strange feeling that she felt before. She knew to whom this feeling belong. Abruptly she got up from her bed and walked to the other side of the partition in her room.

And there, on the chair of round dining table, Uncle Su was drinking tea leisurely with crossed ankle as though this was his own room.

"What are you doing here!?" Senja growled in annoyance. He was the last person in this world that she wanted to see.

"I told you I will come. Right?" Uncle Su raised his head from the tea cup and looked at Senja, blinking innocently.

Senja darted to his side with arms folding in front of her chest. "You told me that you would come after 2 years!" She remembered clearly this nonsense part of their last conversation.

"No way, I never said something like that! In 2 years Azura Kingdom probably will be no more." He waved his big hand impatiently.

"What you mean no more?" Senja grumbled as she sat on the seat beside him, and didn't thing about his words further. Nothing that came out from his mouth was reliable. Now, Senja started to reconsider her decision to cooperate with him.

"You said it." Senja insisted.




"Fine! Forget about our deal!" Senja exclaimed. She was still upset about the way Xiao Tianyao had treated her and now, this strange man came and added fuel to fire.

"Ok. I said it." Uncle Su threw his hand in surrender.

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